Rank-size rule
the rank of a cities population within a country will be approximately half the size of the biggest city (2nd city)
Central place theory
Walter Christaller proposed this idea which explains the distribution of cities across a region
the distance people will travel to obtain specific goods or services
the size of a population necessary for any particular service to exist and remain profitable
have a population with more than 10 million people
Burgess Concentric Zone Model
describes a city in a series of rings that surrounds the CBD
Hoyt’s model
described how different types of land use and housing were all located near the CBD in early cities history.
Multiple nuclei model
described that the functional zonation occured around multiple centers or nodes or CBD
are neighborhoods marked by extreme poverty, homelessness, and lawlessness in latin america
Squatter settlements
periphery cities with densely populated areas lacking sufficient public services for water, electricity, and sewage.
Edge cities
nodes of economic activity that have developed in the periphery of large cities
Zoning Ordinance
regulations that define how property in specific locations can be used
Gated communities
the building of walled or fenced neighborhoods with limited access and entry points
consists of dilapidated buildings and polluted or contaminated soils
Urban redlining
the process by which banks refuse loans to people who might want to purchase and improve properties in certain urban areas
the process of converting an urban inner city neighborhoods from mostly low income, renter occupied area to prodmetially wealthier owned occupied area of the city
Food deserts
urban areas that lack food stores
Urban sprawl
the rapid development outward from inner city
reserve a portion of land for farms parks forest and other such things
New Urbanism
seeks to encourage local community development and sustainable growth in an urban area
Galactic city
an original CBD became surrounded by a system of smaller nodes that mimicked its functions, as the suburbs grew they took some of the CBD functions, then became edge cities
Primate Cities
if the largest city in an urban system is more than twice as large as the next largest it is considered this.
Quantitative data
is information that can be counted, measured, or sequenced by numerical value
Qualitative data
is primarily based on surveys, field studies, photos, videos, and interviews from people who provide personal perceptions and meaningful descriptions