Depakote, Lithium, benzodiazepines, bipolar D/O
Bipolar Type 1
has cyles of depression and mania
more severe than type 2
Mania: disordered with an elevated or irritable mood lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary).
may experience psychosis, delusions, or hallucinations
manic symptoms can be dangerous and life-threatening
often hospitalized during manic episode due to increase likelihood of risk behaviours that lead to injury or illegal acts and become hospitalized after being arrested
Bipolar Type 2
don’t experience mania, instead experiences hypomanic episodes
hypomania: not as extreme as mania
may feel abnormally energetic, happy, or excited
no symptoms of psychosis, delusions or hallucinations
may make hasty decisions but not to the extend that people have with manic episode
doesn’t stand out as much as mania
some people may experience more chronic or debilitating episodes of depression than people with bipolar I
Bipolar rapid cycling
when manic episodes reoccur > 4 times/year
Lithium [lithium carbonate]
gold standard for bipolar, only drug that is studied that prevents suicide for bipolar pts
MOA: unknown, modulation of G protein
acute and maintenance prevents suicide in mood d/o clients
Lithium side effects and toxicity management
Blurred vision, tinnitus, dizziness, lethargy impaired motor coordination ataxia, memory problems
hyperreflexia → tremors in fine motor activities such as writing, painting, myoclonic jerking
can cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus → inability to concentrate urine
diabetes inspididus → inc thirst, inc appetite, weight gain
Cardiac toxicity → suppresses sinus node → bradycardia and synoscope → monitor EKG
hypothyroidism → lithium is goitrogen (siuupresses thyroid hormon release) → treat w/ levothyroxine instead of dicontinuing lithium
teratogenic → passes through placenta and can result in Ebstein’s anomaly (atrioventricular lower/ displacement of the tricuspid vale_
this can be surgicall repaired before baby is born while mother is pregnant SO LET PROVIDER KNOW IF YOU ARE PREGNANT
no direct antidote for lithium toxicity, usually hemodialysis
Lithium therapeutic window
0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L
What drugs can increase lithium levels?
ACEI, ARBS, NSAIDS, tetracycline, flagyl
What can decrease lithium level?
potassium-sparing diuretics, thiazide diuretics, and theophylline
What kind of drugs can interact w/ lithium?
can interact w/ some HTN, ABX (antibiotics), and seizure medications (so avoid if possible)
Lithium pt teaching
Tell pt to notify provider/nurse if they experience…. These may be early signs of lithium toxicity
blurred vision
muscle weakness
fine hand tremors
slurred speech
caffeine may decrease lithium level
sodium may change elimination of drug,
discourage use of St. Wort → may inc risk of serotonin syndrome
monitor if pt is pregnant
can take drug w/ water and food to minimize GI upset
express importance of regular blood tests
withhold one dose and immediately call prescriber if s/s of toxicity appear, do not stop drug immediately
Depakote/valproic acid