Regularly occurring altered state of consciousness typically occurring naturally and is characterised by partial or total suspension of conscious awareness
Awareness of objects and events in the external world and our sensations, mental experiences and our own existance t any given moment
Normal waking consciousness
Awareness of the thoughts, feelings and behaviours including internal or external events
Altered state of consciousness
Any state characteristically different from normal waking consciousness in terms of awareness, thoughts, feelings or behaviours
Naturally occurring altered state of consciousness
A type of altered state of consciousness that occurs without intervention
Induced altered state of consciousness
A type of altered state of consciousness that occurs due to purposeful action or aid
Biological rhythms
Cyclic changes in bodily functions or activities that repeat themselves through time in the same order
Biological clocks
Innate timing mechanisms that regulates the cycle of a biological rhythm
Ultradian rhythms
Involves changes in bodily functions or activities that occur as part of a cycle shorter then 24 hours
Circadian rhythms
Involves changes in bodily functions or activities that occur as part of a cycle with a 24 hour duration
Sleep deprivation
A state caused by inadequate quantity or quality of sleep, either voluntary or involuntary
Partial sleep deprivation
Having less sleep then what is required
Total sleep deprivation
Having no sleep over a short or long term period
Circadian rhythm sleep- wake disorders
Disorders involving sleep disturbances due to a mismatch between the individuals sleep wake pattern and the pattern desired
When zeitgebers adjust the sleep-wake cycle to match the environmental day
Environmental time cues that maintain the sleep wake cycle
Sleep onset
Transition from being awake to being asleep
Sleep latency
Amount of time it takes to fall asleep
Supachiasmatic nucleus
Master biological clock that regulates the timing and activity of circadian rhythms
Sleep debt
That accumulated amount of sleep lost from insufficient sleep
Sleep hygiene
Assists sleep-wake patterns to improve sleep and maintain daytime alertness
Sleep as a psychological construct
Sleep can be believed to occur and exist but cannot be directly observed