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In the scenario of network outage, _____ detects the outages first, and switches to a new route.
HTTP/Web browser belongs to the _______ Layer.
Which is the top layer of the network model used by TCP/IP
Leased Lines
Which of the following is normally not a shared connection example?
Dealing with the wired or wireless connection belongs to the ______ Layer.
Because they can break a problem down into a set of smaller
problems that can be solved independently
Why do engineers use a "model" to organize their approach
to solve a large and complex problem?
Uniform Resource Locator
What does URL stand for?
avoiding collision
Breaking a large message into smaller packets is for _____.
The maximum amount of data a computer can send before
receiving an acknowledgement
What is "window size"?
Moving data across a single hop is one responsibility of ______ layer.
sender window size
TCP control is implemented through changing ___________.
destination IP address
In the Internetwork Layer, routing a packet from source to its destination uses the packet's _____.
withdraw their packet and resend their packet at the next randomly selected time
After a collision is detected, each sender needs to ____.
Packet loss needs to be dealt with in the _____________ Layer.
Get a packet of data moved across multiple networks from
its source to its destination
What is the goal of the Internetwork layer?
An offset of where the packet belongs relative to the beginning
of the message
In addition to the data, source, and destination addresses,
what else is needed to make sure that a message can be
reassembled when it reaches its destination?
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
What does CSMA/CD stand for?
Which of the layers concerns itself with getting a packet of
data across a single physical connection?
On your laptop, desktop, or mobile computer
In a typical networked client/server application, where does
a client application run?
selecting radio frequency
The problem of ____________________ is necessary in wireless link encoding.