Bio: 1-6 Scientific Names

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bacterium that invades the roots of plants and forms nodules where nitrogen fixation takes place

<p>bacterium that invades the roots of plants and forms nodules where nitrogen fixation takes place</p>
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cyanobacteria that is used as a health food and is high in protein

<p>cyanobacteria that is used as a health food and is high in protein</p>
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colonial cyanobateria that forms a long chain of bead-like cells. The larger cells of heterocysts for nitrogen fixation

<p>colonial cyanobateria that forms a long chain of bead-like cells. The larger cells of heterocysts for nitrogen fixation</p>
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cyanobacteria that are found as individuals or in small clusters. Their gelatinous sheaths give the cells a “glowing” appearance

<p>cyanobacteria that are found as individuals or in small clusters. Their gelatinous sheaths give the cells a “glowing” appearance </p>
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cyanobacteria made up of long straight filaments that are made up of a single row of cells. It moves by spinning and filaments can slide back and forth to angle themselves toward a light source

<p>cyanobacteria made up of long straight filaments that are made up of a single row of cells. It moves by spinning and filaments can slide back and forth to angle themselves toward a light source</p>
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are covered with a layer of flexible proteins, called a pellicle. Use contractile vacuoles that fill with water as it enters the cell and then contract to expel the excess water from the cell. Have chloroplasts, and a red eyespot used to detect light.

<p><span>are covered with a layer of flexible proteins, called a </span><strong>pellicle</strong><span>. Use </span><strong>contractile vacuoles</strong><span> that fill with water as it enters the cell and then contract to expel the excess water from the cell. Have </span><strong>chloroplasts</strong><span>, and a red </span><strong>eyespot</strong><span> used to detect light.</span></p>
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have clear silica on their cell walls. The two parts of the cell wall fit tgether like a box and lid. Its diatomaceous earth is used for many things.

<p>have clear silica on their cell walls. The two parts of the cell wall fit tgether like a box and lid. Its diatomaceous earth is used for many things. </p>
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brown algae with disk-shaped holdfasts and flat, forked blades with air bladders embedded in them. The male and female reproductive organs, called conceptacles, are visible as swollen areas on the tips of the blades

<p>brown algae with <span>disk-shaped holdfasts and flat, forked blades with air bladders embedded in them. The male and female reproductive organs, called </span><strong>conceptacles</strong><span>, are visible as swollen areas on the tips of the blades</span></p>
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brown algae with long, flat blades and usually grow to lengths between 3-9 feet long. The stipe superficially resembles the stem of land plants and is flexible and somewhat elastic, with a holdfast at its inferior end.

<p>brown algae with <span>long, flat blades and usually grow to lengths between 3-9 feet long. The stipe superficially resembles the stem of land plants and is flexible and somewhat elastic, with a holdfast at its inferior end.</span></p>
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brown algae that has many leafy blades on stem-like stipes and round, berry-like air bladders that are easy to observe

<p><span>brown algae that has many leafy blades on stem-like stipes and round, berry-like air bladders that are easy to observe</span></p>
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phytoplankton with cellulose plates of "armor" and by two flagella oriented in perpendicular  grooves. One moves them forward, the other often causes them to spin when they swim

<p>phytoplankton with <strong>cellulose</strong><span> </span><strong>plates </strong><span>of "armor" and by two </span><strong>flagella</strong><span> oriented in perpendicular &nbsp;grooves. One moves them forward, the other often causes them to spin when they swim</span></p>
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Karenia brevis

When present in large quantities, as in harmful algal blooms [HABs], or "red tides”

<p><span>When present in large quantities, as in harmful algal blooms [HABs], or "red tides”</span></p>
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ciliate with an oral groove

<p>ciliate with an oral groove </p>
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cilite with a cup-shaped cell, rimmed by cilia, and attached to a long stalk. It uses the stalk to attach to a substrate. When disturbed, this stalk coils tightly to retract

<p>cilite with a <span>cup-shaped cell, rimmed by cilia, and attached to a long stalk. It uses the stalk to attach to a substrate. When disturbed, this stalk coils tightly to retract</span></p>
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have porous shells made of calcium carbonate, giving them a chalky appearance and texture. They use thin, thread-like pseudopods that extend through holes in the outer shell to capture prey

<p><span>have porous shells made of</span><strong> calcium carbonate</strong><span>, giving them a chalky appearance and texture. They use thin, thread-like </span><strong><span><mark data-color="yellow">pseudopods</mark></span></strong><span> that extend through holes in the outer shell to capture prey</span></p>
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unicellular predatory protists, covered in elaborate shells usually made of silica and perforated with holes in a variety of patterns, forming a series either of lacy plates or needle-shaped spikes

<p><span>unicellular predatory protists, covered in elaborate shells usually made of silica and perforated with holes in a variety of patterns, forming a series either of lacy plates or needle-shaped spikes</span></p>
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green algae with a single large chloroplast that fills almost the entire cell. They, like Euglena, have a red eyespot. They move with the help of 2 anterior flagella

<p>green algae with a single large <strong>chloroplast </strong>that fills almost the entire cell. They, like Euglena, have a red <strong>eyespot</strong>. They move with the help of 2 anterior <strong>flagella</strong></p>
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coiled, spiral-shaped chloroplasts. Reproduction occurs both asexually through fragmentation and sexually, via a process called conjugation

<p><span>coiled, spiral-shaped </span><strong>chloroplasts</strong><span>. Reproduction occurs both asexually through fragmentation and sexually, via a process called </span><strong>conjugation</strong></p>
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a colony of flagellated cells that form spherical or oval hollow colonies containing anywhere from 500 to 60,000 cells. most commonly reproduce asexually by forming and then releasing smaller daughter colonies

<p><span>a colony of flagellated cells that form spherical or oval hollow colonies containing anywhere from 500 to 60,000 cells. most commonly reproduce asexually by forming and then releasing smaller </span><strong>daughter colonies</strong></p>
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unicellular protists belonging to the charophyte group of green algae. They occur in standing freshwaters. Each cell consists of two halves that are symmetrical mirror images of one another. The nucleus is found in the connecting bridge between the halves.

<p><span>unicellular protists belonging to the charophyte group of green algae. They occur in standing freshwaters. Each cell consists of two halves that are symmetrical mirror images of one another. The nucleus is found in the connecting bridge between the halves.</span></p>
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have rather thick, lobed pseudopods that they use for movement, as well as engulfing food

<p><span>have rather thick, lobed </span><strong>pseudopods </strong><span>that they use for movement, as well as engulfing food</span></p>
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have a single flagellum surrounded by a collar of  microvilli

<p>have <span>a single </span><strong>flagellum </strong><span>surrounded by a </span><strong>collar </strong><span>of &nbsp;<mark data-color="yellow">microvilli</mark></span></p>
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Phylum Hepaticophyta


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Phylum Bryophyta


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peat moss is commonly used as fuel in some parts of Europe and is considered a renewable resource

<p><span>peat moss is commonly used as fuel in some parts of Europe and is considered a renewable resource</span></p>
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Phylum Anthocerotophyta

horn warts

<p>horn warts</p>
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Phylum Lycophyta

club mosses “little pines” and have strobilli

<p>club mosses “little pines” and have strobilli </p>
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its powder was used in the fuel for the first internal combustion engine and even in the machine that inspired the Xerox machine. Parts of this plant have been used in treating digestive tract problems, urinary tract infections, headaches, various skin conditions, and inducing labor

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Phylum Pterophyta

whisk ferns, horsetails, and ferns

<p>whisk ferns, horsetails, and ferns </p>
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plants that produces seeds, but no flowers and fruits

<p><span>plants that produces seeds, but no flowers and fruits</span></p>
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Phylum Coniferophyta

Sequoia and Pinus longaeva

<p><em>Sequoia</em> and <em>Pinus longaeva</em></p>
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Phylum Cycadophyta


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Phylum Ginkgophyta


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Phylum Anthophyta


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fungi that can go to practically any organ and cause fatal effects

<p>fungi that can <span>go to practically any organ and cause fatal effects</span></p>
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fungi used for antibiotics

<p>fungi used for antibiotics</p>
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an informal group of unrelated fungi that all share a common characteristic. These fungi are strictly asexual. They have never been observed using sexual reproduction.

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Phylum Chytridiomycota

aquatic fungi, referred to as the chytrids, as possibly being the link between aquatic protists and fungi. Most biologists consider the chytrids as primitive fungi due to the flagellated cells they produce during their life cycle.

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Phylum Glomeromycota

form mutualistic relationships with plant roots to form endomycorrhizae with most herbaceous plants and tropical trees. Although there are various types of mycorrhizas, involving different fungal and plant symbionts, the endomycorrhizae (also called arbuscular mycorrhiza or AM) are the most widespread

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Phylum Zygomycota

fungi characterized by the formation of zygospores

<p><span>fungi characterized by the formation of zygospores</span></p>
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black bread mold, is an example of a zygomycete

<p><span>black bread mold, is an example of a zygomycete</span></p>
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Phylum Ascomycota

The name refers to the sac structures called asci where sexual spores are produced. The ascomycetes (sac fungi) include most yeasts, powdery mildews, morels, and truffles.

<p><span>The name refers to the sac structures called </span><strong>asci</strong><span> where sexual spores are produced. The ascomycetes (sac fungi) include most yeasts, powdery mildews, morels, and truffles.</span></p>
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genus of fungi

<p>genus of fungi</p>
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Phylum Basidiomycota

group of fungi often referred to as the club fungi or basidiomycetes

<p><span>group of fungi often referred to as the </span><strong>club fungi</strong><span> or </span><strong>basidiomycetes</strong></p>
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grow flat against a surface (encrusting)

<p><span>grow flat against a surface (encrusting)</span></p>
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flat with leaf like lobes

<p><span>flat with leaf like lobes</span></p>
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grow erect and possess many branches or are bushy.

<p><span>grow erect and possess many branches or are bushy.</span></p>
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Pyrolobus fumarii

thermophile belonging to Domain Archaea found living in a hydrothermal vent

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Tetragenococcus halophilus

halophile belonging to Domain Archaea which is used in the fermentation processes of soy sauce, miso, fish sauce and salted anchovies

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Chryseobacterium greenlandensis

psychrophile belonging to Domain Archaea can be found in glaciers, deep ocean waters and polar ice

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Helicobacter pylori

acidophile belonging to Domain Archaea is the main cause of stomach ulcers

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Has evolved to camouflage itself within rocks on cliffs

<p>Has evolved to camouflage itself within rocks on cliffs</p>
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