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1793 Alien and Sedition Acts
French and Irish immigrants deported and arrested aliens during wartime
Anti-Chinese Sentiment
Chinese immigrants in 1850s viewed as big threat
Economic, racial, disease, and religious threat
Gold rush in west is what drove them there
Anti-Chinese Sentiment
Lots of racism towards Chinese immigrants, thought chinese would take our jobs and pose monopolies over products
Page Act of 1875
Law that restricted the importantion of women for immoral purposes
Concerned that Chinese women coming in were prostututes
More chinese men in country than women
Chinese Exlcusion Act of 1882
Restricted Chinese immigration for 10 years
Exceptions for teachers, students, merchants, travelers, and diplomats
Prohibited Chinese youth immigrants from ___ ____
Regular schools
Alien Contract Labor Law of 1885
Prohibited the importation of foreign contract workers in the US (because they thought they were taking our jobs)
Immigration Act of 1917
Required immigrants to take literacy tests
Undesirable immigrants banned from entering (homosexual, criminals, feeble-minded persons, etc)
Immigration Law
Immigrant law Ssparate from typical criminal process with different facilities (process a lot more hidden from public view)
Immigration Laws today
More immigrant law today after 9/11
War on Terror
heightened surveillance of all immigrants
More detainment (including arrests for minor traffic violations)
USA Patriot Act
More detained immigrants when under extreme surveillance — often detained without bond
Department of Homeland Security
Created ICE
The National Security Entry-Exit Registration System
Post 9/11 required men from certain Muslim countries to reigster their names and fingerprints to the government
Lots were detained just under suspicion
Which immigrants are most targeted?
Mexican despite no empirical evidence saying they commit more crimes
Rise in Immigrant Detentions
Trump caused more detainment of immigrant populations
Privatization of Immigrant Detention
Earning lots of money from ICE contracts, lawsuits over forced labor
Trump led to ___ ___ of immigrants
Less regulation
Less medical care
Deaths that could have been preventable
Immigrant deaths were ___
Deportations Under Title 42
Title 42: public health statute invoked during COVID-19
Allowed for rapid expulsion of migrants at the border without the normal court process (got rid of sick Migrants or Migrants who came from place with sickness)
Implemented under trump
Bidens influence on Title 42
Historic high of deportations under Biden with Title 42
Implemented by Trump and continued
Effects of Mass Deportation
No budgets, not enough room
Even if Trump is elected, Mass deportation likely can’t happen
Current system almost at max capacity
Social Disorganization Theory
Higher social disorganization, more crime
Disruptions in social control/ no conformity lead to crime
Low socioeconomic status, ethnic heterogeneity, and residential mobility
Immigrant Revitalization Perspective
Influx of immigrants into a community can have positive effects on a community
How can immigrants positively influence a community?
Strengthening social networks
Introducing cultural values/ challenging crime
Which immigrants have strongest social ties
Social ties provide ___ through hardship
Familism definition
Attachment to family and feelings of loyalty, respect, reciprocity, and solidarity toward family members
Immigrant communities relationship with crime results
either negative relationship or no relationship
In places with more instibility, large disruptions such as introduction of immigrants can __ __ __ ___
lead to more crime
Sanctuary Cities
More efforts for english classes
Limiting the ability of local law enforcement to arrest people for immigration violations
Refusing to allow ICE into local jails
General Strain Theory
When people experience strain or stress, they feel negative emotions
THese emotions create pressures for coping
Some coping stategies are unhealthy- such as through crime and delinquency
More strains, more or less likely to cope through deviance
Social control theory/ social bonds
More bonds to society lead to less crime
Low self-control theory
Poor impulse control/ attraction to risky behavior makes people more likely to engage in crime
Inability to consider long term conseuqneces
Social learning theory
People learn to commit crimes through the same process they use to learn to conform
If you’re surrounded by groups that reward delinquency you learn to engage through modeling, reinforcement, etc
Dark side of assimilation
Children of immigrants tend to have similar crime rates to native born persons
Migrant Crime Wave
false republican belief that immigrants are causing more crime
Blame biden
Not a lot of evidence to show this is true
Villinization of immigrants
a body of immigration law that deals with criminal offenses and how they impact a person's immigration status.
Refugee definition
People who have been forced to leave their country due to war, violence, or persecution, and are unable to return home safelty
Rufugees are __ __ __ __ __
Granted certain rights and protections
Asylum seekers definition
People who have applied for asylum in a country, but whose claim for refugee status has not yet been approved
Asylum seekers must prove to ___ that they meet the criteria to be covered by ___ ___
Asylees are eligable for ___ and __
benefits and services through HHS (include english classes, job training etc)
True or false: Asylees can apply for social security and employment authoritization
What is an Asylee
an asylee is someone who is already inside the United States and has been granted asylum status, meaning they are not considered to be "out of the country
3 negative things Asylees experience
Language barriers, discrimination, high rental prices
Lawful permanent residency term
Green card
How long until asylees can apply for a green card
1 year
Asylum grants have incrased on decreased
What demographic makes up most asylum approvals
What is Asylum Backlog
Pending asylum cases
Are there higher or lower levels of displacement for refugees and asyluees
What is the Venezuela Crisis
People fleeing Venezuela in attempts to escape widespread violence and poverty
Economic collapse and hunger
Widespread violence and poverty
Aurora incident explained
Owner of the apartments was being sued for safety hazards and his rebuttal was Im not to plame its the venezualian gang causing this. The men in the video weren’t even gang members
Women seeking asylum face ___
gender-based violence and victimization
Undocumented persons have higher or lower rates of victimization
What types of victimization do women face when waiting for immigrant status
Sexual abuse, trafficking, and exploitation
Why are there sex trafficking concerns for undocumented persons
They feel like its there only choice
Labor exploitation
Children ending up in dangeorus jobs
HHS checks on immigrant minors every month but …
They typically dont keep track of them at all
Caseworkers are ___ to get kids out
Many children face what?
Pressure to earn money
What is one of the strongest correlates of criminality?
Most criminological theories are based on ___
Do men or women commit more crimes
Why has research focused mainly on men
Female criminality viewed as niche and specialized
Less significant crimes typically
The gender gap in crime is ___ and why
women are getting arrested more
Women are getting caught more for what
Drug violations
The liberation hypotheses
When women have more social power and freedom, they have more opportunities to commit crime
icnreased or decreased convictions for women and increased or decreased convictions for men
increased, decreased
Economic marginalization hypotheses
As women experience more economic strains relative to men, the gender gap in crime may narrow
Why is poverty worse for women?
Harder for them to get out of it
Lombroso female crime beliefs
Criminal because of biology
More defects
What did Lombrosso think about women who deviate
Biological defects, simple and less rational, offending women are masculine
Lombrosso believed that females are more or less evolved than men
The Atavistic female offender
Measured females heads, heights, weight, genetalia, moles, etc
Women with ___ were deemed more primitive and more criminal
Stronger jaws, cheekbones, and coarser features
Less attractive
Two cateogires of women
Bad and good
Bad women characteristics
Primitive, masculine, less attractive
Good woman characteristics
Feminine, law-abiding, civilized
Frued beliefs
Women have penis envy
Women who engage in deviance want to be men. They are sad that they are the weaker sex.
Otto Pollack Criminality of Women
Women aren’t less deviant, they’re just better at hiding it because they are manipoulative and deceitful
early feminism approach
Criticized how socially undesirable cahracteristics were attributed to women who deviate, called attention to structure , said early theroies were sexist and racist
Strain anomie theory
Deviant behavior is the result of the gap between culturally defined success goals and the prescribed means to achieve them
The gap is called anomie
General strain theory
Strain → anger → crime/delinquency
Strains: failure to achieve positve goals, loss of something valued, negative event
Strain theory uses crime as ___ __
criminal coping
Do men or women experience more strains
What types of strains to females typically endure?
Interpersonal problems with family and friends
Females tend to respond to strains how
ANger, depression, guilt, anxiety, etc
Social bonds theory
More bonds to society less likely to deviate
Does social bonds theory work with women?
Women tend to have more social bonds
Low self-control theory
Individuals with low self-control are more likely to deviate
Pursue their own interestes, impulsive, short-sited
Self-control instilled by parenting
Girls parented differntly than boys, parents more controlling of girls
Harsher punishments
Victimization and offending
High correlation, most women who engage in fcrime have histories of childhood abuse
Which specific offense for women is most traced to abuse
Drug related
Waht form of victimization typically leads to violence in women
Partner abuse
True or false: women in prison dont usually have mental health problems or drug use problems
Gendered pathways
Focuses on girls life hisotires
Recognizes the roles of violence and trauma
Considers race/ethnicity influence
Adolescent female crime
Typically fleeing away from abusive homes, drug use, stealing, etc