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A collection of activities and elements organized to accomplish a goal.
1. Organizational growth
2. Mergers and acquisitions
3. New marketing opportunities
4. Revisions in governmental regulations
5. Availability of new technology
Reasons to change information systems
System Analysts
Are computer professionals studying an organization's systems to determine what actions to take and how to use computer technology to assist them.
Computer Systems Analysts
2nd top job classification after Computer Engineer (in terms of salary, prestige and security)
Systems Analysis and Design (Systems Life Cycle)
A six-phase problem-solving procedure for examining and improving information systems.
Preliminary Investigation
Systems Analysis
Systems Design
Systems Development
Systems Implementation
Systems Maintenance
6 phases of the Systems Life Cycle
Preliminary Investigation
Phase where the information problems or needs are identified
Systems Analysis
Phase where the present system is studied in depth. New requirements are specified.
Systems Design
Phase where a new or alternative information system is designed.
Systems Development
Phase where new hardware and software are acquired, developed and tested.
Systems Implementation
Phase where the new information system is installed and adapted to the new system, and people are trained to use it.
Systems Maintenance
In this ongoing phase, the system is periodically evaluated and updated as needed.
Preliminary Investigation
Phase where one will determine the need for a new information system. Requested by an end user or a manager who wants something done that is not presently done.
Defining the problem
Suggesting alternative solutions
Preparing a short report
Three tasks in the Preliminary Investigation stage
True or false: The report will help the management decide whether to pursue the project further.
Defining the problem
Task in the Preliminary Investigation phase where one will examine whatever current information system is in use.
Interviewing and making observations
Determine what information is needed, by whom, when, and why is accomplished by...
Large information systems
Survey is done by a systems analyst.
Small information systems
Survey can be done by the end user.
Suggesting alternative systems
Task in the Preliminary Investigation phase where one will suggest some possible plans as alternatives to the present arrangement.
Preparing a short report
Task in the Preliminary Investigation phase where the systems analyst writes a report summarizing the results of the preliminary investigation and suggesting alternative systems.
Systems Analysis
Phase where data is collected about the present system.
Gathering data
Analyzing the data
Documenting systems analysis (Systems analysis report)
Tasks in the Systems Analysis stage
Gathering data
Task in the Systems Analysis phase where the systems analyst/end user doing systems analysis-expands on the data gathered during Phase 1. Add details about how the current system works.
1. Observations and interviews
2. From questionnaires given to people using the system
3. Studying documents that describe the formal lines of authority and standard operating procedures
Data is/may be obtained through...
Organizational chart
Shows levels of management and formal lines of authority. Resembles the hierarchy of three levels of management.
1. Top managers
2. Middle managers
3. Supervisors
Hierarchy of three levels of management
Analyzing the data
Task in the Systems Analysis phase where the idea is to learn how information currently flows and to pinpoint why it isn't flowing appropriately.
Top-down Analysis Method
Grid Charts
Decision Tables
Systems Flowcharts
Data Flow Diagrams
Automated Design Tools
List of analysis tools
Provides a list of questions about key issues.
False: Checklist
True or False: Grid Charts are helpful in guiding the systems analyst/end user through key issues for the present system.
Top-down Analysis Method
Divides a complex system into components, beginning at the top.
False: Top-level components
True or False: Top-down Analysis Method identifies the bottom-level components of a complex system. Each component is then broken down into smaller and smaller components
Grid Charts
Shows relationship between input and output documents.
Decision Tables
Specifies decision rules and circumstances when specific rules are to be applied.
True or False: Decision Tables show the decision rules that apply when certain conditions occur.
Systems Flowcharts
Show the flow of input data to processing and finally to output, or distribution of information
Data Flow Diagrams
Show the data or information flow within the system, organization, or application.
True or False: In Data Flow Diagrams, the data is traced from its origin through processing, storage and output.
Automated Design Tools
Software packages that evaluate the hardware and software alternatives according to requirements given by the systems analyst.
Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools
Automated Design Tools are also called...
Computer-Aided Software Engineering
CASE means...
True or False: Automated Design Tools or CASE tool relieve the systems analysts of many repetitive tasks
1. Current information system
2. Requirements for a new system
3. Possible development schedule
A Systems analysis report describes:
Designing alternative systems
Selecting the best system
Writing a systems design report
Tasks in the Systems Design stage
Economic feasibility
Technical feasibility
Operational feasibility
Three types of feasibility studies
Economic feasibility
Type of feasibility that asks questions like: "Will the cost of the new system by the benefits it promises?" "How long will it take for the new system to pay for itself?"
Technical feasibility
Type of feasibility that asks questions like: "Are reliable hardware, software, and training available to make the system work?" "If not, can they be obtained?"
Operational feasibility
Type of feasibility that asks questions like: "Can the system actually be made to operate in the organization, or will people - employees, managers, clients - resist it?"
1. Will the system fit in with the organization's overall information system?
2. Will the system be flexible enough so it can be modified in the future?
3. Can it be made secure against unauthorized use?
4. Are the benefits worth the costs?
When selecting the best design, managers must consider these 4 questions
Writing a Systems Design Report
Task in the Systems Design phase: Is prepared for higher management and describes the alternative designs. Presents the costs versus the benefits and outlines the effect of alternative designs on the organization.
False: Usually concludes
True or False: Writing a Systems Design Report usually begins by recommending one of the alternatives.
Acquiring Software
Acquiring Hardware
Testing the New System
Tasks in Systems Development
1. Purchased as off-the-shelf software and possibly modified
2. Custom designed
2 ways to obtain application software
Acquiring Hardware
In the Systems Development stage, this task is concerned with the equipment needed and the places where they are to be installed must be determined.
False: Expensive proposition
True or False: Switching or upgrading equipment can be tremendously cheap proposition
Testing the New System
In the Systems Development stage, this task is concerned with after the software and equipment have been installed, the system should be tested.
True or False: Testing may take several months if the new system is complex.
Tasks in Systems Implementation
Another name for systems implementation
Direct Approach
Parallel Approach
Pilot Approach
Phased Approach
Types of conversion
Direct Approach
Conversion approach where: Abandon the old
Direct Approach
Conversion approach where: Very risky; not recommended
Parallel Approach
Conversion approach where: Run the old and new side by side
Parallel Approach
Conversion approach where: Very low risk; however, very expensive; not generally recommended
Pilot Approach
Conversion approach where: Convert part of organization first
Pilot Approach
Conversion approach where: Less expensive but riskier than parallel conversion; recommended for situations that many people performing similar operations
Phased Approach
Conversion approach where: Implementation gradually
Phased approach
Conversion approach where: Less risky but more expensive than parallel conversion; Recommended for situations with many people performing different operations.
One of the most commonly overlooked activities.
False: is important
True or False: Training people is not as important.
Systems Maintenance
Very important, ongoing activity. Most organizations spend more time and money on this phase than on any of the others.
Systems Audit
Periodic Evaluation
Tasks in Systems Maintenance
Systems Audit
Task in the Systems Maintenance stage where the system's performance is compared to the original design specifications.
True or False: Systems Audit will determine whether the new procedures are actually furthering productivity. If they are not, some redesign may be necessary
Periodic Evaluation
Task in the Systems Maintenance stage where after the systems audit, the new information system is further modified, if necessary.
1. Meeting the goals
2. Providing the service they are supposed to
All systems should be evaluated from time to time. This is to determine whether they are:
Rapid Applications Development
Alternative approaches that require much less time:
Means building a model or prototype that can be modified before the actual system is installed. Users would try it out and provide feedback to the systems analyst.
False: ready
True or False: The systems analyst would revise the prototype until the users felt it was not ready to put into place.
Rapid Applications Development
RAD means
Rapid Applications Development (RAD)
Involves the use of powerful development software, small specialized teams, and highly trained personnel.