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The following statements are true about treatments of viral infections EXCEPT
A. Zidovudine can be used for treatment of HIV infected patients
B. Ribavirin therapy is useful for RSV
C. Oseltamivir can be used for influenza virus infection
D. Zanamivir therapy is good for herpes simplex infection
Which of following virus is the etiological agent of "condyloma acuminatum"?
A. Human herpes virus type 1
B. BK virus
C. Human papillomavirus
D. Human herpes virus type 8
The following diseases are vector borne diseases, transmitted by mosquitos EXCEPT
A. Dengue fever
B. Yellow fever
C. West-Nile virus encephalitis
D. Trench fever - relapsing fever
Serological diagnosis of a primary viral infection may be made from
A. Detection of viral specific IgD
B. Detection of viral specific IgE
C. Detection of viral specific IgG
D. Detection of viral specific IgM
A 4-month-old child develops a fever, restlessness and unusual crying following lethargy. Acute aseptic meningitis is diagnosed probably by an enterovirus. Enteroviruses are characterized by:
A. There are only a few human enterovirus genotypes
B. Their transmission is primarily by the fecal-oral route
C. They can frequently cause chronic infections
D. Diarrhea as a primary disease
Cystitis is not caused by
A. BK virus
B. JC virus
C. Escherichia coli
D. Schistosoma hematobium
Vaccine used for prophylaxis of polio infection
C. Salk vaccine
D. Hib vaccine
HAART is used in therapy of
A. Influenza A viral infection
B. HIV infection
C. Malaria
D. Leprosy
Antiviral drug combination therapy is used in which of the following viral infections?
A. Influenza virus
B. Herpes simplex virus
D. Hepatitis C virus
While taking blood from an HIV patient, 24-year-old nurse suffered a needle-stick injury. Six months later the nurse's serum was reactive with the ELISA test and gave equivocal results using repeated ELISA test and was negative by Western blot method. The nurse...
A. Is in the window period between acute infection with HIV and seroconversion
B. Is probably not infected with HIV
C. Is probably infected with HIV
D. May be infected with a resistant strain of HIV
Characteristic of viruses
A. nanometer
B. micrometer
C. millimeter
D. Ångström
A. Contains double stranded DNA
B. Possess an envelope
C. Causes adenoviral keratitis which responds well to topical acyclovir
D. Can be classified into more than 40 serotypes
A, D
Certain viruses have been associated with birth defects; these viruses include all the following EXCEPT:
A. Rubella virus
D. Parvovirus B19
E. Rhinovirus
The following viruses are associated with congenital infection EXCEPT ONE:
A. Rubella virus
C. Parvovirus B-19
D. Varicella
The following viral diseases are characterized by maculopapular rash EXCEPT ONE:
A. Measles
B. Rubella
C. Erythema infectiosum
D. Exanthem subitum
E. Herpangina
The human diploid cell vaccine is used for prevention of:
A. Rabies
B. Varicella
C. Hepatitis A
D. Yellow fever
E. RSV infection
The following antiviral drugs are nucleoside analogues EXCEPT ONE:
a. Acyclovir
b. Gancyclovir
c. Foscarnet
d. Zidovudine (AZT)
e. Didanosine (dd1)
Regarding viral infection of the central nervous system (CNS), except
A. Enteroviruses are one of the commonest causes of CNS infections in childhood
B. HSV encephalitis is a postinfectious encephalomyelitis
C. Measles encephalitis is a postinfectious encephalomyelitis
D. The detection of antibody in the CSF is a useful diagnostic marker
Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) is associated with
A. Burkitt's lymphoma
B. Adult T-cell lymphoma
C. Multiple Sclerosis
D. Hodgkin's lymphoma
The following viruses are transmitted from animals to humans, EXCEPT
A. Rabies Virus
B. Polioviruses
C. Hantaviruses
D. Lassa Fever Virus
The following markers are usually present in a hepatitis B carrier with chronic active hepatitis, EXCEPT
A. HbeAg
B. Anti-HBc IgG
C. Anti-HBc IgM
E. HbsAg
A chronic carrier state may occur in the following:
A. Hantavirus Infection
B. Hepatitis A
C. Hepatitis C
D. Smallpox Infection
HHV-6 is associated with
A. Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum)
B. Roseala Infantum
C. Kaposi's Sarcoma
D. Oral leukoplakia
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
A. Primary infection is usually symptomatic
B. An infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome may occur during primary infection.
C. May cause severe infection in immunocompromised individuals
D. Causes Kawasaki's Disease
The following antiviral agents is active against the following virus EXCEPT
a. Lamivudine and HIV
b. Lamivudine and HBV
c. Amantadine and influenza B virus
d. Ribavirin and RSV
e. Acyclovir and HSV
Live attenuated vaccines are available against the following viruses EXCEPT
A. Rubella Virus
B. Yellow Fever Virus
C. Varicella-Zoster Virus
D. Hepatitis B
The following statements are true of Varicella-Zoster Virus
A. Causes a maculopapular rash
B. Respond to AZT therapy
C. Remains latent in sensory ganglia following primary infection
D. Recurrent episodes of Shingles usually occur
E. Patients with shingles are not infectious
When infectious mononucleosis is suspected, all the following tests can be useful EXCEPT ONE:
A. IgM antibody to EB-VCA
B. IgG antibody to EB-VCA
C. Antibody to EB-NAs
D. Culture
Mode of transmission of Adenovirus spp. is
A. Fecal-oral
B. Wound infection
C. Sexual
D. Blood
E. Skin contact with larvae
Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is caused by which of the following viruses:
A. Coronavirus
B. Reovirus
C. Rhinovirus
D. Enterovirus
Morbidity of BK is
A. Scarlet fever
B. Croup
C. Meningitis
D. Hemorrhagic cystitis
E. Measles
Which is not characteristic for Rubella?
A. Is transmitted through the respiratory tract
B. Is an RNA virus
C. Has an incubation period of 14 to 21 days
D. More likely to cause fetal abnormalities when the mother becomes infested in late trimester
Which is not characteristic for Measles?
A. Can be prevented through immunization with a live attenuated strain
B. Causes fetal abnormalities if the mother becomes infected during pregnancy
C. Is most infectious before the onset of symptoms
D. Is associated with secondary bacterial infection which is the main cause of mortality
Which one of the following statements concerning mumps is CORRECT?
A. The testes, ovaries and pancreas can be involved B. There is no vaccine against mumps
C. Passive immunization is the only means of preventing the disease
D. The diagnosis is made only on clinical grounds, since the virus cannot be grown in cell culture and serologic tests are inaccurate
E. Second episodes of mumps can occur, since there are 2 serotypes
Fetal abnormalities occur if the mother becomes infected with
A. Hepatitis A
B. Cytomegalovirus
C. Hepatitis B
D. Rotavirus
Which statement is incorrect regarding the epidemic keratoconjunctivitis?
A. Nosocomial epidemic infections are also possible in wards of ophthalmology
B. Serotype 8 adenovirus is the most common agent
C. It is healed in all cases without sequelae
D. The characteristic symptoms are the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the
E. excessive tearing, the ocular pain and the photophobia
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1)
A. Is a retrovirus containing RNA
B. Contains env gene which encodes the core nucleocapsid polypeptides
C. Binds specifically to B lymphocytes
D. Causes an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes during seroconversion
Diagnostic test of Human immunodeficiency virus is:
A. Visual stool examination
B. None
C. Skin test
D. Culture
E. Antibody detection
Viral with oncogenic properties in humans exclude
A. Hepatitis B virus
B. Papovavirus
C. Epstein-Barr virus
D. Cytomegalovirus
The following is true about hepatitis B
A. It is a RNA virus
B. Immunity can be acquired by vaccination with a live attenuated virus
C. Persistent presence of HbsAg increases the risk of chronic liver disease
D. The average incubation period is 30 days
The following is useful in the diagnosis of HIV infection
A. Latex agglutination
B. Antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
C. Tube agglutination
D. Immunofluorescence assay
Morbidity of JC
A. River blindness
B. Herpetic whitlow
C. Progressive multifocal lymphencephalopathy
D. Labial herpes
E. Hemorrhage resulting from larval migration
Which is not true in viral meningitis?
A. The overall mortality is less than pyogenic meningitis
B. The CSF cellular response is predominantly lymphocytic
C. CSF glucose concentration may be markedly decreased
D. CSF protein concentration may be slightly raised
Morbidity of JC is
A. Hepatitis
B. Progressive multifocal lymphencephalopathy
C. Enteritis
D. Measles
E. Meningitis
Diagnostic test of HTLV-1 is:
B. Visual stool examination
C. Culture
D. Direct antibody staining
E. Antibody detection
Incubation period of Herpes simplex virus is:
A. 10-40 years
B. 1 week
C. 2 days
D. 14-90 days
Phenotypic characteristic of Mumps virus is
A. Eggs have a terminal spine
B. ssRNA
C. ssRNA+
D. Non-enveloped
E. Triple-layered
Which of the following statements refers to hepatitis E virus?
A. Congenital infection: ophthalmic, cardiac, neurologic and auditory sequelae. Postcongenital: rash, fever, rare encephalitis
B. 15% fatality in pregnant women. Not endemic in the USA
C. Can be carried asymptomatically in nasopharynx
D. 5% becomes persistent
E. P. falciparum infection can last up to 3 months; P. malariae - for the lifetime of the patient
This virus is the most important cause of gastroenteritis in infants and young children. It causes infections that are often sever and may be life-threatening, especially in infants. Now the vaccine is available to protect from this infection.
A. Adenovirus
B. Norovirus
C. Astrovirus
D. Rotavirus
A 43-year-ols woman is hospitalized for the chemotherapy treatment of leukemia in the middle of January. One day after admission she develops chills, high fever, sore throat, headache and myalgia. She states that her husband had similar acute respiratory illness (influenza) a few days earlier. Which of the following treatment should be started based on the clinical diagnosis?
A. Acyclovir87
B. Lamivudine
C. Oseltamivir
D. Ribavirin
Diagnostic test of Hepatitis C virus is
A. Direct antibody staining
B. Antibody detection
C. Visual stool examination
D. Skin test
Family of Measles virus is
A. Reoviridae
B. Bunyaviridae
C. Rhabdoviridae
D. Paramyxoviridae
E. Papovaviridae
Diagnostic test of Herpes simplex virus is
A. ELISA (for antigen)
B. Blood smear
C. Perianal cellophane tape swab (for eggs and adult worms)
D. Culture
E. Antibody detection
Mode of transmission of Human immunodeficiency virus is
A. Breast milk
B. Direct contact
C. Exposure to infested water
D. Fecal-oral
E. Urine (of congenitally infected patients)
Morbidity of measles virus
A. Hepatitis
B. Opportunistic pathogen
C. Enteritis
D. Post-infectious encephalomyelitis
E. Mosquito borne encephalitis
Morbidity of Norwalk virus
A. Upper respiratory tract infection
B. Pelvic inflammatory disease
C. Brucellosis
D. Gastroenteritis
E. Croup
Phenotypic characteristic of Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus is
A. Beta-hemolytic
B. Triple-layered
C. Segmental genome
D. ssRNA
E. ssRNA+
Mode of transmission of Hepatitis D virus is
A. Urine (of congenitally infected patients)
B. Saliva
C. Inhalation of infested avian feces
D. Sexual
E. Blood
Family of JC is
A. Herpesviridae
B. Papovaviridae
C. Filoviridae
D. Paramyxoviridae
E. Reoviridae
Therapy of Respiratory syncytial virus is:
A. Ribavirin
B. Interferon alpha
C. Piperacillin
D. Famciclovir
E. Ceftazidime
The antiviral used for treatment of severe respiratory syncytial disease infection is
A. amantadine
B. acyclovir
C. ribavirin
D. immune globulin
Respiratory syncytial virus is most associated with which of the following syndromes
A. bronchiolitis of young adults
B. bronchiolitis in young infants
C. upper lobe infiltrates of young adults
D. upper lobe infiltrates of young children
E. lower lobe infiltrates of young adults
f an influenza infection has been diagnosed within a family, which antiviral drug could be administered to other family members as a prophylactic measure?
A. acyclovir
B. ganciclovir
C. amantadine
D. cyclosporin A
The vaccine for influenza has the following components
A. hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of influenza A and B
B. hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of influenza A, B and C
C. nucleoprotein and neuraminidase of influenza A, B and C
D. hemagglutinin and neuraminidase for influenza B only
E. hemagglutinin and neuraminidase for influenza B and C
A respiratory disease spread by the droplet aerosol route during winter, causing severe headache, cough, fever, malaise and congestion is most compatible with which of the following as an etiological agent?
A. mumps
B. influenza A
C. influenza C
D. chicken pox
E. hepatitis A virus
Which of the following statements accurately describes the envelope constituents of the parainfluenza and mumps viruses?
A. hemagglutinin, but no neuraminidase or fusion proteins present
B. neuraminidase, but no hemagglutinin protein present
C. hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but no fusion protein present
D. hemagglutinin and neuraminidase and fusion protein present
E. fusion protein, but no hemagglutinin or neuraminidase present
Which family contains Rubella virus and what group of individuals is most at risk for severe sequelae from rubella infections?
A. paramyxovirus family; grade school children
B. togavirus family; infants in utero during the first trimester
C. paramyxovirus family; infants in utero during the first trimester
D. togavirus family; grade school children
E. togavirus family; middle age adults
Which of the following host proteins is the first to rise to high titer, in response to viral infection?
A. immunoglobulin
B. complement
C. interferon
D. anti-idiotype antibody
What is one component of all mammalian viruses?
A. the envelope
B. the polymerase
C. the icosahedral capsid
D. the lipid
E. the nucleic acid
Influenza viruses are predominantly transmitted by
A. the aerosol route during the summer
B. close physical contact during the summer
C. the fecal-oral route during the winter
D. the aerosol route and close physical contact during the winter
Diagnostic test of Enterovirus spp.
A. Antibody detection
B. Biopsy
C. Acid fast stool stain
E. Direct antibody staining
What is always required for a successful first step in viral infection of an eukaryotic cell?
A. the presence of the correct viral polymerase
B. the presence of the correct virus receptor
C. the presence of a nucleus in the eukaryotic cell
D. the presence of cellular polyribosomes
E. the presence of the correct number of viral genome segments
The nucleocapsid refers to
A. the complete viral particle
B. the viral genetic material
C. the viral proteins only
D. the viral genetic material and associated lipids
E. the viral genetic material and associated proteins
Polymerases are encoded on the genomes of
A. all viruses
B. all DNA viruses
C. all RNA viruses
D. only the largest viruses
E. no viruses
Parvovirus genome
A. dsDNA, small, complex symmetry
B. ssDNA, small, icosahedral symmetry
C. ssDNA, small, helical symmetry
D. ss.RNA, large, helical symmetry
E. dsRNA, middle -sized, icosahedral symmetry
The smallest known RNA viruses are the
A. picornavirus
B. adenovirus
C. enterovirus
D. orthomyxovirus
E. paramyxovirus
Which viruses replicates in the nucleus?
A. poxviruses
B. paramyxoviruses
C. picornaviruses
D. parvoviruses
E. rhabdoviruses
Family of Hepatitis A virus is
A. Paramyxoviridae
B. Filoviridae
C. Orthomyxoviridae
D. Picornaviridae
E. Parvoviridae
Phenotypic characteristic of BK is
A. Flagellated
B. ssRNA
C. Enveloped
D. Lancefield group D
E. dsDNA
Family of BK is
A. Herpesviridae
B. Bunyaviridae
C. Papovaviridae
D. Arenaviridae
E. Rhabdoviridae
Family of Varicella Zoster virus is
A. Adenoviridae
B. Hepadnaviridae
C. Reoviridae
D. Herpesviridae
E. Rhabdoviridae
Phenotypic characteristic of Hepatitis E virus is
A. Enveloped
B. Ornithine decarboxylase negative
C. Non-enveloped
D. Indole negative
E. Segmented genome
Mode of transmission of Hepatitis E virus is
A. Breast milk
B. Mosquito bites
C. Fecal-oral
D. Saliva
E. Sexual
The following is a live vaccine
A. Tetanus
B. Hepatitis B
C. Measles
D. Diphtheria
The following viral infections cannot be prevented by vaccination
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
D. Mumps
Diagnostic test of Parainfluenza viruses is
A. Culture
B. Antibody detection
D. Direct antibody staining
E. ELISA (for antigen)
Human herpes viral infections are treated with
A. Alpha interferon
B. Protease inhibitors
C. Acyclovir
D. Probeneciod
Family of Parainfluenza viruses is
A. Parvoviridae
B. Bunyaviridae
C. Paramyxoviridae
D. Arenaviridae
E. Herpesviridae
Which of the following statements refers to Hepatitis D virus?
A. 5% becomes persistent
B. Receptor - CD21 (complement receptor type 2)
C. Envelope consists of HbsAg
D. Primary infection is usually asymptomatic. Congenital infection results in cytomegalic inclusion disease
E. Sand-fly gut: promastigote → amastigote
Family of Lymphocytic choriomeningitis is
A. Reoviridae
B. Arenaviridae
C. Parvoviridae
D. Picornaviridae
E. Bunyaviridae
Morbidity of Mumps virus is
A. Hepatitis
B. Herpetic whitlow
C. Pancreatitis
D. Urinary tract infections
E. Hemorrhagic fever
Therapy of Hepatitis B virus
A. Bone marrow transplant (for post-transplant lymphoma)
B. Niclosamide
C. Ceftriaxone
D. Famciclovir
E. Amantadine
Mode of transmission of Ebola is
A. Direct contact
B. Transplacental
C. Sexual
D. Sand-fly bites
E. Droplet nuclei
Family of Marburg is
A. Adenoviridae
B. Filoviridae
C. Papovaviridae
D. Rhabdoviridae
E. Flaviviridae
Mode of transmission of Norwalk virus is
A. Direct contact
B. Blood
C. Transplacental
D. Droplet nuclei
E. Fecal-oral
Family of Rubella virus is
A. Adenoviridae
B. Flaviviridae
C. Bunyaviridae
D. Reoviridae
E. Togaviridae
Phenotypic characteristic of Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus is
A. Bilobed nucleus
B. ssRNA+
C. Enveloped
D. Non-enveloped
E. No hyphal septae
Family of Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus
A. filoviridae
B. paramyxoviridae
C. retroviridae
D. picornaviridae
E. Herpesviridae
Therapy of influenza virus is
A. Bone marrow transplant (for post-transplant lymphoma)
B. Rifampin
C. Ampicillin
D. Interferon alpha
E. Amantadine
Mode of transmission of Hepatitis C virus is
A. Tick bites
B. Sexual
C. Ingestion of infected animal product
D. Droplet nuclei
E. Fecal-oral