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Measures emotional intelligence and social skills. EQ or IQ?
Understanding and managing emotions, both personal and in others. EQ or IQ?
Developed and enhanced over time through experiences and learning. EQ or IQ?
Essential for collaboration, leadership, and workplace harmony. EQ or IQ?
Developed in 1995 by Daniel Goleman; relates to emotional development. EQ or IQ?
Measures cognitive abilities, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills. EQ or IQ?
Analyzing, reasoning, and processing information logically. EQ or IQ?
Inherited traits that remain stable through life. EQ or IQ?
Critical for tasks requiring analytical skills and technical knowledge. EQ or IQ?
Based on early 20th-century tests by Alfred Binet; measures cognitive capabilities. EQ or IQ?
By dividing your mental age with your chronological age times a hundred or using the mean = 100 and standard deviation = 15.
How do you measure IQ?
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test
This test is given to 2-85 year old people and tests an individual’s cognitive visual and cognitive logical.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV, WPSSI)
This test is given to 16-90 year old people and is the most used test in a clinical setting due to covering personality.
Raven’s Progressive Matrix
This test is given to 4-90 year old people and measures the general human intelligence and abstract reasoning.
Self-report, Wong’s Emotional Intelligence Scale, and Observation
What are the three EQ tests?
Empathy, Social Skills, Understanding and Managing emotions, and Discipline
Factors affecting EQ include?
People with this intelligence type have well-developed verbal skills and have a sensitivity to sounds, meanings, and rhythms of words.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
People with this intelligence type have the ability to think conceptually and abstractly and have the capacity to discern logical and numerical errors
Spatial-Visual Intelligence
People with this intelligence type have the capacity to think in images and pictures and can visualize accurately and abstractly.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
People with this intelligence type have the ability to control their body movements and can handle objects skillfully.
Musical Intelligence
People with this intelligence type are sensitive to pitch, rhythm, and knows the chord structure of a song in only a few listens.
Interpersonal Intelligence
People with this intelligence type have the capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations, and desires of others.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
People with this intelligence type have the capacity to be self-aware and in tune with their inner feelings, values, beliefs, and thinking processes.
Naturalist Intelligence
People with this intelligence type have the ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals, and other objects in nature.
Existential Intelligence
People with the intelligence type have the sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about the human existence.
Mental age
It observes how a specific individual at a specific age performs intellectually compared to the average intellectual performance of that individual’s chronological age.
Chronological age
The age of a person measured from birth to te present day.
140 and above
People with this IQ are described as Gifted/Geniuses
People with this IQ are described as Very Superior
People with this IQ are described as Superior
People with this IQ are described as Normal/Average
People with this IQ are described as Border Line and Dull
People with this IQ are described as Morons
People with this IQ are described as Imbeciles
25 and below
People with this IQ are described as Idiots
In Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Quadrant, this is when there is awareness to yourself
Social Awareness
In Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Quadrant, this is when there is awareness to others
Self Management
In Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Quadrant, these are the actions you do toward yourself.
Relationship Management
In Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Quadrant, these are the actions you do toward others.
What is the chance for the general population to develop schizophrenia?
What is the chance for someone to develop schizophrenia if one parent has schizophrenia?
What is the chance for someone to develop schizophrenia if both parents have schizophrenia?
15-30 years old
When do the first episodes of mental illness occur?
A positive self-image, Satisfying relationships with others, and Good decision making
These are the characteristics of good mental health.
Mental health
Pertains to the way your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect your life
Hedonic Well-Being (Inter)
What type of psychological well-being pertains to happiness by increasing pleasure and minimizing pain?
Eudamonic Well-Being (Intra)
What type of psychological well-being pertains to happiness by finding your purpose in life?
Subjective well-being
This concept of mental health may be defined as one’s personal thoughts and feelings about one’s overall state of being; essentially just being happy in life.
Perceived self-efficacy
This concept of mental health is one’s value and worth, effectiveness, and ability in performing a task or ability.
This concept of mental health deals with one’s capacity to separate one’s identity from other significant people.
This concept of mental health is the perception of one’s capacity to perform a function or ability using skills and knowledge, thus achieving desired results at a given time.
Intergenerational Independence
This concept of mental health refers to the relationships between individuals who belong to different generations but may be living separately as independent, autonomous people during a specific time period.
Meaning, achievement, meet potential; once you have acceptance in your vulnerabilities, you achieve this.
Respect, status, pride
Belonging needs
To be part of something, love, friendship
Security needs
The need to feel safe, protected, stable
Physiological needs
The need for food, water, shelter, and clothing
Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give to Others, and Take Notice
The five steps to be mentally active are?