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dar a
to face
dar con
to find
dar cuerda
to wind up (a clock)
dar de beber/comer
to give a drink to/to feed
dar en
to hit
dar gritos (voces)
to shout
dar la hora
to strike the hour
darse la mano
to shake hands
dar las gracias
to thank
dar por + past participle
to consider (past participle)
darse por + past participle
to consider oneself
dar recuerdos
to send regards
darse cuenta de
to realize
darse prisa
to hurry
dar un abrazo
to embrace
dar un paseo/dar una vuelta
to take a walk
haber de + infinitive
to have to (verb)
haber sol
to be sunny
haber polvo
to be dusty
haber lodo
to be muddy
haber neblina
to be foggy, misty
haber luna
there is moonlight
echar de menos
to miss someone or something
echar la culpa
to blame
echarse a perder
to go bad
echarse a reír
to laugh
echárselas de
to throw out of
echar por correo
to mail
sacar de quicio
to exasperate