Looks like no one added any tags here yet for you.
Talent Management
holistic process of planning, recruiting, selecting, developing, managing, and
compensating employees
Organization Chart
>shows the title of each supervisor's position
>by means of connecting lines, accountability for departments, authority systems, and communication lines
Job Analysis
procedure through which the duties for specific jobs and characteristics of people to hire are determined
>determine actual job performance
ex. tasked to determine the duties of the open position and the characteristics of people that should be hired for the said position.
Expectation of the employer
the regularity, diligence, resourcefulness, conscientiousness, and creativity of an applicant
Characteristics of the job
the training, work experience, skills, knowledge, physical attributes, etc.
Job Analysis Information
can be used in EEO compliance because it helps validate if a selection test is a valid predictor of successful job performance. However, job analysis is non-essential for determining compensation for employees
Work Activities
work tasks including the how, why, and when of performing the tasks
Human Behaviors
behaviors the job requires (e.g. communicating, walking long distances, etc.)
Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids
tools used, materials process, knowledge dealt with or applied, and services rendered in a job
Performance Standards
job's performance standards in terms of quantity or quality levels for each job duty
Job Context
physical working conditions, work schedule, incentives, number of
people with whom the employee would be working with
Human Requirements
knowledge or skills and required personal attributes
> Recruitment and Selection
>EEO Compliance (Employer-Employee)
>Performance Appraisal
Recruitment and Selection
helps managers decide what sort of people to recruit and hire
EEO Compliance
knowing if a selection test is a valid predictor of success on the job according to job duties and knowing essential job functions
Performance Appraisal
compares an employee's actual performance with the job's performance standards. Job analysis is important to determine what the standards are
>depends on information such as required skill, education, safety
hazards, degree of responsibility, and other information gained from job analysis
>form of salaries and bonuses greatly depends upon a job's required skills, education level, safety hazards, and level of responsibility
Job Specifications
refers to the human requirements needed for a job (personality, traits, education, skills, and experience)
given the duties and responsibilities given by job analysis, this would
help pinpoint what training is required for the job
Process of a Job Analysis
1. Identify the Use
2. Review Relevant Background Information About the Job
3. Select Representative Positions
4. Actually Analyze the Job
5. Verify the Job Analysis Information with the Worker and Immediate Supervisor- helps confirm that the information is correct and complete
6. Develop a Job Description and Specification- the verified job analysis information as basis
Identify the Use
>this will determine the data collection method
example: writing job descriptions call for interviews; position analysis questionnaire provide information for compensation purposes
Review Relevant Background Information About the Job
>conducting a job analysis gives information that would help understand the job context
Possible sources:
>organization charts
>process charts
>an existing job description may provide a starting point for revision
Organization charts
indicates the division of work within the firm with titles of each position
process charts
>provides a detailed picture of the workflow
>shows inputs and outputs of a specific job
Workflow analysis
a detailed study of the flow of work from job to job in a work process
Business Process Reengineering
>redesigning the business processes
>usually by combining steps in order for small multifunction teams do jobs formerly done by a sequence of departments
ex. sort the parcels according to general location
Job Enlargement
Assigning employees an additional same level activities
ex: people who previously only printed tags must now attach the
tags to parcels as well
Job rotation
Systematically moving workers from one job to another
It is done to boost employee morale such that it makes the employees feel like their work is not monotonous and tedious.
Job enrichment
>redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the
worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement,
growth, and recognition
Select Representative Positions
select a sample of job positions to do the job analysis
job duties
Job value
position analysis questionnaire
>individual interviews with each employee
>group interview
group interview
>with groups of employees who have the same job
-used when a large number of employees are doing identical work
Structured interviews
>the use of questionnaires or interview guides during the interview
>Interviews in which questions are based on a job analysis,
every applicant is asked the same questions, and there is a standardized scoring system so that identical answers are given identical scores
Unstructured Interviews
>An interview in which applicants are not asked the same questions and in which there is no standard scoring system to score applicant answers.
>Establish rapport with the interviewee
>Use a structured guide that lists questions
>Make sure you don't overlook crucial but infrequently performed activities
>After completing the interview, review the information with the worker's supervisor
and the worker
>Fill out questionnaires to describe their job duties and responsibilities;
some are structured checklists.
>helps assign jobs to job classes for pay purposes
Structured checklists
>inventory of hundreds of specific tasks and duties
>worker must indicate if they perform each task and if so, how much time is
normally spent on them
Open-ended questions
requires the worker to describe the main functions related to their job
Position Analysis Questionnaire(PAQ)
questionnaire used to collect quantifiable data/job analysis information such as duties and responsibilities of various jobs.
>is useful when jobs consist of observable physical activities
>not appropriate for jobs that entail a lot of mental activity not useful if the employee only occasionally engages in important activities
main problem is reactivity - workers changing what they normally do because they are being watched
Participant Diary/Logs
Daily listings made by workers of every activity in which they engage, along with the time each activity takes
Job Description
A written output of information resulting from a job analysis, such as specific duties, skills, and training needed (working conditions, responsibilities, and job duties).
ex. Diona write a statement of what the worker actually does, how they do it, and their working conditions
a. Job Identification - Job Title
b. Job Summary
c. Responsibilities and Duties
d. Authority of incumbent
e. Standards of performance
f. Working conditions
g. Job Specifications
Job Identification
>contains job title (name of the job)
>job's location
>supervisor's title
information regarding pay or salary scale
Job Summary
>summarizes the essence of the job
>includes major functions and activities
>should not include "cop-out clause" since it leaves open the nature of the job
phrases such as "other duties, as assigned"
>state that the employee is expected to carry out their duties efficiently, attentively, and conscientiously
>shows the worker's relationships with others inside and outside the
>shows who they report to, who they supervise, who they work with, and
outside company relationships such as employment agencies, executive recruiting firms, etc.
Responsibilities and Duties
>heart of the job description
>lists each of the job's major duties separately and describes it in a few
>define the jobholder's authority limits
Standards of Performance and Working Conditions
>standards the company expects the employee to achieve for each main duty and responsibility
>must produce a usable set of performance standards
Writing Job Specifications
>lists human traits and experience that are required to do the job effectively
>shows what kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested
>may be a section of job description or a separate document
>relatively straightforward
>length of previous service, quality of relevant training, and previous job performance
>filling out these positions must be with the intent to train them on the job
>physical traits, personality, interests, or sensory skills that imply some potential for trainability
Two ways of identifying human requirements for a job
1.Specifications Based on Judgement
2. Specifications Based on Statistical Analysis
Specifications Based on Judgement
review the job duties and deduce from those the human traits and skills the job requires
Specifications Based on Statistical Analysis
> more defensible than using only judgment, but is more difficult
>determine the relationship between some predictor (human trait) and a criterion (indicator of job effectiveness).
> In short, the basic procedure for this is predictive validation
Specifications Based on Statistical Analysis five steps
1.analyze the job and decide how to measure job performance
2. select personal traits that should predict job performance
3.test candidates for said traits
4. measure the candidates' subsequent job performance
5.statistically analyze the relationship between predictor and criterion
Job-Requirements Matrix
>A more complete description of what the worker does and how and why he or she does it; clarifies each task's purpose and each duty's required knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics.
Column 1: four or five main job duties
Column 2: task statements associated with each job duty
Column 3: relative importance of each main job duty
Column 4: time spent on each main job duty
Column 5: knowledge, skills, ability, and other human characteristics (KSAOs) related to each main job duty
Competencies Models
>list of knowledge, skills, and experience someone needs to do the job
>lists the competencies each employee must exhibit to get the job done
A cluster of highly interrelated attributes (e.g. critical thinking skills, deductive reasoning abilities, etc.)
Competency based job analysis
A worker-focused describing a job in terms of measurable,observable, behavioral competencies that an employee doing the job must exhibit to do the job well. (Focuses on the behavior of the workers)
>instead of compiling lists of job duties, the aim to to finish the statement: "In order to perform this job competently, the employee should be able to..."
three elements of competencies statement
>name and a brief description of competency
>description of observable behaviors
>proficiency levels (from low to high)
Traditional job analysis:
a job-focused describing the jobs in terms of duties and responsibilities (Focuses on the duties of the job)
Choose a method that best serves the purpose
the basic rule in selecting a data collection method for job analysis
Both statements are true
It is important to include the relationships of the worker inside and outside the organization in writing job descriptions. Additionally, mentioning the standards of performance is important
determining the relationship between a human trait predictor and an indicator of job effectiveness criterion which is the basis for specifications based on statistical analysis