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Bringing in sensory stimuli from the enviornment to the brain
organizing and interpreting sensory information
Converting an environmental energy into a neural impulse
Absolute Threshold
The minimum amount of energy needed to detect the presence of a stimulus 50% of the time
Just Noticeable Difference
The minimum amount of energy needed to detect a change in a stimulus, or the difference between two stimuli
Weber's Law
JND is a fixed proportion of the intensity of the stimulus. The greater initial intensity of a stimulus, the more its going to take to notice a change
Sensory Adaptation
Decline in sensitivity to stimuli that are presented at a constant level (our sensory neurons become less responsive)
Sensory interaction
Occurs when one sense impacts another
"cross-talk" of the senses
Brightness/ intensity
Short Wavelengths
Long Wavelengths
Visual Process
Light wave, cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic disk, thalamus, occipital lobe.
The ability of the lens to bend light rays in order to focus the image (based on the objects location) on the retina
occurs when the lens bends to much. Causes the image to fall in front of the retina
Occurs when the lens doesn't bend enough. Causes the image to fall in behind the retina
sensory receptors for vision-transduction
Color vision; helps us to see in the daytime/ bright lighting; located in the center if the retina
Center of the retina; Highest concentration of cones; greatest visual acuity (detail)
Detect black, White, and gray; sensitive to movement; more sensitive in dim lighting: located on the outer edge of retina (peripheral vision)
Bipolar Cells
Receive visual signals from photoreceptors (Rods and cones); help see contrast and edges
Ganglion Cells
signals sent from bipolar cells to the ganglion cells bundle together to form the optic nerve
Optic disk and Optic Nerve
the optic nerve leaves the eye at the optic disk
where optic nerve leaves the eye and has no photoreceptors
Feature Detectors
Specialized cells that respond selectively to specific features of more complex stimuli
Parallel Processing
Processing visual information is done simultaneously ( as opposed to serial processing)
a condition in which a person can respond to a visual stimulus without consciously experiencing it
inability to recognize faces
Young-Helmoltz trichromatic (three-color) theory
the theory that the retina contains three different types of receptors with differing sensitivity to diffrent wavelengths that can create all
Color Blindness
Lack one of the 3 ( or more in rare cases) types of cones
Only 2 cone types are functional
Only 1 type of cone is functional
Opponent Process Theory
Color perception is determined by the activity of 3 opponent systems; yellow-blue, red-green, and black-white
Figure= the object
Ground= the background or surroundings in which object occurs
Filling in the gaps to perceive a completed image
Objects close to each other are grouped
Grouping based on shared characteristics
Perceptual Constancies
Perceiving objects as unchanging ( having consistant color, size, shape, brightness, etc) even as illumination and retinal change
Visual cliff
Depth perception is largley innate visual cliff= apparatus used to test depth perception
Retinal Disparity
Depth perception guided by the different images seen by each eye
Sensing the eye converging (turning inward) as they focus on closer objects
Linear Perspective
parallel lines appear to converge with distance
Relative Size
Closer objects appear larger on the retina and further objects appear smaller
Relative Clarity
Objects in the distance appear less clear/ more blurry: objects that are closer appear clear/sharp
Texture Gradient
Close objects appear to have more detail than objects that are further away
Objects that obstruct/block the view of another objects that are seen as closer
Phi Phenomenon
An illusion of movement ( as in a motion picture) experienced when viewing a rapid series of still image
as an image expands on our retina, we perceive the object as approaching us
Selective Attention
The ability to focus your conscious awareness (attention) on a particular stimulus (while ignoring others)
Cocktail Party Effect
In a crowded environment, we can focus on one conversation while blocking out the rest; however, when your name (or something relevant to you) is said, your attention shifts
Inattentional/Change Blindness
Failure to see visible objects or events (or a change in one's environment) because one's attention is focused elsewhere (or we've stopped processing due to top-down processing)
Bottom-Up Processing
Using details/features/characteristics of a stimulus to guide perception (understand our world). (external focus)
Top-Down Processing
Using schemas, prior experiences, expectations, context to guide perception (understand our world). (internal focus)
(we make quick assumptions using very little "evidence")
mental representations of people, objects, events, ideas, etc.
*created by experience (visual, auditory, emotion, etc)
Perceptual Set & Priming
The tendency to perceive a stimulus in a particular way (guided by prior experiences, expectations, surroundings/context, current mood, etc)
Sound Characteristic
Psychological Characteristic
Sensory Processing in the Ear
Perceiving Loudness
The brain interprets loudness from the number of activated hair cells
Perceiving Location
Based on differences in the time & intensity each sound wave enters the ear
Place Theory
Perception of pitch corresponds to the vibration of different portions, or locations/places, along the basilar membrane.
Frequency Theory
Perception of pitch corresponds to the firing rate, or frequency, at which the auditory nerve vibrates.
(best explains low frequency sounds)
Volley Theory
Groups of neurons fire slightly out of phase with one another so that when combined a particular pitch is perceived.
Conduction Deafness
Problems/damage to the three little bones or the tympanic membrane
(May be corrected with hearing aids)
Sensorineural Deafness (Nerve Deafness)
Problems/damage to the cilia (hair cells) or auditory nerve.
(May be corrected with a cochlear or auditory nerve implant)
This is the type of hearing loss that results from too much exposure to loud sounds
The Gustatory System
Taste (Gustation)
Taste Buds (papillae)
*Papillae/taste buds contain sensory receptors for taste
*There are 4 tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami (savory, meaty taste) & oleogustus (unique taste of fat)
*Taste buds are most sensitive to 1 or 2 tastes, & weak to others.
What Other Factors Influence Flavor
Flavor is a combination of what two senses?
Taste & Smell
(Sensory interaction)
Supertasters, Medium Tasters & Nontasters
Supertasters have more taste buds than others
The Olfactory System
Smell (Olfaction)
Sensory Receptors
Cilia (hair cells) in the nose
Olfactory Bulb
Cilia in the nose send signals to the olfactory bulb in the brain. *Does not go through thalamus first. (Part of limbic system)
Odor chemicals that shape the behavior/physiology of animals.
4 types of touch receptors
*Pain, Pressure, Warm & Cold
*Hot = Warm + Cold
*Wetness = Cold + Pressure
A biopsychosocial approach to understanding pain
Gate-Control Theory of Pain
Pain can be blocked at the spinal cord. Other sensory information, aside from the pain signals, can take over the pain pathway.
Phantom Limb Sensations
When lacking the normal sensory input from a missing limb, the brain misinterprets and amplifies spontaneous but irrelevant CNS activity.
Vestibular Sense *Balance*
Sensory system providing information about spatial orientation (position of head & body in space) as well as our sense of balance.
*Visual system & inner ear (semicircular canals & vestibular sacs) play a large role
Kinesthetic Sense *Coordination*
Sensory system providing information about where parts of your body are in relationship to each other, providing us with our sense of coordination.
ability to sense the movement of muscles, tendons, and joints)