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Outer Mitochondrial membrane (OMM)
porins - allows for free movment of small molecules between the cytoplasm and the intermembrane space
inner mitocondrial membrane (IMM)
seperates the inter membrane space from the matrix
contains ETC and F-type pumps
how does pyruvate get into the matrix
crosses OMM via porin VADC (voltage dependent anion channel)
crosses IMM via MPC (mitocondrial pyruvate carrier)
H+/puruvte symporter (pyruvate against gradient)
pyruvate oxidation (per glucaose) summery
2 pyruvate + 2 CoA + 2 NAD+ —> 2 acetyl CoA + 2 NADH + 2 CO2
how does pyruvate get to Acetyl CoA
pyruvate loses C to CO2 and is oxidixed to acetyl CoA
froms high energy thioester bond with S-CoA
products of pyruvate Oxidation
2 acetyl CoA, 2 NADH, CO2
first step of CAC
reaction is fueled by the breaking of the thioester bond
actetal CoA (2C) enters the cycle and joins oxaloacetate (4C) the make citrate (6C)
how many decarboxylations and oxidations in CAC
2 decarboxlations (loss of 2 CO2)
4 oxidations (3 with NAD+ and 1 with FAD)
what does GTP make in CAC
1 ATP in CAC
what completes one turn of the the CAC
the regaeneration of oxaloactate
CAC summery per cycle
3 NADH, 1 FADH2, 1ATP, 2 CO2
CAC summery per glucose
(2 turns of the cycle)
6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2ATP, 4 CO2
electron affinity
the more negative Enot’ means
better electron donor (best reducer)
more postive Enot’ means
better electron acceptor (best oxidizer)
a pair can only donate electrons to the reaction (more negative or more psotive)
more positve
5 electron carriers of ETC
Iron-sulfur protiens
Three copper atoms
Coenzyme Q
can transfer 2 e- and 2H+
ex) NADH dehydrogenase
Iron-sulfur Protiens
can transfer 1e- and no H+
can transfer 1 e- and no H+
5 different cytochromes in ETC (a, a3, b,c1,c)
Three copper Atoms
can transfer 1e- and no H+
Coenzyme Q
can transfer 2e- and 2 H+
lipid soluable, floats freely int mitochondiral membrane
oragnization of electron carriers
2e- from NADH —> complex 1 —> CoQ —> 3 —> cyt c —> 4 —> oxidase
2e- from Succinate —> complex 2 —> CoQ
Complex 1: NADH dehydrogenase
e- doner: NADH
last e- acceptor: CoQ
4H+ pumped into intermembrane space
Complex 3: cytochrome bc1
e- doner: CoQ
last e- acceptor: cyto c
4 H+ pumped out of matrix into IMS
complex 4: cytochrome c Oxidase
e- doner: cyto c
last e- acceptor: O2
O2 picks up 2H+ from the matrix
Complex 2: Succinate Dehydrogenase
e- doner: succinate
last e- acceptor: CoQ
does not pump H+
ETC and H+ pumping productes
10H+ per NADH
6H+ per FADH2
2 malate transporters
Malate-aspartate shuttle
Glycerol-phosphate shuttle
Malate-aspartate shuttle
NADH enters at complex 1
Pump 10H+
20H+ total
Glycerol-phosphate shuttle
FADH2 enters at complex 3
6H+ pumped
12H+ total
mechinism of raotation in c ring of ATP-ase
moves down the gradient and into the emtpy site in half channel 1
H+ displaces the +arg which swings to the ajeactet filled binding site displaceing other H+
other H+ moves into half channel 2 and relases to the matirx
c-ring rotates counter-cockwise
repaets with new H+
binding change model for ATP-ase
O: relase ATP, ADP + Pi enter
L: ADP +Pi loosly bound
T: ADP + Pi tightly bound (ATP synthesis)
360° rotation of ATP-ase prouduces how many ATP
rotates clockwise in 120° incements
total ATP produced per 1 glucose
42.5 ATP (GP shuttle) or 45.5 ATP (MA shuttle)
Consequences of DNP
acts as a proton shuttle that disruptes the H+ gradient
decreased ATP synthesis
H+ gradenet potential energy dispates as heat (instead of ATP)
constant demand of O2 (increased breathing)
relase of mitochondrial Ca2+ stores (musle regititly)