Physiological needs
need to satisfy hunger + thirst
Safety needs
need to feel safe, secure + stable
Love and belonging needs
need to love + be loved, to belong and be accepted
Esteem needs
need for self-esteem, achievement and independence, respect from others
Self-actualisation needs
need to live up to one’s fullest potential
its view of human nature is idealistic and not attainable in reality
Transcendence needs
helping others to achieve self-actualisation- added later as he felt you can’t achieve self-actualisation if you have a higher goal outside of one’s self
asserts that people have free will- the freedom to make choices so that they can fulfil their true potential
Maslow's theory
explained that every person is born with a set of basic needs
How it affects personality
Whatever level you haven’t received much of growing u becomes what you want more than anything and shapes your personality
Believed morality develops gradually throughout childhood/adolescence, he found that reasons behind judging whether an action is right or wrong change as the children get older
Level 1 Pre-conventional morality
right and wrong determined by rewards/punishment
Level 2 Conventional morality
views of others matter. Avoidance of blame, seeking approval
Level 3 Post-conventional morality
abstract notions of justice, rights of others can override obedience to laws/rules
Stage 1 Punishment/Obedience
whatever leads to punishment is wrong
Stage 2 Rewards
the right way to behave is the way that is rewarded
Stage 3 Good intentions
behaving in ways that conform to ‘good behaviour’
Stage 4 Obedience to authority
importance of ‘doing one’s duty’
Stage 5Difference between moral and legal right
recognition that rules should sometimes be broken
Stage 6 Individual principles of conscience
takes account of likely views of everyone affected by a moral decision