The Three Components of Internal Framework
Leader, Followers, Situation
Invisible barriers that prevent women and minorities from advancing in their careers
Glass ceiling
This phenomenon occurs when a female candidate is more likely to be hired over a male candidate when the organization is in crisis
Glass cliff
known for control, efficiency, procedures, and consistency
known for risk taking, visions, creativity, and change
According to Robert Kelley, this type of follower is often seen as lazy or incompetent
Passive followers
According to Robert Kelley, this type of follower is often seen as negative, cynical, or adversarial
Alienated followers
According to Robert Kelley, this type of follower is often seen as mediocre performers with both positive and negative characteristics
Pragmatist followers
According to Robert Kelley, this type of follower is often seen as innovative and willing to stand up to superiors
Exemplary followers
According to Robert Kelley, this type of follower is often seen as yes people and often result of authoritarian leader
Conformist followers
The potential to produce effects on others
This power base is due to the control over desired results
Reward power
This power base is due to the control over knowledge or skill
Expert power
This power base is due to the control over the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers
Referent power
This power base depends on a person’s role or formal/official authority
Legitimate power
This power base is due to the influence on others through the administration of negative sanctions or the removal of positive events
Coercive power
the influence power used here: “if you make dinner, then I will wash all the dishes”
reward power
if you are in a position to gain personal benefit if successful, then you should use this type of influence tactic
soft tactics; inspirational appeals, ingratiation, or personal appeals
principles of right conduct
Managers with this type of attitude toward human nature rely on coercive, external control methods to motivate workers
Theory X management style
Managers with this type of attitude toward human nature rely on motivating work through a valued sense of achievement, pride, and personal growth
Theory Y management style
Ann discovers her friend, and coworker is overstating her hours on her timecard. Ann must decide to report her friend or keep the secret, which type of dilemma is this
ethical dilemma; justice vs mercy
Justice versus mercy
Deciding whether to excuse a person’s misbehaviour because of extenuating
circumstances or a conviction that he or she has learned a lesson
Short-term versus long-term
Balancing spending time with family against making career investments
for future benefits
Individual versus community
Protecting the confidentiality of someone’s medical condition when
the condition itself may pose a threat to the larger community
Truth versus loyalty
Honestly answering a question that may compromise real or implied promise of
confidentiality to others
the component of moral potency that shows the fortitude to face risk and overcome fears associated with taking ethical action
moral courage
the component of moral potency that shows the sense of responsibility not only for the ethical nature of one’s own behavior but also for one’s commitment to not allow unethical things to happen within one’s sphere of influence
moral ownership
the component of moral potency that shows the belief or confidence in one’s capability to mobilize various personal, interpersonal, and other external resources to persist despite moral adversity
moral efficacy
the four qualities that engender trust in a leader
vision, empathy, consistency, integrity
this is characterized by the ability to produce new and useful work
creative intelligence
this is characterized by general problem-solving skills or considered “book smart”
analytic intelligence
this is characterized by knowing how to adapt, shape, or select situations to get their needs met; “street smart”
practical intelligence
the two meanings of personality
public reputation
public reputation
the impression a person makes on others
how people see or identify themselves
traits play an important role in determining how people behave in unfamiliar..
weak situations
type of situation associated with clearly specified rules and demands
strong situations
the personality trait associated with getting ahead in life
the personality trait that is associated with how well a person can get along with others
the personality trait that is associated with curiosity and innovated thinking
openness to new experiences,
the personality trait that is associated with the behaviors related to people’s approach to work
the personality trait associated with how people react to stress, failure, or personal criticism
the type of intelligence that is associated with doing well in school and understanding new concepts quickly
analytic intelligence
the dimensions on the leadership grid
concern for people
concern for production
skills involving analyzing issues, making decisions, and strategic thinking fall into this competency category
business skills
skills involving direct contact with others, building relationships, communication
interpersonal skills
skills involving adapting to stress, goal orientation, adhering to the rules
intrapersonal skills
skills involving building teams, getting results through others
leadership skills
Helping a group or community recognize and
define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in
effective action
building social capital
Developing and maintaining
relationships that enable people to work together in a
Engaging a critical mass to take action
and achieve a specific outcome or a set of outcomes.
Organizing, coordinating, and motivating followers
this community leadership competency involves building and maintaining relationships that allow people to work together
building social capital
this category of leadership competencies is related to adapting to stress and adhering to rules
intrapersonal skills
this expensive type of multirater feedback obtains feedback from superiors, peers, and direct reports through phone or face-to-face interviews
leadership versatility approach
competency-based 360-degree questionnaires
identify the behaviors leaders need to exhibit to be effective and build
questionnaires that reflect these behaviors.
Administer the questionnaires to target individuals, superiors, peers,
and direct reports.
Generate feedback reports that reflect the consolidated rating results
Verbal 360-degree technique
Superiors, peers, and direct
reports are asked to share a target individual’s strengths and
areas of improvement as a leader in phone or face-to-face
Provide very detailed and context-specific information on what
leaders need to keep doing, do more of, and change in order to be
more effective
Time-intensive and expensive, so tend to be used more with senior
these are the two components of credibility
Technical competence, organizational knowledge, and industry
Clarifying and communicating one’s values and building
relationships with others
this describes a person who can stand up for their own rights in a way that also recognizes the rights of others
assertiveness behavior
the process of perceiving and responding to challenges or threats
this term describes a person who avoids conflict or expresses their needs in an apologetic way
focused on creativity
idea-generating technique that prioritizes participation over creativity
nominal group technique