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Normal newborn baby's reflexes
palmar grasp
tonic neck
babinski āļø (toes should flare up)
When assessing a pt's health history, what do you assess for? (Mnemonic)
Allergies Meds Past med history Last oral intake Events prior
What are things you can ask the pt when assessing health status
changes in vision, hearing, smell, taste
headache/head injuries
dizziness, vertigo
numbness or tingling
nutritional problems
cognition problems
difficulty swallowing, speaking
bowel/bladder problems
What objective data are you assessing during a neuro test
mental status
cranial nerves
motor assessment
sensory assessment
reflex assessment
What are the 5 main components of a mental status exam
Appearance and behavior
Level of consciousness
Thoughts and perceptions
Mood and affect
In a mental status exam what do you assess when assessing appearance and behaviour?
body movements
grooming, hygiene
facial expression
In a mental status exam what do you assess when assessing LOC?
(This is the most sensitive indicator of changes in neurological status)
awake, alert, aware
In a mental status exam what do you assess when assessing cognition?
orientation (A&Ox3)
attention span
immediate, recent and remote memory
word comprehension
higher level intellect
In a mental status exam what do you assess when assessing thought processes, content, perception?
relevance, coherance, consistent, are they aware of reality (hallucinations, delusions), signs of dementia
In a mental status exam what do you assess when assessing mood and affect?
Restlessness, agitation, euphoria
Recite all cranial nerves
Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel A Glossy Vagina And Hymen
How do you assess the cranial nerves
intact smell
visual acuity
intact extra-ocular movements
pupillary reaction (PERRLA)
sensation and movement of face intact
baseline hearing and balance
intact gag reflex
coordinated swallow
able to turn head and shrug shoulders
What to assess when conducting a motor assessment?
always compare one side to another
assess: size, strength, tone, balance, coordination
How do you assess muscle size (motor assessment)
Size, symmetry
if >1 cm diffƩrence between both muscles, document findings
How do you measure strength when conducting a motor assessment
use a 5 point scale; 0 is no strength and 5 is normal strength or strong
push and pull against resistance
grip strength
pronator/palmer drift
straight leg raises
How do you measure tone when conducting a motor assessment
Degree of tension in relaxed muscles:
flaccidity: no done
spasticity: too much tone
How do you measure balance when conducting a motor assessment
tandem walking
Romberg test
knee bend or hop on one foot
What is the Romberg test? (Motor assessment)
Tests the client's equilibrium, client stands with feet together and arms at sides eyes open and then closed. Client should be able to maintain the position for 20 secs with minimal or no swaying
How do you measure coordination of movement when conducting a motor assessment
rapid alternating movements
finger to finger test
finger to nose test
heel to shin test
What do you assess for in a sensory assessment
fine touch
lower extremity sensations
assess pain
temp sensation
position changes
What is stereognosis? (Sensory assessment )
ability to identify an object by feeling it
what is graphaesthesia? (Sensory assessment )
ability to "read" a number by having it traced on the skin
What is two-point discrimination?(Sensory assessment )
The smallest distance between two points that can be differentiated by the somatic sensory system
What does a widening BP indicate
Increasing intercranial pressure
What is the neurological scale to assess head trauma
Glasgow coma scale
GCS eye opening
Spontaneous = 4 Responds to voice = 3 Responds to pain = 2 None = 1
GSC Best verbal response
orientation A&Ox3
test memory and judgement
GSC Best Motor Response
test motor strength by asking to do things
localizes to pain
withdraw to pain
flexes to pain
extends to pain
What is decorticate posturing?
when brain-injured patient responds to a painful stimuli with FLEXION OF THE ELBOWS, plantar flexion, feet with extension, internal rotation of the legs
What is the term
lesions of the CORTICOSPINAL TRACT, when brain-injured patient responds to a painful stimuli with internal rotation, adduction, and FLEXION OF THE ELBOWS
Decorticate posturing
What is the term
Lesions of the brainstem, when brain-injured patient responds to a painful stimuli with EXTENSION OF THE ARMS, flexion of the wrists, jaw clenching, plantar flexion, neck extension
Decerebrate posturing
What is decerebrate posturing?
Lesions of the brainstem, when brain-injured patient responds to a painful stimuli with EXTENSION OF THE ARMS, flexion of the wrists, jaw clenching, plantar flexion, neck extension
What is the Canadian neurological scale
Asks the client more complex commands, requiring more complex neuro processing (than GCS)
alert vs drowsy
oriented vs disoriented
speech normal, expressive or receptive deficit
Diagnostic studies for neurological assessment
X-rays CT scan MRI Lumbar puncture Carotid duplex Cerebral angiogram EEG EMG PET
What diagnostic test is used to test the CSF for blood, protein, infection
Lumbar puncture
When is a lumbar puncture contraindicated?
When an increase in intracranial pressure is suspected
Which diagnostic test checks the blood flow of the carotid arteries - the main vessels heading into the brain
Carotid duplex
Which diagnostic test
procedure that uses contrast and X-rays to see blood flow in the brain
catheter is inserted into femoral or brachial artery and carefully moved up to the vessels in the neck
due injected, pictures are taken
catheter is removed and pressure held for 10-15 minutes
leg kept straight for 4-6 hours
Cerebral angiogram
Which diagnostic test needs extensive monitoring of V/S
Cerebral angiogram V/S:
15-30min for 2h
then every 1h for 6h
then every 4h for 24h
Which diagnostic test tests brain wave activity and is used in detection of seizures and brain death
EEG- electroencephalography
Which diagnostic test assesses muscle and the nerve cells that control them (motor neurons)
a needle electrode is inserted directly into a muscle and it records the electrical activity in that muscle
Which diagnostic test
uses small amount of radioactive materials during a scan
metabolic activities of the brain regions are measured to assess cell death of damage
used to diagnose AD, Parkinson's, tumors