What was the August Manifesto and why did it fail?
A compromise from Nicholas:
said to establish an elected consultative assembly, or Duma.
set out a complex electoral system which gave all Russian men the right to vote.
ensured votes of the rich were worth more than the votes of the poor.
Failed to win over liberals due to the Duma being consultative instead of legislative, electoral system did not include equal voting and did not contain anything to appease workers or peasants - protests continued.
What was the October Manifesto and how did it succeed?
AM had alienated the middle-class and thus the Tsar responded with the OM:
The gov. would respect individual rights and allow greater freedom of press, expression and assembly.
Universal suffrage for Russian men and equal voting.
Elected Duma with the power to approve or veto laws.
Political parties and trade unions legalised.
Succeeded in winning over a signifiant section of the middle-class.
What was the response of opposition groups to the OM and how did it divide people?
Succeeded in dividing opposition - vast majority of liberals welcomed the OM - believed it was a step towards end of autocracy and the start of a liberal democratic regime.
Radical liberals and socialists rejected it - for some, the reforms did not hold enough power - failed to address peasants desire for land.
How did patriotic violence help support the Tsar?
The Union of Russian People, founded in Nov. 1905, and the Black Hundreds, violent extremist nationalist group, began pogroms against Jews and fights with striking workers for ‘Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality’/Tsarism.
Appeal to racist nationalism helped turn tide of the revolution.
What was the Tsar’s position in late 1905 and what were the limitations?
By mid-Nov. the Tsar was in a much stronger position than before - however, majority of Russia’s workers were still on strike and Soviet leaders were determined to continue fighting for worker’s rights.
How did the Tsar win back the loyalty of the Army and how did they help?
Nicholas ordered back 100,000 troops from Russo-Japanese war to crush the strikes. He won back their support by:
Doubling pay.
Increased rations.
Issued new clothing.
New bedding and medical equipment.
The army and the Okhrana successfully worked together to crush the St Petersburg and Moscow soviet’s and thus destroyed all revolutionary activity.
Why did the Tsar survive the 1905 Rev.?
Most protests were uncoordinated.
OM successfully divided opposition.
Concessions to soldiers won back their loyalty.
Support from the UoRP and BHs.
What was the electoral law?
Law failed to give whet the liberals wanted:
Duma would be selected by indirect elections.
Soldiers, women and some workers were not enfranchised.
Votes were not equal - more power to the rich.