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Year that Prayer was removed from public schools by Supreme Court
Year that Bible reading in public schools were banned by Supreme Court
Years of the Vietnam War
The year that man first walked on the moon
John Dewey
The Father of Progressive Education
Madalyn Murray O’Hair
Atheist Mother that got mad that her son was having to read the Bible in school
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibited racial discrimination in public place
Poll tax
Made you pay in order to vote
24 amendment
Prohibited all poll taxes
Voting rights act
It sent federal authority to make sure the poll taxes were banned
Robert C. Weaver
First black American to be apart of the cabinet. He was also in Charge of the HUD (department of housing and urban development)
Thurgood Marshall
Helped in the Brown vs Board Education case
Fair housing act
Prohibited discrimination in renting or buying houses based on race, religion, or other factors
Martin Luther King Jr
Had a dream that people would judge you by your character not the color of you skin
Gulf of Tonkin
Where US ships were fired upon by north Vietnam
Tet Offensive
One of the most crucial campaigns in the Vietnam war
Daniel “Chappie” James
First black American to earn being a 4 star General
Worship of nature
Sam Walton
Known for profiting exceedingly from the chain stores
Panama Canal Zone
Said that American no longer controlled the Panama Canal
Took over Nicaraguan for Communism
Tiananmen Square
Revolt against communism in china that ended up with several imprisoned and dead