Week 10 Terms

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What are paratoid glands?

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10 Terms


What are paratoid glands?

glands located by the face that can contain poison

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What is a tibia?

the bone between knee and heel

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What is a cranial crest?

raised, bony ridge between eyes

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What is a dorsolateral ridge?

raised line on side and back of body (continuous or broken)

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What is a tympanum?

external eardrum (LARGER ON MALES)

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What is a vocal sac?

a sac that fills with air; used in calling; can be single or paired

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What are tubercles?

round, hard structures found on toad feet

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What is a spade?

sickle shape on foot of spadefoots

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What are toepads?

suction cup-like appendages on toes; prominent in tree frogs

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What is amplexus?

the mating/mounting position of Anurans

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