only contains topics I need to review
major joint motions for sagittal plane
flexion/extension: head, trunk, upper arm, forearm, thigh, knee, palms, feet
major joint motions for frontal plane
lateral flexion: trunk and head
elevation/depression: scapula
radial/ulnar deviation: wrist
inversion/eversion: sole of foot
major joint motions for transverse plane
medial/lateral rotation: twisting limb “inside” or “outside”
left/right rotation: head, neck, trunk
pronation/supination: forearm
horizontal adduction/abduction: moving horizontal arms from sides to front
linear motion
all points on body show same trajectory; orientation of object does not change
rectlinear — straight path (ice skating)
curvilinear — curved path (skiing down hill)
angular motion
rotation about an axis of rotation; orientation changes constantly
axis of rotation can be within body (lifting legs while lying down) or outside (trapeeze)
general motion
combination of linear and angular motion
linear motion of center of mass (CM), angular motion of object about its CM
ex: kicking ball toward goal
center of mass
point around which all mass of a body is balanced in all directions
push or pull acting on a body that causes motion
symbol: F
standard unit: N
why is force important in biomechanics?
key quantity of interest in kinetics
ex: muscle forces, weight (gravity), friction
3 important properties of force
point of application
amount of force acting over a unit area
P = force / contact area
standard unit: Pa (aka N/m²)
rotary force that produces angular motion
T = F * moment arm
standard unit: Nm
vector quantity (uses - and +)
why is mechanical loading important?
to prevent injury or damage, body needs to absorb energy from internal and external forces
advantageous to absorb force over large areas to spread absorption rate
stronger and healthier tissues likely to withstand excessive loading
mechanical stress
disturbance of force inside a solid body
stress = force / cross-sectional area
mechanical strain
deformation due to stress
stiffness of tissue affects mechanical strain
stiffer = less deformation
load-deformation curve (stress-strain curve)
as load increases, deformation increases until it hits the yield point
yield point = permanent deformation
failure point = loss of mechanical continuity
if slope is steeper, the body is stiffer (smaller elastic region)
pressing/squeezing force directed axially through a body
pulling/stretching force directed axially through a body
force directed parallel to a surface
asymmetric loading (tension on one side, compression from the other)
twisting of a body around longitudinal axis
acute vs repetitive loading
acute — application of single force of sufficient magnitude causes injury
repetitive — repeated application of subacute load usually of low magnitude
components of a machine system
movers/motors — produces forces
machine body — changes magnitudes and directions of forces
resistor — provides resistance
examples of human machine system
moves/motors = heart and skeletal muscles
machine body = bones and joints
resistor = body itself or environment
sources of human mobility
muscle torque
causes joint motions
moment arm of muscle
distance from joint center to muscle’s line of action
varies as joint angle changes
max when angle of pull is 90 degrees
lever and its elements
simple machine with bar-like body that rotates about an axis
1st = raising chin to look up (atlanto-occipital joint)
2nd = tiptoeing (most levers used in daily life bc MA)
3rd = lifting an object (majority of human body joints)
mechanical adv
gain of the system = output / input
mechanical function of skeletal system
provides rigid skeletal framework (support and protection)
forms rigid levers (can be moved by muscle force)
3 main material constituents of bone and their properties
minerals = 60-70%
stiffness and compressive strength
water = 25-30%
flexibility and tensile strength
collagen = 10%
contributor to bone strength
type-bone combinations
short bones
long bones
flat bones
irregular bones
sesomoid bones
typical structure of long bone
articular cartilage
epiphyseal plate
trabecular (spongy) bone
cortical (hard) bone
marrow (medullary) cavity
periosteum and endosteum
nutrient artery
how are joints classified?
either by function or structure
synarthroses — fibrous joints; immovable
skull sutures, mid-radioulnar, midtibiofibular
amphiarthroses — cartilaginous joints; slightly moveable
1st sternocostal, epiphyseal plate, vertebrae, pubic symphysis
diarthroses — synovial joints; freely moveable
major joints of body
gliding/plane joint
surfaces of bone slide over each other; flexion and extension through slight gliding motion
0 axis; 1 DOF
ex: intermetatasral, intercarpal, intertarsal, facet joints (vertebrae)
hinge joint
joining 2 bone ends with smooth surfaces (ML axis); extensive flexion and extension with small amount of rotation
ex: humeroulnar (elbow)
pivot joint
allows turning; rotate around 1 axis (L axis)
ex: proximal and distal radioulnar joint, atlanto-axial joint
condyloid joint
ovular convex of one bone end fits into full concave shape of adjoining bone; movement in all directions
ex’: radiocarpal joint
saddle joint
when concave and convex surfaces meet; allow movement of joint forward and backwards and left and right
ex: carpometacarpal of thumb
ball-and-socket joint
one end of bone shaped like ball fits into hollow socket at end of another joint; greatest range of motion; held by ligaments and tendons
ex: acetabulofemoral joint, glenohumoral joint
joint stability
ability to resist dislocation
prevents injuries to surrounding ligaments, muscles, and tendons
high stability desired —> increase via strength
factors affecting joint stability
shape of bone structure (depth vs shallowness)
ligaments arrangement
fascia (thin vs tough + fibrous membranes)
joint flexibility
ROMs allowed at joint; joint specific
increase via stretching
factors affective joint flexibility
shapes of articulating bone surfaces
intervening muscles or fatty tissues
extensibility of collagenous tissues and muscles
fluid contents in cartilaginous disc
temperature of collagenous tissues (warm-up)
shoulder vs hip stability
hip has higher contact area = more stability
special structures that improve knee joint stability
ML collateral ligaments
mechanical functions of skeleton muscles
develops tension
moves limbs: 75 muscle pairs out of 434 muscles
maintain upright posture
absorb shock
40-50% body weight
concentric contraction
length decreases
force > resistance
eccentric contraction
length increases
force < resistance
isometric contraction
length does not change
force = resistance
responsible for joint motion (primary and assistanct)
acts against agonist for fine control and balance
stabilizes portion of body against particular force
prevents unwanted accessory actions that normally occur when agonist develops concentric tension
motor unit
single motor neuron + skeletal muscle fibers innervated
functional unit of muscle
all muscle fibers in one unit are the same fiber type
size principle
determines sequence of recruitment of motor units
smallest recruited first
SO —> FOB —> FG
fatigued —> recruit new motor units
what is force-length relationship (tension-length)
isometric characteristic
force generation is at peak when muscle is slightly stretched (just over resting length)
what is force-velocity relationship?
dynamic characteristic for concentric contraction
only holds true for max activated muscles
as load increases, velocity increases (slower action) for concentric… if it crosses isometric maximum, the muscle will start eccentric contraction
isometric max — max force muscle can produce while static (not changing length)
muscular strength
ability of muscle or muscle group to exert max force against resistance
muscular power
ability to generate max force in fastest time; ability to release max muscular force
P = F*V
muscular endurance
ability to exert submax force repeatedly over time
factors: force and speed of activity; SO fiber proportion
fatigue = muscle unable to respond to stimulus