Is distressful, dysfunctional, deviant, and disrupts daily life
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Labeling Psychological Disorders Can Lead To...
Feeling ostracized, stigmatized, but also self fulfilling prophecy
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List And Briefly Describe The Various Anxiety Disorders...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Painful worrying Panic Disorder - Fear of next attack Phobias - Fear of something PTSD - Stuck reexperiencing trauma OCD - I know it doesn't make sense but I can't help it
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What Is The Difference Between Obsessions And Compulsions?
Obsessions - Thoughts that create anxiety (Conscious & Uncon.) Compulsions - Activity you do compulsively to relieve anxiety
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Describe An Avoidant Personality
Fear of social rejections Withdrawn, isolative, and anxious
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Low Levels Of The Neurotransmitter Serotonin Are Often Linked To What Disorder?
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What Are Some Of The Factors Associated With Schizophrenia?
About 1% of population suffers from it Ages 19-29 are most susceptible (Early onset) Genetic connections (Excessive dopamine)
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How Prevalent Are Psychological Disorders In The United States?
#1 in the world
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What Impact Does Poverty Often Have On Women?
Increased depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol
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What Does It Mean To Have An Eclectic Approach To Therapy?
To borrow from all of the schools of thought Psychodynamic - Psychoanalysis Humanistic - Client Centered Behavior - Using conditioning Cognitive - Changing thoughts
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Summarize The Basic Differences Between Psychoanalytic, Client-Centered, And Cognitive Therapy...
Psychoanalytic - Recall, Retell, Release Client centered - Growth by understanding self awareness & accept Cognitive - Principles of learning and thinking (Think, Act, Feel)
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What Is Systematic Desensitization?
Beginning of a tiny reminder of a feared situation, then keeping up with exposure intensity as the person learns to tolerate previous level
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What Does Stress Inoculation Therapy Focus On?
Trying to replace negative self talk with positive communication
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Self-Defeating Thinking And Maladaptive Behavior Are The Primary Focus Of What Type Of Therapy?
Cognitive behavioral therapy
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The National Institute Of Mental Health Found Which Therapies To Be More Effective Than No Therapy?
Any therapy is better than no therapy
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What Is The Drug Xanax Prescribed For?
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What Is The Fundamental Attribution To Error?
When we go too far in assuming that a person's behavior is caused by their personality
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What Is The Foot In The Door Phenomenon Referring To?
A way to manipulate someone Asking questions to get a yes so more yes will be said