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Age of invention
last quarter of the 19th century
Thomas A Edison
Developed his workshop in menlo park NJ, made the lightbulb and powerplants, increased electricity availability.
economics of sales
The cheaper the products the more they sold
Assembly line production
Started when elie whitney made interchangable parts. Each worker is given a specific task and this helps mass produce things.
Corprate consolation
the combination of several business units or several different companies into a larger organization.
Holding company
A new form of business organization, it held enough stock in other companies to hold a monopoly.
Horizontal integration
Seven smaller companies within the same industry are bought legally or destroyed. This is illegal today because of anti trust legislation that has been passed. Standard oil company by John d Rockefeller.
Vertical Integration
One company buys out all factors of production from raw materials to finished products. Legal as long as the company doesn’t become a trust or holding company and allows for other competition.
Sherman anti trust act of 1890
In 1890 passed. Public pressure led to this. Authorized the federal government to institute proceedings against trusts in order to dissolve them.
U.S v E.C Knight Co 1895
1895 court case. A case in which the Court found that the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was constitutional, but can only regulate interstate commerce and not intrastate commerce.
Clayton Antitrust act
Passed in 1914 by the wilson administration. Allowed
Gospel of wealth
Written by andrew carnegie, rich should give back to the community (ex. he gave money to libraries)
Social Darwinism
some people are just made better
Boss Tweed
prominent leader of tammany hall who was corrupt. Helped immigrants in return for their votes.
Thomas Nast
cartoonist who drew images of Tweed’s coruptness and later NYT magazine proves Tweed’s a scammer.
Knights of Labor
founded in 1869 by Uriah Stephans. One of the first national labor unions. Organized skilled and unskilled workers, wanted equal pay, 8 hour workday, child labor laws, safety/sanitary laws, federal income tax, government control of railroads.
Terrence Powderly
later leader of Knights of labor, led unseuccessful violent strikes in the 1880s that made the union unpopular.
Haymarket Square Riot
1886 labor demonstration. A bomb went off killing police and many blamed the incident on the influence of union radicals.
Homstead strike
1892. Workers in Carnegies steel factory went on strike protesting wage cuts and the inability to form a union.
Pinkerton Detective Forces
hired by Henry Clay Frick to prevent steel workers from protesting.
Pullman strike
1894. Workers faced a wage cut + increase of their housing costs. They striked and the American Railway union joined them.
Eugene V Debs
Ran for president x5 and lost x5. President of American Railway union. Eventual leader of the American socialist party.
American federation of labor
led by Samuel Gompers. Excluded unskilled workers.
Hull house
Jane Addams funded it to provide services for immigrants (help them assimilate).
Yellow journalism
Exaggerate your writing.
Yellow journalists
Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst
a system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop.
Jim Crow Laws
man they hated black people.
Civil Rights Act
1875 guaranteed all citizens, regardless of color, access to accommodations, theatres, public schools, churches, and cemeteries.
Plessy v Ferguson
1896. seperate but equal
Booker T Washington
equality through riches.
W. E. B Du Bois
more aggressive about reform for poc
Public help for the making of the transcontinental railroad.
Little Big Horn
1876, native victory where George Custer died
statehood for North/South Dakota, Washington and Montana
Frederick Jackson Turner
1890 said the frontier was gone
Turner/Frontier thesis
It shaped american character, defined american spirit, fostered democracy, provided a safe valve for economic distress in urban places because there was a place for people to flee.
Homstead and Morill Land Grant Act
passed in 1862 offered land to anyone who could cultivate land (make it better) within 5 years.
US Fish Commission
Made in 1871 to study, moniter, and preserve wild fish
Sierra club
made in 1892 by John Muir, largest organization for conservation.
Dawes severalty act
1887, broke up the reservation system and distributed some of the land to the head of each Native American family. Main goal was to faten assimilation.
The ghost dance movement
started in 1889 inspired by the visions of the prophet Wovoka promised federal expansion in the west would end —> natives could live peacefully.
Wounded Knee Massacre
1890 incident. deadliest mass shooting in American history, involving nearly three hundred Lakota people shot and killed
civil service reform presidents
Rutherford B Hayes, Chester A Arthur, James Garfield.
Billion dollar congress
1890 harrissons presidency.
Munn v Illinois
regulated railroads and grain elevators in this case. Said states could regulate private industry that served the public interest.
Interstate Commerce Act
1887 it was passed. set up the ICC to supervise railroad activity and regulate it.
Interstate commerce commission, disbanded in 1980s (Reagan)
court case said that states couldn’t establish rates involving interstate commerce.
Susan B Anthony
woman suffragist
American suffrage association
fought for womens suffrage and amendments to state constitutions.
19th amendment
voting for women! in the 1920s
Grange movement
founded in 1867. Started off with purpose of helping farmers the machinery and sell crops as a group but died out beause of a lack of money. Were responsible for laws regulating railroads 1870-1880s
Farmers’ Alliences
replaced grange movement. Allowed women to be politically active amd grew into the People’s Party.
Mary Elizabeth Lease
huge organizer for Farmers’ alliences
1893 president
William Jennings Bryan
Cross of gold speech. Said through inflation northern banking control could loosen. lost against Mckinley and ended the populist movement.
16th amendment
federal income tax. adopted in 1913.
Tariff of abominations
1828 triggered the nullification crisis during Jacksons first administration.
McKinley tariff
enacted in 1890. Raised duties on imports by 50%
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
passed in 1894. High tax on sugar
William H Seward
secretary of state under Lincoln and Johnson who was like America should oversee the stuff going on in the Western Hemisphere (bought alaska).
Captain Alfred T Mahan
wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890), popularised the idea of a New Navy.
Treaty of Paris
1898, spain granted cuba independenca and seceded the phillipenes, puerto rico, and guam to the U.S.
Teller amendment
U.S wouldn’t annex cuba
Platt amendment
US troops wont leave unless cuba signed and agreed to these provisions.
Good Neighbor Policy
1934 during FDR, US operates a naval station at Guatanamo Bay
Insular Cases
1901-1903 a series of opinions by the Supreme Court of the United States about the status of U.S. territories acquired in the Spanish–American War.
Open Door Policy
McKinley, sought to safeguard U.S. trading rights in China and asserted American interests in Asia
Pendleton Act
Chester Arthur passed it in 1883 dismantling the spoils system.