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Nutrient density is the proportion of the nutrients compared to the number of calories the food contains. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
The flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart is called systemic circulation. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
Diastolic pressure is the higher blood pressure and occurs during contraction of the ventricles. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
The wasting away of muscle through lack of use is called hypertrophy. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
Spinal cord
The thick bundle of nerves through which the brain communicates with the body is the sclera. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
Motor neurons relay signals from the central nervous system to other parts of the body. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
Traffic accidents
Falls are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the Unites States. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
You should never use water on fires associated with flammable liquids (including grease) or electricity. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
The steps to control bleeding are pressure point and pressure bandage. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
A benign tumor shows no tendency to spread throughout the body. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
A substance that alters the function of the body in some way is a drug. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
The condition in which a drug user becomes unable to function normally without a drug is called tolerance. True/False if false replace the word with the meaning
Medicines that cause a loss of feeling are called analgesics. True/False if false replace the word with the right meaning
(c.) Pituitary gland
The endocrine gland that is sometimes called the "master gland" because it affects the other endocrine glands is the ___?___.
(c.) vitamins C and E
The vitamins that function as antioxidants are ___?___.
(c.) Liver
The body's largest internal organ is the ___?___.
(c.) Hypothermia
Below-normal body temperature is called ___?___.
(a.) First aid
The immediate medical attention given to a victim of an injury or sudden illness is called ___?___.
(d.) Shock
A life-threatening condition that can accompany almost any serious injury is ___?___.
(d.) Alternate back blows and chest compressions
If an infant is chocking and cannot cry, what should you do?
(b.) Abdominal thrusts
A conscious adult who has respiratory obstruction should be be administered ___?___.
(c.) CPR
An unconscious person who is not breathing should receive ___?___.
(b.) Contusions
All of the following are types of open wounds except ___?___.
(a.) Leukocytes
The cells designed to search out and destroy any organism or substance they do not recognize as part of the body are called ___?___.
(d.) Vaccine
A substance that stimulates the immune system to develop an acquired immunity is a ___?___.
(a.) Hepatitis
An inflammation of the liver is called ___?___.
(c.) Respiratory
Bronchitis is an inflammation that affects the ___?___ system.
(a.) Cardiovascular
Arteriosclerosis is a noninfectious condition affecting the ___?___ system.
(d.) Endocrine
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of the ___?___system.
(d.) Antibiotics
(a.) Analgesics
(d.) Tolerance
When a drug
(c.) Hallucinogen
The drug LSD is a type of ___?___.
(b.) Depressant
Alcohol acts as a ___?___.
(c.) Cigarette smoking
The leading preventable cause of death in the United States is ___?___.
(A.) Anabolic steroids
Imitate male hormone testosterone
(C.) Depressants
Slow down brain activity
(D.) Hallucinogens
Psychedelic drugs
(F.) Narcotics
Relieve pain and produce euphoria
(G.) Stimulants
Speed up CNS activity
The term referring to an unborn child who is distinctly recoginzable as a miniature baby is ___?___.
The nutrients that should provide 45%-65% of a person's total food intake are ___?___.
Strong bands of connective tissue that join bones together are called ___?___.
The largest part of the brain is the ___?___.
The nerve cells of the body are called ___?___.
HELP postition
The drownproofing technique to use while wearing a PFD in cold water is the ___?___.
Three of anything
The most common outdoor emergency singnal is ___?___.
The weather phenomenon that kills the most people every year is _?_.
Risk assessment
The concept of minimizing risk while maximizing benefits is known as ___?___.
The term high blood pressure is known medically as ___?___.
Peer pressure
One of the strongest influences on a teenager's attitudes and actions during adolescence is known as ___?___.
Frequency, Intenisty, Duration
What are the three essential components that allow you to derive maximum benefit from aerobic exercise?
Rest, Immobilize, Apply cold, Elevate
What is the initial treatment for the most general musculoskeletal injuries?
(K.) refers to bones
(B.) refers to the head
(A.) refers to the heart
(D.) refers to the liver
Hepat-, Hepato-
(L.) refers to the lungs
(H.) refers to muscle
My-, Myo-
(C.) refers to the stomach
(J.) refers to a tumor
(M.) means "hard"
Scler-, Sclero-
(N.) means "heat"
Therm-, Thermo-
(F.) means "inflammations"
(E.) means "diseases condition"
(G.) means "science" or "study"
(I.) refers to the nervous system
A doctor who treats diseases and disorders of the nervous system is called a(n) ___?___.
A doctor who treats blood diseases and disorders is called a(n) ___?___.
A doctor who treats skin diseases and disorders is called a(n) ___?___.
A doctor who provides primary care for adults while treating problems of the internal organs is a(n) ___?___.
A doctor who treats cancer is called a(n) ___?___.
A doctor who treats eye diseases and disorders is called a(n) ___?___.