It is the Greek translation of the Hebrew scripture.
They are supporters of Greek's way of life.
They are the supporters of Antipater and the Herodian dynasty.
It is celebrated as rededication of the Temple, Jewish “Festival of Lights”
Essenes They choose to live as ascetics in the wilderness in order not to be defiled.
They choose to live as ascetics in the wilderness in order not to be defiled.
A group composed of religious elite but they do not believe in angels, in life after death, etc.
They are among the Jewish groups involved in armed struggle for liberation
language read and spoken by Jewish people in religious context
People of the land
They are the ordinary people whom the rabbis despised because they could not keep the law with precision
They are very strict in observing the Law even to the smallest detail
Sabbath observance
"purity" practice
Which practices is/are characteristics of Judaism?
Greece & Rome
What are the two powerful empires that influenced/shaped the world into which Jesus came?
Herod the Great
Who was declared King of the Jews by the Roman senate in 40 BCE.
Who was the revolutionary leader of the Maccabean Revolt who got the nickname 'Maccabeus'?.
Alexander the Great
Who was the Greek conqueror responsible for the spread of the Hellenistic culture?
Augustus Caesar
Who was the Roman conqueror who founded the Roman Empire and established the 'Pax Romana'?
Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai
Who is the rabbi who established an academy for the study of the law at Jamnia after the Jewish war.
Antiochus IV
Who was the Seleucid ruler who forced the Jews to adopt Hellenistic culture and religion and forbade the practice of Judaism.
High Priest
He holds both religious and political power among the Jews in Jesus' time.
Apocalyptic writing is “crisis” literature that looks to the imminent intervention of God in human history to establish his kingdom, deliver the righteous, judge sinners, and bring in the age to come.
Jewish Messianic expectation looks forward for the coming of a Messiah who would destroy Israel’s oppressors, and reign forever on David’s throne in justice and righteousness.