What does Paul argue?
If a creator exists, he has made an environment with huge amounts of suffering - beyond humans control.
this extent of evil does not allow for an omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omniscient God.
What is Paul’s argument about premature deaths?
He argues that the death of so many innocent children challenges the existence of God.
50 billion children died naturally, 300 billion prenatally - more before even being born than after.
Millions of innocent children suffer and die every year, from both natural and evil causes.
these children are too young to be able to make choices about God, they have no free will.
No all-loving, powerful being would permit such suffering
Therefore God does not exist.
What does Paul say about prayer?
There is no historical evidence that prayer of Christians has reduced the suffering of children.
Which Paul believes challenges the existence of God.
Children do not have free will to achieve ‘perfection’ as they aren’t mature enough
those who die before maturity are either incapable of entering heaven or go to heaven without choosing
if they go to hell that is unfair, but it is also unfair if they go to heaven without choosing - their experience has been taken away.