what is absolutism?
form of government which ultimate authority rested in hands of monarch who divinely claimed right and was responsible only to god
what was a divine right monarchy?
based on the belief that monarchs receive power from and answer to god
who was the absolute monarch in France?
Louis xiv (1643-1715)
who was Cardinal Richelieu?
served under Louis xiii and initiated policies that strengthened the monarchy
what did Cardinal Richelieu create?
a network of spies to undermine noble conspiracies
who were intendants?
royal officers who were sent to provinces to execute orders of the central government
in France, who did the corrupt financial system benefit before its reform?
the people (not the government)
what was the taille?
annual direct tax- usually on land or property
who was Cardinal Mazarin?
appeared to inherit the throne after death of Louis xiv and a too youthful heir
what was the fronde?
revolt of the nobles
who did the nobles ally with during Mazarin’s rule?
Paris’s parliament
What was the First Fronde (1648-1649)?
Broke out in Paris but ended in compromise
What did the nobles want in the Second Fronde?
secure their position and increase power
What happened during the second Fronde?
the nobles began also fighting each other
When did the Second Fronde end?
Who took over after Mazarin died?
Louis xiv
What did King Louis xiv build?
Palace of Versailles
What did Louis xiv refer to himself as
the Sun King
What did Louis want to do to the government
What did the Palace of Versailles serve as?
personal household for the king
location of central government
location of nobles
Did Louis support Huguenots?
What was the Edict of Fontainebleau (1685)?
ordered the destruction of protestant churches and schools
Who was Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683)?
under Louis xiv, he controlled general finances
What kind of economy did Jean-Baptiste Colbert use?
mercantilism- government regulation with the use of tariffs placed on imported goods
How did Jean-Baptiste Colbert increase communication and transportation?
built roads and canals
Socially, what was the Palace of Versailles like?
There were lots of people, so no privacy, and they often engaged in forms of entertainment like garden walks, boating trips, ballets, concerts, and tragedies and comedies
True or False: Louis engaged in many wars?
True- he engaged in four wars between 1667 to 1713
What was Louis’s war of 1667 called?
War of Devolution
Who did Louis invade during the War of Devolution?
Spanish Netherlands
Who allied during Louis’s first war (War of Devolution)?
Dutch, English, and Swedes
How did the War of Devolution turn out for Louis?
Not well- he was forced to accept a small amount of territory
What was the war in 1672 called?
Franco- Dutch War
Who did Louis invade during the Franco- Dutch War?
the United Provinces (Dutch Republic)
The Franco- Dutch War influenced who to form an alliance?
Brandenburg (Prussia), Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire
How did the Franco- Dutch War turn out for Louis?
forced to make peace in Nimwegen in 1678
Who was in the League of Augsburg?
Spain, United Provinces, England, Holy Roman Empire, Sweden
What was the French War that lasted from 1689-1697?
War of the League of Augsburg
How did the War of the League of Augsburg impact France?
it consisted of 8 years of economic depression and famine
What Treaty forced the end of the War of the League of Augsburg?
Treaty of Ryswick
What was the French war that lasted from 1702-1713?
War of the Spanish Succession
How was the heir of Spain connected to France?
Charles ll of Spain left his throne to the grandson of Louis xiv of France
True or False: France and Spain WANTED to keep their states separate
Who opposed to connection of France and Spain?
England, the United Provinces (Dutch), Habsburg Austria, and the German States
What did the Peace of Utrecht and Rasatt (1714) do?
confirmed Philip v as Spanish ruler, but stated French and Spanish thrones must remain separate
How did Louis xvi leave France when he died?
in dept and with enemies
What was Ivan iv (1533- 1584) nicknamed?
Ivan the Terrible
Who were the Boyars in Russia?
Russian nobility who were crushed by Ivan the Terrible
What was the Time of Troubles?
time of anarchy and aristocratic leadership (power in the small class of aristocrats)
What was the Zemanski Sobor?
national assembly that chose Michael Romanov (1613- 1645) as the next Russian leader
True or False: Russia experienced a Renaissance and Revolution?
Personality wise, what was Peter the Great known as?
harsh experience and character, very tall, crude humor
What ideas did Peter the Great want to introduce to Russia?
western ideas
How did Peter the Great build an army and navy?
Contracted peasants to 25 years of service
How did Peter the Great centralize the government?
he used the senate to oversee the administration of his orders
How many provinces did Peter the Great split Russia into?
8 (eventually 50)
True or False: Russia citizens greatly feared Peter the Great
True- and this fear prevented the order that Peter desired
What was the Table of Ranks in Russia?
an opportunity for non-nobles to serve the state and join the Nobility
What economy did Peter the Great adopt?
mercantilism- similar to the rest of Europe
What was the Holy Synod in Russia?
created by Peter, it was a holy body to make decisions for the Church
What was a procurator?
head of the Church in Russia who represented the interests of the Tsar
True or False: Women benefited from cultural reforms in Russia
What reforms did women experience in Russia?
they no longer had to cover their faces, participated in large social gatherings of both men and women, and women could marry of their own free will
In 1700, who did Russia befriend to attack Sweden?
Poland and Denmark
In Russia, what war occurred between 1701 and 1721?
the Great Northern War
Who won in the Battle of Narva?
Who won in the Battle of Poltava (1709)?
Who did the Peace of Nystad give power to?
it gave RUSSIA more power
What did Peter the Great build during his reign?
a capitol, St. Petersburg
What religion did Sweden and Denmark both follow?
What did Charles X do in Sweden?
reestablished domestic order and weakened nobles
True or False: Charles X in Sweden did not support an absolute monarchy?
Why did Spain start to decline?
money loss, poor military and government, and a disruption in social classes
What dynasty initiated Prussia?
Hohenzollern Dynasty
What disconnected areas did Prussia include?
western, central, and eastern Germany
What did Frederick William of Great Elector (1640- 1688) do for Prussia?
he built the foundation for Prussian state and an army
Who were Junkers in Prussia?
served as officers in the army
What deal did Frederick William make with the nobles?
he gave them unlimited power over peasants and the ability to make them serfs, and allowed them to be exempt from taxes and hold the highest ranks in the army in exchange for sole political power
What economy did they use in Prussia?
who did Prussia favor?
What was Frederick lll (1688-1713) named?
King of Prussia
After the Thirty Years’ War, where did Austria look to expand to?
eastern and southeastern Europe
What did Leopold l (1658-1705) encourage?
eastward movement of Austria
who challenged the Austria’s expansion?
Ottoman Empire
What was the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699)?
Stated Austria had control over Transylvania, Croatia, Hungary, and Slovenia
True or False: Austria gained more land after Spanish Wars of Succession?
True- they gained parts of Spanish Netherlands and Italy
True or False: Austria was highly centralized?
Who conquered Constantinople in 1453?
the Ottoman Empire
what were Janissaries in the Ottoman Empire?
christian boys taken from their parents, forcefully converted to muslim, and served under disciplined militaries