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3 Indications for TXA administration
-Traumatic injury within 3 hours
-Signs of hemorrhagic shock with SBP<90 mmHg OR HR>120
-Uncontrolled bleeding despite tourniquet application
8 Contraindications for TXA
-Shock unrelated to trauma
-SBP>90 or HR<120
-Injuries > 3 hours prior
-Bleeding that is controlled by tourniquet
-Patients under 15 years old
-Active thrombotic event within past 24 hrs
-Drowning/Hanging pt
1 gram/10 mL vial, infused in 50-100 mL Normal Saline IV Bag over 10 minutes.
6 Common side effects of TXA
-Abdominal pain
-Pulmonary Embolism
-Deep Vein Thrombosis
3 Precautions when administering TXA
-Patients with hx of Renal problems, DVT and coagulopathies
-Pt must have a circulation
-Include total IV fluid of TXA given in documentation
IV Drip
Onset: 5-10 minutes
Peak: N/A
Duration: 2-4 hours
3 Precautions regarding Pt respiratory status administering Morphine
Monitor for respiratory depression, use EtCO2. and be prepared to provide supplemental oxygen/ventilations.
Fentanyl Pediatric Dosage, Max Dosage, Routes
2mcg/Kg IM/IN/IV
Max single dose 50 mcg
Max combined dose 100 mcg
May repeat once after 3 minutes.
What are the 4 Pediatric protocol indications for administration of Fentanyl?
SO-P-15 General Injury and Trauma
SO-P-25 Amputation Injuries
SO-P-30 Crush Injuries
SO-P-95 Burns - Electrical/Chemical/Thermal
When MUST you contact Base when administering Fentanyl?
When pt is < 2 years old
5 Side Effects of Fentanyl
Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression, convulsions.
Blood Pressure Precaution when administering Fentanyl
Hold if BP < 90 systolic.
Important to Monitor pt for __________ AFTER administering Fentanyl.
Respiratory depression.
What effect does Fentanyl have on pain pathways?
Antifibrinolytic that prevents the breakdown of fibrin and blood clots.
5-10 minutes
3 Indications for TXA administration
Traumatic injury within 3 hours
Signs of hemorrhagic shock w/ SBP < 90 or HR > 120
Uncontrolled bleeding despite tourniquet application
8 Contraindications for TXA
Shock unrelated to trauma
SBP > 90 or HR < 120
Injuries > 3 hours prior
Controlled bleeding by tourniquet
Patients under 15 years old
Active thrombotic events
Drowning/Hanging pt
Pt hx: CVA, MI, PE, DVT
1 gram/10 mL vial, infused in 50-100 mL Normal Saline IV Bag (over 10 minutes)
6 Common side effects of TXA
Fatigue, headaches, backaches, abdominal pain, pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis.
3 TXA Precautions
Use caution in patients with hx renal problems, DVT, and coagulopathies.
Patients must have a circulation for TXA to be administered
Include total IV fluid of TXA given in documentation of total IV fluid
Onset of TXA
5-10 minutes
Peak of TXA
6 Effects/Characteristics of Morphine
Opiate agonist, potent analgesic, inhibits pain pathways, increases pain threshold, produces sedation, and causes vasodilation.
4 Dosage forms of Morphine Sulfate
10 mg/1 ml Ampule, Vial, and Carpuject,
10 mg/10 ml Vial.
SO-C-15 Chest Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin, what is the specification/requirement that must be met in order to administer Morphine as a Standing Order?
Chest pain is unrelieved after 3 doses of NTG / unable to give NTG
SO-C-15 Chest Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin
Morphine Routes and Dosage, how many times can you repeat?
5 mg IV or 4 mg Carpuject
May repeat ONCE after approx. 3 mins for continued pain (hold if BP ≤ 90)
SO-E-30 Snake Envenomation
Morphine Routes and Dosage, how many times can you repeat?
For pain management:
5 mg IV/IM or 4 mg Carpuject
May repeat once in 3 minutes to control pain.
SO-M-05 Abdominal / Flank Pain Non-Traumatic
Morphine Routes and Dosage, how many times can you repeat?
As needed for severe pain:
5 mg IV/IM or 4 mg Carpuject
May repeat once after 3 minutes if SBP > 90.
SO-E-05 Burns - Electrical/Chemical/Thermal
Morphine Routes and Dosage, how many times can you repeat?
For pain, w/ SBP>90:
5mg IV or 4mg via Carpuject
(May administer IO if site already established).
May repeat ONCE after approx. 3 mins to control pain
SO-T-05 General Injury and Trauma
Morphine Routes and Dosage, how many times can you repeat?
For pain, w/ SBP>90:
5mg IV / IM or 4mg Carpuject
May repeat ONCE in 3 mins to control pain
SO-T-015 Amputation Injuries
Morphine Routes and Dosage, how many times can you repeat?
As needed for severe pain, w/ SBP>90:
5mg IV / IM
May repeat ONCE in 3 mins to control pain
SO-T-020 Crush Injuries
Morphine Routes and Dosage, how many times can you repeat?
As needed for severe pain, if SBP>90:
5mg IV / IM or 4mg Carpuject
May repeat ONCE in 3 mins to control pain
5 Side Effects of Morphine
Dizziness, Nausea, Vomiting, Respiratory depression, Hypotension.
3 Precautions regarding pt Respiratory Rate while administering Morphine and Fentanyl
If respiratory arrest develops after Morphine administration, what do you do?
Morphine Controlled Substance Classification
What is a MUST on documentation when administering morphine and fentanyl?
Document pain scale and vital signs before and after administration.
Classification of Lidocaine
3 Cardiac effects of Lidocaine
Depresses automaticity & excitability
Decreases ventricular irritability
1-2 minutes
3-5 minutes
10-20 minutes
3 Dosage forms of Lidocaine
2% 100mg/5mL PFS, 2% 100mg/5mL Vial,
2% 400mg/20mL Vial
3 Indications for IO access
1. Cardiopulmonary arrest, Respiratory arrest, Trauma related arrest (adult or child)
2. Life-threatening unstable vital signs
3. Unconscious diabetic with BGL<60 & unresponsive to IM Glucagon
4 Contraindications for IO infusion
Fractures in the target extremity at insertion site
Excessive soft tissue at the insertion site
Previous orthopedic procedures within the past 6 weeks on extremity selected for IO insertion
Skin infection / other infection at the IO insertion site
SO-P-40 Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Dosage and max dosage of Lidocaine IV/IO, how many times can you repeat?
1 mg/Kg, maximum dose of 100 mg, one time only (no repeat)
PR-115 IO Pain - Lidocaine
Dosage and max dosage for IO pain control in adults
20 mg of 2% lidocaine, may repeat 20mg ONCE for a total of 40 mg. Administer slowly (over 1 minute)
PR-115 IO Pain - Lidocaine
What is the age that separate Adults from Peds, and what are their dosages?
Adult/Adolescent (≥15 Y.O.): 20mg 2% Lidocaine May repeat 20mg ONCE (total 40mg) for pain control
Child (≤14 Y.O): 2% Lidocaine 0.5mg/Kg IO (Max & Total Dose 20mg – DO NOT REPEAT)
3 Cardiac effects of Lidocaine
Depresses automaticity & excitability
Decreases ventricular irritability
3 Anesthetic effects (at a lower dose than cardiac) of Lidocaine
Binds to sodium channels
Prevents sodium ion from passing through voltage gated channels
Terminates pain signals before they can be formed and transmitted to the central nervous system
Effect of Lidocaine on conduction velocity at high doses
Effect of Lidocaine on conduction velocity at ordinary doses
Increases conduction velocity
3 Classifications of Ketamine
3 Effects of Ketamine (Low and Slow)
Profound anesthesia/analgesia without respiratory depression
Skeletal muscle relaxation
Blocks nerve transmission impulses associated with pain perception
4 Effects of Ketamine (High and Rapid)
Blocks sensory perception
Induces a distorted reality
Induces euphoria & dysphoria
Induces visual and auditory hallucinations.
Onset of Ketamine IN
2 minutes
5 Dosage forms for Ketamine
50mg/1mL, 100mg/1mL, 20mg/2mL, 100mg/2mL Ampule & Vial
500mg/5mL, 500mg/10mLVial Only
IV, IM (intramuscular), IN (intranasal).
5 Side Effects of Ketamine
Tachycardia, tachypnea, arrhythmia, hypertension, nausea.
3 Precautions for Ketamine Administration
Pediatric dosage of Ketamine?
Fentanyl Classification
Synthetic opiate analgesic
2 Dosage Forms of Fentanyl?
100mcg/2mL Carpuject
100mcg/2mL Vial
SO-C-15 Chest Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin
What specific requirement of the protocol must be met to administer Fentanyl?
If pain is unrelieved after 3 doses of NTG / unable to give NTG
SO-C-15 Chest Pain of Suspected Cardiac Origin
Fentanyl Routes, Dosage for Chest Pain? How many times can you repeat?
50mcg IV
May repeat ONCE after approx. 3 mins for continued pain (hold if BP ≤ 90)
SO-M-05 Non-Traumatic Abdominal or Flank Pain
Fentanyl Routes & Dosage for Severe Pain? How many times can you repeat?
50 mcg IV/IM or 100 mcg IN
May repeat once in 3 minutes to control pain.
SO-E-030 Snake Envenomation
Fentanyl Routes & Dosage for Severe Pain? How many times can you repeat?
For pain management (BHC REQUIRED)
50mcg IV / IM or 100mcg IN
May repeat ONCE in 3 mins to control pain
SO-E-05 Burns - Electrical/Chemical/Thermal
Fentanyl Routes & Dosage for Severe Pain? How many times can you repeat?
For pain, w/ SBP>90:
50mcg IV / IM or 100mcg IN
May repeat ONCE in 3 mins to control pain
SO-T-05 General Injury and Trauma
Fentanyl Routes & Dosage for Severe Pain? How many times can you repeat?
For pain, w/ SBP>90:
50mcg IV / IM or 100mcg IN
May repeat ONCE in 3 mins to control pain
SO-T-015 Amputation Injuries
Fentanyl Routes & Dosage for Severe Pain? How many times can you repeat?
As needed for severe pain, w/ SBP>90:
50mcg IV / IM or 100mcg IN
May repeat ONCE in 3 mins to control pain