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Francesco Redi-1686
Experimented with jars (sealed and not sealed) with meat in the jars. He proved that the maggots came from fly eggs not the meat. He disproved spontaneous generation.
John Needham (1745)
He heated broth in a sealed flask. The broth became cloudy and had microorganisms. He supported spontaneous generation. He did not boil the broth for long enough (didn’t kill all the microorganisms.
Lazzaro Spallanzani (1768)
He boiled the broth for longer than Needham. Only unsealed flasks became cloudy. He disproved spontaneous generation
Louis Pasteur (1859)
He worked with flasks with s shaped tubes that were open to the air. Only flasks that were tilted and broth was exposed to dust became cloudy. He disproved spontaneous generation
Alexander Oparin-1924
He said elements in the atmosphere were combined by heat to make the complex compounds found in living things.
Stanley Miller/Harold Urey 1953
They experimented to prove Oparin’s ideas. Their experiments did not support Oparin’s experiments-it did not prove that life began in that way.
Robert H. Whittaker
American biologist, came up with a five-kingdom system for classifying organisms. Those kingdoms are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.
Carolus Linnaeus
Swedish physician and botanist, classified organisms based on similar structures.
A Greek philosopher lived more than 2,000 years ago. He was one of the first people to classify organisms.
Dichotomous Key
is a series of descriptions arranged in pairs that lead the user to the identification of an unknown organism
system of organization based on shared characteristics or qualities
is a group of organisms that have similar traits and are able to produce fertile offspring
A group of similar species
the branch of biology that deals with classification
Binomial Nomenclature
gives each organism a two-word scientific name
variety of life that can be found on Earth