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(noun) an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person; an electronic image that represents and is manipulated by a computer user.
(syn): embodiment, virtual identity
(noun) perfect state of happiness or blessedness; a blessing
(syn): bliss, rapture
ANT: misery, despair
bete noire
(noun) someone or something that one especially dislikes, dreads, or avoids
(syn) pet peeve, bugbear, nemesis
ANT: pet, idol
(verb) to be an omen of; to indicate by signs
(syn) presage, augur, foreshadow
unpleasantly damp or wet
(syn) clammy, moist, soggy
ANT: dry, arid, parched, desiccated
(adjective) worldwide or universal in influence or application
(syn) general, comprehensive
ANT: parochial, regional, insular
(adjective) burning with enthusiasm or zeal; extremely heated
(syn) ardent, zealous, fervent, earnest
ANT: apathetic, indifferent, coole, blasé
(adjective) having an unpleasant or offensive odor
(syn) smelly, putrid, noisome, foul, malodorous
ANT: fragrant, aromatic, perfumed, sweet
(adjective) of immense size, volume, or capacity; enormous, prodigious
(syn) huge, colossal, mammoth, gigantic
ANT: tiny, minuscule, infinitesimal, dwarfish
(noun) the period of greatest power, vigor, success, or influence; the prime years
(syn) golden age
ANT: formative years, twilight years, decline
(noun) a demon or evil spirit supposed to haunt human beings in their bedrooms at night; anything that oppresses or weighs upon one, like a nightmare
(syn) hobgoblin, millstone, burden
(noun) a basic foundation or framework; a system of public works; the resources and facilities required for an activity; permanent military installations
(syn) base, basis, underpinning
ANT: superstructure
(verb) to entice, lure, or snare by flattery or artful inducements; to obtain or acquire by artifice
(syn) Induce, beguile, cajole, wheedle
(noun) the acclaim, prestige, or renown that comes as a result of some action or achievement
(syn) glory, praise, accolades
ANT: boos, disapproval, condemnations
(noun) an extra or unexpected gift or gratuity
(syn) bonus
(adjective) long-winded and wordy; tending to speak or write in such a way
(syn) verbose, garrulous
ANT: terse, laconic, succinct, pithy
(noun) someone whose welfare, training, or career is under the patronage of an influential person; someone under the jurisdiction of a foreign country or government
(syn) ward, charge, discipline, trainee
ANT: sponsor, mentor, benefactor
(noun) someone who attempts to win favors or advance him- or herself by flattery or servile behavior; a slanderer, defamer
(syn) yes-man, toady, flunky, bootlicker
(noun) needless repetition of an idea by using different but equivalent words; a redundancy
(syn) pleonasm
(verb) to yield or submit tamely or submissively
(syn) kowtow, stoop, grovel
ANT: resist, defy, stand up to