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Lincoln's reconstruction plan.
10% plan
Where was Lincoln assassinated?
Ford's Theater
Lincoln's assassination convinced the North to
imposed harsher treatment on the South.
Which amendment ended slavery?
Which Amendment granted citizenship rights to all Americans, including African Americans?
Which amendment guaranteed the right to vote?
Provided food, clothing, shelter, and schooling for the freed slaves.
Freedmen's Bureau
Carpetbaggers were ___________ who went South for political and economic gain.
The Tenure of Office Act (1867) required the approval of Congress to
Remove a government official from office
Scalawags were Southerners who were loyal to the Republican Party and were
Which president missed being removed from office by 1 vote?
Andrew Johnson
The Compromise of 1877 ended
Assassinated President Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth
Process of charging a public official for wrongdoing.
Thaddeus Stevens was know as "The Great Commoner" and was the most outspoken
Radical Republican
Republican Rutherford B. Hayes won the controversial presidential election of
Who was the First African American to serve in the U.S. Congress?
Hiram Revels
Chief Joseph was the leader of which Native American tribe?
Nez Perce
Red Cloud was the Lakota Chief who led the ambush known as
Chivington's Massacre
Who invented barbed wire?
Joseph Glidden
Chivington's Massacre (1864) was the massacre of Cheyenne and Arapaho Natives by
Red Cloud
Sitting Bull was killed a confrontation over
Ghost Dances
What did Samuel Colt invent?
How much land did the Homestead Act (1862) promise to settlers?
160 acres
The Dawes Act (1887) attempted to assimilate which group into American society?
Which of the following is a reason for the Indian War hostilities?
Taking of Indian lands Killing off the buffalo Broken promises of the U.S. government All the above.
All the above.
Sioux leader who led the defeat of Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn.
Chef Crazy Horse
Cyrus Field engineered the
trans-Atlantic cable
Who is credited with inventing the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
John D. Rockefeller founded the
Standard Oil Company
J.P. Morgan was a ________ who founded the United States Steel Company.
A corporation is defined as
an "artificial legal person".
Capital is defined as money used for
buying goods and services
President Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality warned the United States to avoid
entangling alliances
Manifest Destiny was the belief the U.S. had the God given right to expand from
coast to coast
The United States paid _____________ for Alaska?
$15.5 million
President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy was influenced by ___________________ who wrote "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History"?
Alfred Thayer Mahan
"Remember the Maine" was the U.S. rally cry for which war?
Spanish-American War
Theordore Roosevelt led the Rough Riders during the
Battle of Jutland
The U.S. victory in the Spanish- American War was
decisive, quick and had few casualties.
How much did the United States pay Panama for the canal zone?
$10 million
Why did the U.S. need a canal?
Both shorten shipping routes & military mobility
President Wilson used which policy to deal with Mexico?
"Watchful Waiting"
Assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip
Leaders who negotiated the Treaty of Versuilles
Big Four
President Wilson's foreign policy that rejected Dollar Diplomacy and advocated negotiations, not force.
Moral Diplomacy
Closed the Western Hemisphere to further European colonization.
Monroe Doctrine
Publisher of the New York World, used yellow journalism.
Joseph Pulitzer
Engineer of the Panama Canal.
George W. Goethals
Failed attempt by Chinese nationalists to remove foreign powers from China.
Boxer Rebellion
Sensationalizing news stories to sell newspapers.
yellow journalism
Established the United States as the "international police" of the Western Hemisphere.
Roosevelt Corollary (1904)
Leader who advocated "Hawaii for Hawaiians".
Queen Liliuokalani
Mexican rebel who attempted to provoke a war with the U.S.
Francisco "Pancho" Villa
Wiped out malaria and yellow fever from the canal zone.
Dr. William Gorgas
Called on nations to have equal trading rights and to respect Chinese independence and territory.
Open door policy (1899)
Foreign policy of President Taft which called for the use of military force to protect U.S. businesses interests.
Dollar Diplomacy
Secretary of State who negotiated the purchase of Alaska.
William Seward
Established the U.S. as the sovereign of the Western Hemisphere.
Olney Interpretation (1895)
Foreign policy of President Roosevelt that called for modernizing the army and navy
peace through strength.
Big Stick Policy
Treaty with China that granted the U.S. "most favored nation status".
Treaty of Wanghia (1844)
Buffalo Soldiers/Blue Helmets were African American soldiers who
were under French command due to prejudice.
Nickname given to American infantryman during WWI
The 369th Infantry Soldiers, the first all-black regiment changed American public's opinion on African American Soldiers.
Both Buffalo Soldiers & Harlem Hellfighters
Proved American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) were a force, turning point of the war.
Battle of Belleau Wood
The Triple Entente/Allied Powers consisted of Great Britain, France and
Under what "pledge" did Germany promise to "visit and search"?
Sussex Pledge
Under what "pledge" did Germany promise not to sink unarmed liners?
Arabic Pledge
The German promise to return the lost territories to Mexico.
The Zimmerman Note
What World War I act gave the president the power of censorship?
Espionage Act
What World War I act made it illegal to speak or write against the U.S. government, constitution, flag, and war
Sedition Act
President Wilson's plan for peace and statement of war aims.
Fourteen Points
President Wilson's 1916 presidential slogan.
"He kept us out of war."
During World War 1 Afican Americans served in the miltry and
proved they deserved full citizenship and the right to vote.
During World War I women wore uniforms to prove they
deserved full citizenship and the right to vote.
The Treaty of Versailles ultimately led to
bitterness and sowed the seeds for WWII.
Why did Republicans oppose the League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles?
It violated the U.S. Constitution which permits Congress to declare war.
The increase in the number of people living in a city or metropolitan area
Corrupt party organization of a small group of bosses who control government.
political machines
Pioneer of suspension bridges who designed and oversan the building of the Brooklyn Bridge until his death.
Washington Roebling
Oversaw the completion of the Brooklyn Bridge despite suffering from the effects of the "bends".
Washington Roebling
Who was the political cartoonist who exposed the corruption of Boss Tweed and Tammany?
Thomas Nast
What regions of Europe did the "New" Immigration wave come from?
Eastern and Southern
Under the Chinese Exclusion Act (1892) how long were Chinese laborers banned?
10 years
Under the Gentlemen's Agreement (1907) which country agreed to deny passports to their laborers?
Coins, paper money that is accepted for payment of debts and services.
Legal tender
What are goverument jobs called?
civil service
Republicans who apposed civil service reforms.
Who asessinate President Garfield
Charles Guiteau
What act established the civil service system and the merit system?
Pendleton Act
Monopolies were outlawed by what act?
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
1896 Democratic and Populist presidential candidate, famous for the "Cross of Gold" speech.
William Jennings Bryan
Playwright who popularized the serm "melting pot".
Israel Zangwill
Architect whose innovations led to the building of skyscrapers.
W. LeBaron Jenny
Leader of Tammany Hall and the "Tweed Ring".
William Marcy Tweed
Wrote "The New Colossus".
Emma Lazarus
Assasinated President Mckinley
Leon Czologsk
Designated and sculpted the Statue of Liberty.
Fredric Auguste Bartholdi
What act demonetized silver?
Coinage Act of 1873