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What is the conquest of one or more nations by another nation?
What is the dominance and power asserted by one nation over less powerful nations?
What country, along with its Navy, greatly helped to end the slave trade?
What kind of oil remained the leading export because industrial nations used it to lubricate their machines?
A _________________based economy allowed more Africans access to the wealth that poured into Africa.
Samori Ture
What West-African general also developed a modern army with current weapons to defend the Wassoulou Empire?
Fante Confederation
What was formed in Ghana in 1868, and an example of Africans working to maintain self rule?
cash crops
What provided a growing income for many Africans?
Sir Richard Burton
Who searched for the answer to a mystery that began in ancient Egypt?
David Livingstone
Who was the most famous European explorer in Africa during the 19th century?
David Livingstone
Who followed the Zambezi River and discovered the falls that the Europeans named Victoria Falls?
Henry Stanley
Who did Livingstone meet at Lake Tanganyika?
Robert Moffat
He began a ministry in South Africa that spanned 53 years.
Samuel Ajayi Crowther
Who became the first African bishop in the Anglican church?
Samuel Ajayi Crowther
Who translated the Bible into the Yoruba language?
What was one of the first European states to explore the coasts of Africa and establish trade settlements?
What country expanded its exploration following the loss of the American colonies in the eighteenth century?
Industrial Revolution
What provided a growing demand for African raw materials?
Soon after the 3 triggers, almost all of Africa came under ___________ domination.
John Africanus Horton
Who disproved the claims that the black man was racially inferior?
Phase one began when Europeans convinced African rulers to sign _______ with a particular European state.
King Macemba of the Yao tribe (accepted/rejected) German colonization.
Berlin Conference
What was the meeting in 1885 where European powers got together to formalize claims in Africa?
Joseph Jenkins Roberts
President of Liberia
King of Ethiopia
Who used a well-trained army to defeat the Italian forces? He refused to submit to Italian demands.
Scramble for Africa
name for the European exploration of Africa
Economic, Nationalistic, Religious, Racial
Reasons for European colonization of Africa
Confrontation, Alliance, and Submission
African reactions to European imperialism
Maxim Gun
Gun used by the Europeans to subdue the African tribes
Nile River
Sir Richard Burton was looking for the source of what African river?
Menelik was the ruler of what African country?
The river that Victoria Falls is located on?
African ruler that wrote a letter to reject German domination
Oxford Univeristy
College that gave Samuel Crowther and honorary degree
European ruler that controlled International African Association and abused the Africans in the regions he colonized
No African leaders were present to represent the African people
Negative aspect of the Berlin Conference