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Ego Identity
Firm sense of self and beliefs, as per Erik Erikson
Role Diffusion
Youths' personal uncertainty from spreading too thin, per Erik Erikson
Juvenile Delinquency
Illegal behavior by a minor under statutory age limit
Paternalistic Families
Father's complete control over family matters and members
Status Offense
Acts illegal for juveniles due to age, e.g., truancy, curfew violation
Parens Patriae
State's authority to care for a child as a parent would
Dark Figures of Crime
Undetected crime incidents by police
Racial Threat Theory
Increased social control on minorities with population growth
Chronic Recidivists
Individuals arrested five or more times before 18
Continuity of Crime
Likelihood of juvenile offenders continuing criminal behavior as adults
Routine Activities Theory
Crime as a result of routine activities, motivated offenders, and suitable targets
Committing crimes in groups
Identity Crisis
Inner turmoil and uncertainty about life roles
Cognitive Theory
Psychology branch studying perception of reality and mental processes
Nature Theory
Intelligence inheritance based on genetic makeup
Nurture Theory
Intelligence determined by environmental stimulation and socialization
Culture of Poverty
Lower-class forming a separate culture with conflicting values
Culture Conflict
Values clash between subculture and dominant culture
Unfair treatment by publicly disapproving
Negatively labeled due to deviant behaviors
Critical Theory
Intergroup conflict due to unequal wealth distribution as delinquency cause
Racial Threat Hypothesis
Perception of minority threat leading to prejudice and conflict
Jim Crow Laws
Segregation laws in the southern US post-Civil War