Why did the Korean war start?
In 1948 following WW2, Korea a former Japanese Colony was undecided on what form of government to install thus the forming of the 38th Parallel.
Who was the Democratic leader?
Who was the Communist leader?
Kim Il Sung
Start of Korean War
How far did North Korea push South Korean forces?
To Pusan
“If we let Korea down, They will one after another.”
Harry S. Truman
What did Truman ask the United Nations?
To create an Army to defend South Korea
What Army fought to defend Korea?
United Nations
80% US Troops:
Who led the UN Army?
Douglas MacArthur
When did the counter attack start?
September 1950
Where did the UN push the North Koreans back past?
The 38th Parallel
how did China warn the US ?
China told the US if they reached the YANU River they would attack,
How did the US Respond to China?
Ignored the warning, Caused the Chinese army of 250,000 to push the UN forces back to the 38th Parallel
Why was MacArthur replaced?
For Criticising Truman’s decision not to invade china.
What did MacArthur want to do with the Atomic Bomb?
Drop the bomb on China.
Who was MacArthur replaced by?
General Ridgeway
End of Korean War?
Why did the Korean War End?
Death of Stalin March 1953
What was Signed on July 1953?
A Demilitarised Zone on the 38th Parallel
Consequences of Korean War
2.5 Million people killed
America Lost 50,000 Soldiers
Cost 20 Billion
How did the Korean war affect US Foreign Policy
America and USSR Fought proxy wars
America stopped spread of communism
Cold War was not just in europe but world wide conflict.