Where does the name 'Python' come from?
The name comes from Monty Python’s Flying Circus, a comedy series enjoyed by Guido van Rossum.
What is a command list in Python?
A complete set of commands in a program.
What are the three logical operators in Python?
and, or, not.
What does True + 1 evaluate to in Python?
It evaluates to 2.
Who created Python and when was it first released?
Created by Guido van Rossum, first released in 1991.
What is an interpreted language?
A language where code is executed line-by-line by an interpreter.
How do you create a single-line comment in Python?
Start the comment with the # symbol.
How do you denote multi-line comments in Python?
Use triple quotes (''' ... ''').
What defines a high-level language?
It simplifies interactions with complex computer processes.
What is the purpose of isinstance() in Python?
To verify variable types.
How can you change the separator in a print statement?
Use the sep parameter in the print() function.
What does the end parameter in the print() function do?
It changes the ending character of the print output.
What are syntax errors?
Errors identified during compilation, such as missing parentheses.
How do you gather user input in Python?
Use the input() function.
What will the following code print? 'for number in range(1, 6): if number % 2 != 0: print(number)'
It will output the odd numbers: 1, 3, 5.
What is a valid identifier in Python?
An identifier that starts with a letter or underscore and is followed by letters, numbers, or underscores (e.g., mile).
What is the Order of Operations acronym in Python?
PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction).
What character is used for exponentiation in Python?
The symbol **.
What should you do to mix strings and numbers in Python?
Convert numbers to strings using str() before concatenation.
What is the purpose of flowcharts in programming?
To graphically represent the steps of a process.
What does a decision symbol in flowcharts denote?
Decision-making points with Yes/No conditions.
What is a sequential flowchart?
A flowchart where steps occur with no branching.
What is a counter loop?
A loop that repeats processes a fixed number of times.
What do flowcharts help improve in programming?
Understanding of algorithms and logical programming approaches.