considers 2 or more factors - each factor with 2 or more groups/levels
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2-factor ANOVA
can be independent variables and/or quasi-independent variables; analyze main effect for each factor and interaction between (compute a separate f-ratio for each)
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quasi-independent variable
not manipulated (ex: metabolism)
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main effects
effect of one factor, ignoring levels of other factor; ex: main effect of Factor A (diet) and main effect of Factor B (exercise)
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interaction b/w factors
effect of one factor depends on the level of a second factor; ex: effects of therapy on depression scores depends on whether or not the patient is on medication
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main effects hypothesis
mean differences among levels of one factor
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interaction hypotheses
the effect of one factor depends on the level of another factor
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ordinal interactions
occur when a factor seems to have more of an effect at one level of a second factor than another level) - spreading
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disordinal interactions
indicate a factor has one kind of effect at one level and a different effect at another level - crossover
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distinct F-tests
main effect of Factor A, main effect of Factor B, interaction of A and B
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(variance b/w treatments)/(variance if there is no effect - within)