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1. Departure and/or
2. Whistle-blowing
Available Options when Ethical Thresholds are Reached
MOST controversial topic in Engineering Ethics
a significant moral problem
"Whistle-blowing occurs when an employee or former employee conveys information about (WHAT EXACTLY) to someone in a position to take action on the problem, and does so outside approved organizational channels (or against strong pressure)."
Enumerate the four main parts of whistle blowing
Intentionally or unintentionally (under pressure) conveying the information outside the organization
Information is believed to be a significant moral problem for the organization
The following are the examples of what in the four main parts of whistleblowing? (threats to the public/workers, unethical policies, injustices to workers)
Person disclosing the information is an employee or former employee, can also be a from a second source like journalist
Second source (person) disclosing information in a whisteblowing case
information is conveyed to a person/organization that can solve the problem
External Whistle-Blowing
When information is disclosed to someone outside the organization
Internal Whistle-Blowing
When information is conveyed to someone within the organization
Open Whistle-Blowing
Involved people openly reveal their identity
Anonymous Whistle-Blowing
Involved people concealed their identity
How many conditions that permit/obligate to whistle-blow?
1. Actual/potential harm reported is SERIOUS
2. Harm has been adequately documented
3. Concerns have been reported to immediate superiors
4. (After not getting satisfaction from immediate superiors), regular channels within the organization have been used to reach up to the highest levels of management
5. Existence of reasonable hope that whistle blowing can help prevent or remedy the harm
Enumerate the conditions that permit/obligate to whistle-blow
Prima Facie
accepted as correct unless proven otherwise
Conditions are not always necessary for permissible and obligatory whistle blowing
Condition # 2: Harm has been adequately documented
What condition may not be required all the time, especially if reporting can aid competitors?
one's supervisor
Conditions 3 and 4 may be inappropriate when ________ is the main source of the problem
Loyalty, collegiality, & respect for authorities
Enumerate corporate values which are commonly used as presumptions
Corporate virtues may be overridden by public-spirited virtues such as public health & safety
public health & safety
Corporate virtues may be overridden by public-spirited virtues such as ____
Whistle-blowing is the best solution to a problem
centers on meeting responsibilities about truth
Sissela Bok
Person who urges everyone to acknowledge the principle of veracity
Principle of Veracity
There is a strong presumption against lying and deception, although the presumption can occasionally be overridden by other pressing moral reasons in particular context
Canon 3: Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner
Canon 5: Avoid deceptive acts
From the NSPE Code of Ethics, two concerns HONESTY. What are those?
centers on meeting responsibilities about trust