AP Bio - Unit 8: Ecology (overview)

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what is ecology

study of organisms ond their environment

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types of species distribution

uniform (brids, plants), random (plants), clumped (animals, shows social-ness)

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density equation

D = n/a

n = # of species a = area size

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size, ,methods of measuring:

  • quadrats

  • mark and recapture

    • lincoln peterson index estimate populaiton size from M&R data

    • N = (M*S)/R

    • M = # marked

    • S = size of second sample

    • R = # marked in recapture

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graphs show percent of population by age

left = increasing pop.

middle = stable pop.

right = decreasing pop.

<p>graphs show percent of population by age</p><p>left = increasing pop.</p><p>middle = stable pop.</p><p>right = decreasing pop.</p>
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life history

pattern of survival (when they first reproduce, how many offspring, how many reproductive cycles)

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the ability to make offspring

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suvivorship curve

graph that shows # of births in relation to survival

red = K selection, high infant survival rate, less offspring

blue = constant death rate

green = R selection, high infant death, lots of offspring

<p>graph that shows # of births in relation to survival</p><p>red = K selection, high infant survival rate, less offspring</p><p>blue = constant death rate</p><p>green = R selection, high infant death, lots of offspring</p>
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formulas for populaiton growth

Birth rate(B) = # births/time

Death rate (D) = # deaths/time

per capita birth (b) = B/n (total population)

per capita death (d) = D/n

exponential growth rate = b-d also written as r (used for population calculations without carrying capacity)


  • r>0 = incline

  • r<0 = decline

  • r=0 = no change

logistic growth = r(n)((k-n)/k)

k = carrying capacity

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density dependent factors

competition, predation, disease, ect

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density independent factors

natural disasters, climate change, ect

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the study of interspecific interation of populaitn of different species

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ecological niche

a particular role that a species has in a community

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interspecific interaction relationships (and who benefits)

  • competition (neither)

  • predation (one)

  • herbivory (one)

  • parasitism (one)

  • commencalism (one benefits, other isnt bothered)

    • mutilism (both)

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food webs

a way to map energy flow in a community

<p>a way to map energy flow in a community</p>
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10% rule

approximently 10% of energy move up a trophic level

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keystone species

a species that other species in a community rely on

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invasive species

non-indigenous speciese that can cuse harm to the balence of an ecosystem

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simpson’s diversity index

measures diverity, more diversity = better health

D = 1-Σ(n/N)^2

n = # of species in community

N = total individual

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