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Investigative Interviewing
A structured conversation where one person (the interviewer) seeks to gather information from another (the interviewee) during an investigation.
Purpose of Investigative Interviewing
To obtain accurate and reliable information while respecting human rights, focusing on eliciting facts rather than confessions.
Key Actors in a Crime Scene
Victim(s), suspect(s), and witness(es) are the three main actors in a crime investigation.
What is the goal of an investigation?
To search for the truth and accurately reconstruct the past.
Obstacles in Investigation
Investigator biases, inaccurate memories, cognitive limitations, deception, and pressures to solve the crime.
The Importance of Investigative Interviewing
It affects case resolutions and perceptions of the criminal justice system, where poor interviewing can lead to wrongful convictions.
Success in Investigative Interviews
Achieving extensive, reliable, and relevant information through a humanitarian style and open questions.
Evidentiary Sources in Police Investigation
Evidence comes from physical evidence (20%) and testimonial evidence (80%).
Current Issues with Interviewing
Skills deficits, leading questions, coercive methods, and resulting in low-quality information and wrongful convictions.
Evidence-Based Interviewing
An interviewing approach that is science-based and focuses on information-gathering rather than coercive tactics.
What is a working theory?
A working theory is a provisional idea or hypothesis that guides an investigation, subject to further testing and verification.
Traditional Practice
Accusatory, Guilt-presumptive, Coercive, Risk of false confessions
Evidence-Based approach
Science-based, Information-gathering, Open-minded