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"Though seriously wounded by an assassin's bullet, __________ was considered the bitterest foe of U.S. President Wilson during the negotiations at Versailles. The Fourteen Points had been a unilateral American declaration, according to the Tiger of France, who declared, ""Mr. Wilson bores me with his Fourteen Points; why, God Almighty has only Ten!"""

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"Though seriously wounded by an assassin's bullet, __________ was considered the bitterest foe of U.S. President Wilson during the negotiations at Versailles. The Fourteen Points had been a unilateral American declaration, according to the Tiger of France, who declared, ""Mr. Wilson bores me with his Fourteen Points; why, God Almighty has only Ten!"""

Georges Clemenceau

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According to New World Coming, the publication of Sinclair Lewis's best-selling novel _____________ ranks with that of Uncle Tom's Cabin as one of the few literary events with a profound political or social fallout, for it established a new way of looking at small-town America.

Main Street

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He Kept Us Out of War

Which phrase was President Wilson's 1916 campaign slogan?

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"In 1915, _________, a pacifist, fell under the spell of Rosika Schwimmer, an eccentric peace activist, and announced that he was going to personally end the war and ""get the boys out of the trenches by Christmas."""

Henry Ford

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"In New Orleans, the Frenchman's was only a back room, ""but it was where all the greatest pianists frequented,"" recalled ___________, the first real master of the jazz form, who created a synthesis of blues and ragtime. ""The millionaires would come to listen to their favorite piano players.... People came from all over the country, and most time, you couldn't get in."""

Jelly Roll Morton

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"To keep the money coming in, ____________ sometimes wrote stories he called ""potboilers with the required jazz ending"" for the Saturday Evening Post. His early commercial stories, such as ""Bernice Bobs Her Hair"" and ""The Offshore Pirate,"" introduced a new character to American fiction: the independent, determined young woman."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

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In May 1920, two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco, and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both radical anarchists, were arrested and charged with the murder of a paymaster and guard during a payroll robbery at a ___________ outside of Boston, Massachusetts.

Shoe Factory

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"Placing Al Smith's name up for nomination at the 1924 Democratic Convention, _____________ gave a speech designed for the millions of listeners tuned in by radio rather than the fifteen thousand delegates in attendance, revealing his early mastery of the new medium. America needs ""a new leader,"" he declared. ""One who has the will to win—who not only deserves success but commands it. Victory is his habit—the Happy Warrior, Alfred E. Smith!"""

Franklin Roosevelt

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"Upon his deportation back to Italy, Charles Ponzi ""ingratiated himself with the Fascist regime"" and was eventually sent to ____________ to head the local office of an Italian airline. He became a favorite of the business community there and a fixture of the social set. He died in that country in 1949 and was deeply mourned."

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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"The Washington Conference for the limitation of naval armaments convened on November 12, 1921, the day after the _______________, ""amid high emotions and a sense of noble purpose."""

Interment of America's Unknown Soldier

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"Rumer had it that Warren Harding's front porch campaign was the idea of ""Pennsylvania's sardonic Republican boss"" Senator ______________. ""Keep Warren at home,"" he is supposed to have said. ""Don't let him make any speeches. If he goes on a tour, somebody's sure to ask him questions, and Warren's just the sort of d... fool that'll try to answer them."""

Boies Penrose

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Before President Harding appointed him as secretary of commerce, ____________ turned down what was then one of the most lucrative job offers in American history. The Guggenheim family had offered him a yearly salary of $500,000 to manage its mining interests.

Herbert Hoover

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Though the first signal lights were installed in New York in 1923, with the red, yellow, and green warnings adopted from railroad signals, the original traffic signal was invented by William Post, a policeman in __________ in 1920.

Detroit, Michigan

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Rank the events below in chronological order beginning with the earliest. I. The Federal Bureau of Investigation becomes an official agency II. The 18th Amendment goes into effect III. President Wilson urges Congress to pass the 19th Amendment IV. The Model A is introduced to the public in Ford dealership showrooms


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Ernest Hemingway thought of calling his first novel The Lost Generation and made the phrase famous by using it as an epigraph for the book entitled ____________.

The Sun Also Rises

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William C. Durant helped General Motors bounce back with the Chevrolet, a rival of the Model T named for Louis Chevrolet, who was a famous race car driver from ___________.


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". ____________ once told Ernest Hemingway, ""You are all a lost generation...All of you young people who served in the war. You have no respect for anything."" This individual had attended the Johns Hopkins medical school for four years without graduating and drove a Model T through the mud of Flanders as a medical volunteer with the French Army during WWI."

Gertrude Stein

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"Although the 1917 Immigration Act is best known for creating a ""barred zone"" which extended from the Middle East to Southeast Asia in which no persons were allowed to enter the United States, its main restriction was a literacy test intended to reduce immigration from ___________."


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In Nixon v. Herndon, the Court refused to rule on the NAACP's 15th Amendment claims. By sidestepping the question of whether primary elections were elections in which the right to vote was Constitutionally protected, the Court left a clear path by which the Democratic Party in _________ could exclude Black voters from primaries.


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In ____________, justice Oliver W. Holmes, Jr. delivered the unanimous Court opinion stating that while the case may hinge on political action, it dealt with private damages which can be recovered in a lawsuit. The Court also held that the earlier ruling violated the petitioner's 14th Amendment rights.

Nixon v. Herndon

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The language of the 18th Amendment called for Congress to pass enforcement legislation, which was championed by Andrew Volstead, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who engineered the passage of the National Prohibition Act. The Act was conceived by Wayne Wheeler, who served as the leader of the______________.

Anti-Saloon League

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Calvin Coolidge's Address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors is sometimes called _______________ speech.

The Press Under a Free Government

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Which of the following is not accurate concerning the Volstead Act? a. It criminalized the manufacture and sale, but not the consumption, of alcoholic beverages. b. It mandated punishment for a first conviction to be no more than a $200 fine and probation. c. It allowed for home manufacture and alcohol for medicinal and religious use. d. Congress passed it two months before Prohibition took effect.

It mandated punishment for a first conviction to be no more than a $200 fine and probation.

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If it is true that the Mexican has brought to you arms that have fastened a civilization on the Pacific slope, then give him his due. If you give him his earned wage and he proves improvident teach him otherwise; if he is tuberculous, cure him; if he falls into indigence, raise him. He has built you an empire! The excerpt above was written by __________.

Ernesto Galarza

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"In advocating for eugenics, ___________ wrote, ""If the stock of domesticated animals can be improved, it is not unfair to ask if the health and vigor of the future generations of men and women on the earth might not be improved by applying to them the laws of selection."""

George William Hunter

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In Whitney v. California, the founding member of the Communist Labor Party of California was prosecuted under California's ______________ for helping organize a group that attempted economic and political change through the use of violence.

Criminal Syndicalism Act

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A Mitchell Palmer served as attorney general for which U.S. President?

Woodrow Wilson

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I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence. The above words are from a speech given in Cleveland, Ohio, by __________.

Eugene V. Debs

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The excerpt below is from the majority opinion in the case of _______________.In all the states, from the beginning down to the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, the citizens thereof possessed the fundamental right, inherent in citizens of all free governments, peacefully to dwell within the limits of their respective states, to move at will from place to place therein, and to have free ingress thereto and egress therefrom, with a consequent authority in the states to forbid and punish violations of this fundamental right.

United States v. Wheeler

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In the case Wheeler v. United States, who was Harry S. Wheeler?

The Sheriff of Cochise County, Arizona

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"In The Klan's Fight for Americanism, Hiram Evans wrote in 1926, ""in short, the Klansman believes in the greatest possible _______________ within the limits of the American spirit. But he believes also that few aliens can understand that spirit, that fewer try to, and that there must be resistance, intolerance even, toward anything that threatens it, or the fundamental national unity based upon it."""

Diversity and individualism

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"Hiram Evans believed that the essential part of Americanism is ______________ because ""without it, America could never have been created, and without it, she cannot go forward."""


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"Some have said it pitted ""Protestant vs. Catholic, Rural vs. City, Immigrant vs. Native-born, and was the only addition to the Constitution that limited freedoms."""

18th Amendment

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On August 18, 1920, Tennessee voted to ratify the 19th Amendment. A surprise change came when the 24-year-old legislator ____________ changed his vote at the insistence of his elderly mother.

Harry Burn

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During the 1980s, the United States responded to public anger about undocumented immigration by adopting the ______________ of 1986, also called the Simpson-Mazoli Act. This Act prohibited hiring undocumented aliens and proclaimed an amnesty for those continuously in the country since 1982.

Immigration Reform and Control Act

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"During the trial for Sacco and Vanzetti, ""the men were kept in an iron cage."" ""The jury foreman muttered unflattering stereotypes about Italians. In his instructions to the jury, the presiding judge urged the jury to remember their ""______________."""

True American citizenship

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Two months ago, the town was obscure and happy. Today it is a universal joke. The excerpt was written in 1925 by ___________ concerning Dayton, Tennessee.

H. L. Mencken

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"In the 1927 case Buck v. Bell, Justice _____________ wrote in his majority opinion of the value of laws like Virginia's to prevent the nation from ""being swamped with incompetence . . . Three generations of imbeciles are enough."""

Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Before dying of a heart attack in Puerto Rico in 1971, ___________wrote Life Plus 99 Years describing his life and crimes in 1924 Chicago.

Nathan Leopold

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Former Governor of Wisconsin, Proclaimed an anti-war position during WWI and former Senator of Wisconsin describes _________________.

Robert La Follette

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With the advent of the __________ in 1920, Coney Island, with its Boardwalk on the southern end of Long Island, became one of the best-known amusement parks in the United States.


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In the election of ____________, the Republican presidential candidate included General Leonard Wood, Illinois Governor Frank O. Lowden, and California Senator Hiram Johnson. At the deadlocked National Convention, held in Chicago, reports claimed party leaders met in a smoke-filled room at the Blackstone Hotel to select a compromise candidate from Ohio.


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Who studies anthropology under Franz Boas at Barnard College; Wrote the novels Jonah's Gourd Vine and Their Eyes Were Watching God; Was part of the faculty at what is now North Carolina Central University; Known for exploring and writing folklore of Blacks in the rural South.

Zora Neale Hurston

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Nellie Tayloe Ross was the first woman in the United States to serve as governor of a state and the first woman to direct the U.S. Mint. She was elected governor of ___________ in 1924, succeeding her husband who died just prior to the election.


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"In 1921, the head of the Bureau of Public Roads, Thomas H. MacDonald, requested the Army provide a list of roads of ""prime importance in the event of war."" A 32-foot-long map was presented to Congress in 1922 by ____________."

John Pershing

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A legal brief in which data, historical experience, and expert opinions are used to support legal propositions is named for the eventual Woodrow Wilson Supreme Court appointee, ______________ who first used such a brief in the case of Muller v. Oregon in 1908.

Louis Brandeis

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President Coolidge gave Herbert Hoover near-absolute authority to organize federal resources, American National Red Cross volunteers, and the private sector to oversee the government's response to the ________________.

Great Mississippi Flood

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"The second Ku Klux Klan was organized in 1915 near Stone Mountain, Georgia, by ""Colonel"" ________________, a preacher and member of numerous fraternal orders, who had been inspired by D. W. Griffith's film The Birth of a Nation."

William Simmons

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They Graduated from North Western Female College in Evanston, Illinois, in 1859; Succeeded Anne Wittenmyer as president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in 1879; Her autobiography, Glimpse of Fifty Years, was published in 1889; A statue of her was placed in Statuary Hall at the U.S. Capitol in 1905.

Frances Willard

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John Nance Garner, Franklin Roosevelt and ____________ all competed for the Democrat presidential nomination in 1932 held in Chicago, IL.

Alfred Smith

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In 1890, the WCTU established a Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction and named _____________ the national superintendent. She created a system of instruction and sought legislation to make temperance instruction mandatory in public schools. By 1901, every state had laws requiring it.

Mary Hanchett Hunt

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As one of the most important all-Black hit Broadway shows, ____________ was a landmark African American musical credited with inspiring the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and '30s

Shuffle Along

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The Southern Publicity Association had clients such as the Anti-Saloon League, the Red Cross, and, most famously, the Ku Klux Klan. The firm was owned and operated by ____________ and her partner. Within six months of working with the then floundering Klan, 85,000 new members had been recruited.

Elizabeth Tyler

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"The husband-and-wife team of Helen and Robert Lynd collaborated on the Middletown studies, which were some of the first to apply cultural anthropology methods to the study of a modern Western city. The city they chose to represent the ""typical"" U.S. city, which they called Middletown, was actually __________."

Muncie, Indiana

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First published in 1922 by DeWitt Wallace and his wife Lila Acheson, ___________ was a U.S.-based monthly magazine that may have had the largest circulation of any periodical in the world.

Reader's Digest

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"In the wake of World War 1, growing ____________ or ""fear of the foreign"" took hold leading to the passage of multiple restrictions on immigration."


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The ____________ classified the crime it focused on as a federal felony, giving U.S. authorities powers to enforce punishments on participants and officials who failed to protect victims. The bill passed the House 230-199 in 1922 and had the support of President Warren G. Harding, but was repeatedly filibustered in the Senate. No such legislation was passed until 2022.

Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill

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"American journalist and short-story writer ____________ is best known for his book Guys and Dolls, which represented his exaggerated style of ""local idiom to portray a particular class of characters—gamblers, promoters, fight managers, race-track bookies, and other habitués of the street."""

Damon Runyon

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The Birth of a Nation was a landmark silent film, released in 1915, that was the first blockbuster Hollywood hit. It has long been hailed for its technical and dramatic innovations, but condemned for the racism inherent in the script and its positive portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan derived from its source material, the novel ______________ by Thomas Dixon.

The Clansman

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___________ received many honors and awards, including the Medal of Honor by a special act of Congress in 1927, and was appointed brigadier general in the Air Force Reserve by President. Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954. He also wrote several books about his life, one of which won him a Pulitzer Prize.

Charles Lindbergh

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Despite being well-know for his abilities in administration and being appointed to such offices as Secretary of Commerce, ________________ had never been elected to public office before running for president of the United States.

Herbert Hoover

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Bessie Coleman was the first black female aviator in 1921. Because of racism in the United States, she was refused entry into aeronautics schools. She was trained and received her pilot's license in what country?

she was the first black female aviator in 1921. Because of racism in the United States, she was refused entry into aeronautics schools. She died in a plane crash rehearsing for an aerial show.

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John Harvey Kellogg was one of the most famous wellness and nutrition promoters in U.S. history. His sanitarium that hosted numerous well-known guest over the years was originally founded in 1876 in ____________. His use of corn flakes and granola as breakfast foods led to the city becoming the eventual homes of both the Post and Kellogg cereal companies.

Battle Creek, Michigan

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"Known by several nicknames, including ""Hatchet Granny,"" __________ began her temperance work in Medicine Lodge, Kansas, by starting a local branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and campaigning for the enforcement of Kansas' ban on the sale of liquor in the 1890s."

Carrie Nation

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"The term ""teen-ager' was first used at the beginning of the 20th century, but didn't become widely used until after WWII. The emergence of this distinct social group was due most significantly to the increase in compulsory education as well as the independence provided by the _____________."

Use of Automobiles

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"_____________, a popular theory in the late 19th century that the ""survival of the fittest ruled life for humans in society"" helped advance eugenics into a serious scientific study in the early 1900s."

Social Darwinism

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________________ was born in Pennsylvania, but became an avant-garde American writer, eccentric and self-styled genius whose Paris home was a gathering place for the leading artists and writers of the period between the World Wars.

Gertrude Stein

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“The city will be called Middletown. A community as small as thirty-odd thousand ... [in which] the field staff was enabled to concentrate on cultural change ... the interplay of a relatively constant ... American stock and its changing environment.” First published in 1929, The Middletown Studies were sociological case studies of the white residents living in __________ and were conducted by the husband-and-wife team Robert and Helen Lynd.

Marietta, Ohio

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The League of Nations was initially designed with a Supreme Council that would include elected member nations along with five permanent members that consisted of Great Britain, France, Italy, the United States, and ______________.


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"Though no one was ever charged in the bombing of this location, the consensus was that it must have been an act of terrorism performed by ""Reds""—anarchists and communist sympathizers—who wanted to shatter the symbols of American capitalism."

Wall Street

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"_____________, which premiered on October 6, 1927, was the first full-length feature film to have a sound track that included dialogue in parts of the film. It launched the takeover of ""talkies"" in cinema and by 1928 films were released featuring all of the dialogue recorded."

The Jazz Singer

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Originally __________ were places for live popular entertainment; that featured a mixture of musical and comic variety shows.


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"Adopting the slogan ""Two Governors for the Price of One,"" Miriam Ferguson became the first woman governor for the state of ____________ in January 1925."

New York

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This American folklorist and writer associated with the Harlem Renaissance wrote a novel entitled, Tell My Horse in 1938, which included anthropologically based research of her investigations of voodoo in Haiti.

Zora Neale Hurston

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The Teapot Dome Scandal centered around the government giving access to oil reserves in the states of _____________.

Wyoming and California

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The _____________ was founded in Oberlin, Ohio in 1893. By focusing solely on a single issue and effectively using pressure politics, it became on the most effective lobbying organizations of the early 20th century.

Anti-Saloon League

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