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groundwater, glaciers, oceans
3 largest reservoirs of water on Earth
largest source of readily available drinking water
glacial ice
largest freshwater reservoir of water
largest reservoir of water by far
Why do mountain streams form V-shaped valleys?
angle of repose
maximum angle a slope (gradient) can have and remain stable
Slope (gradient) ______ as you move downstream.
Downcutting ______ as you move downstream. (V shape is disappearing.)
River width, depth, volume of water all ____ as downcutting increases.
River width depth, and volume of water all increase as down cutting increases because new ____ joint the main stream.
Drainage basin ____ as you move downstream.
the volume of water that passes a give point in a given amount of time
A x V (area x velocity)
How to calculate discharge:
Q =
When area is increased, velocity ____.
When area is decreased, velocity _____.
braided rivers
What type of river forms a flood plain?
a cutoff meander when two cutbanks join
when two cutbanks join
How is an oxbow formed?
slows, deposited
The river becomes braided at a delta because water ___ down as it enters the ocean. When a river reaches a standing water body, sediment is ______. This creates multiple channels.
semi-arid regions, outwash plains (front of a glacier)
Braided rivers are located in deltas, ___ - ___ _____, _____ ____.
river drainage basins (watersheds)
the area that a river drains
The size of the drainage basin ____ along a river profile.
plots of discharge over time
levees, dams, floodways, floodwalls, retention ponds, zoning maps
5 ways to reduce flooding hazards
create higher banks restricting the flow of water (reduces flooding hazards)
effectively prevent floods by storing water and releasing it in controlled amounts (reduces flooding hazards)
special artificial channels (we dug it) to divert floodwaters (reduces flooding hazards)
have gates that can be closed to protect communities from flooding (reduces flooding hazards)
retention ponds
DELAY THE ENTRY OF ADDITIONAL WATER INTO A RIVER; capture storm runoff (reduces flooding hazards)
zoning maps
avoid building on floodplain!(reduces flooding hazards)
The BIGGER the flood, the ___ the frequency of occurrence.
The _____ the flood, the higher the frequency of occurrence.
The larger the flood, the ____ the recurrence intervals.
The smaller the flood, the ____ the recurrence intervals.
area is reduced
Velocity increases in a channelized river flow because the ___ __ _____. (shorter distance)
flooding, hydroelectric, water, revenue
Pros of Dams:
Controls _____
______ power
Source of ___ and ____
sediment, sand/silt, lower, flood deposits, migration
Cons of Dams:
____ buildup in the lake, pay to remove the sediment.
Loss of ___/___ in delta
____ profile downstream from the dam
Lack of fertile cropland due to lack of ____ ______ (mud)
Fish _____
Meandering river
river type is typical of lower gradient areas; bend in river
outside bank
Greatest amount of erosion occurs in the ____ ___ of a meandering river. Occurs because water flows faster. CUTBANK
inside bank
Deposition occurs in the ____ bank of a meandering river. Occurs because water flow is slower. POINTBAR
outside bank, area where faster flow, erosion dominates
inside bank, area where water is slower, deposition dominates
amount of curves
river distance/straighline distance
How is sinuosity calculated?
braided stream
River or a stream that has wayyy too much sediment in it
Braided shape in a braided stream is because it has so much ____ that there’s several river channels that tend to crisscross.
Sediment accumulate on the upstream side of a river because it causes a slower-moving reservoir area behind it, causing suspended sediment to settle out of the water and deposit on the bottom, essentially _____ it in the reservoir.
radial, trellis, rectangular, dendritic, deranged
5 types of river drainage patterns
radiates out in all directions from a central point.
controlled by a central high point (looks like a mountain)
controlled by rock types that are tilted, ends up being a ridge where water is stuck flowing between them
taking right angled turns
fractured rock is controlling it
doesn’t know where its going.
occurs when there is an extremely low grade