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SIPDE stands for…
Scan/search - Identify - Predict- Decide - Execute
UCLA stands for…
Uphill - Curb - Left - Always
Smith System
Aim high in steering
Get the big picture
Keep your eyes moving
Leave yourself an out
Make sure they see you
Red colored sign means…
Green colored sign means…
Direction, where you can go
Yellow colored sign means…
General warning
Black/white colored sign means…
Blue colored sign means…
Motorist service, evacuation route
Brown colored sign means…
Recreational, historical site
Orange colored sign means…
Construction, maintenance
Fluorescent yellow/ green colored sign means…
School zone, pedestrians, etc.
Purple colored sign means…
Electronic tolls
Steady red light
Red arrow
Applies to direction shown. You can still go right, unless a “no right on red” sign is posted.
Steady yellow
Stop, if safe to do so.
Point of no return
1 car length/ 10mph
Flashing yellow
Flashing yellow arrow
You may turn left when oncoming traffic has a green light but the coast is clear.
Green arrow
You can make a protected turn in that direction
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
Allows pedestrians to safely cross.
License Suspension for first OUI
One year
Vertical rectangular sign
Horizontal rectangular sign
guide/ info
Diamond shaped pavement markings
HOV lane
License suspension for speeding w/ JOL
90 days
3 speeding violations (18+)
30 day license suspensions
Suspension periods for violating night and/ or passenger restriction with a JOL
60, 180, one year (1,2,3 offenses)
Shutting down the car (PEAKS)
Emergency Brake
Seat belts
Starting the car (SKAEP)
Seat belts
Emergency break (off)
Park (out)
Signaling on highway
500 ft before turn
Signaling on backroad
100 ft before turn
High beams show….
350 ft in front of you
Low beams show…
100 ft in front of you
Unless posted otherwise, your speed would not be ____ and ____ if you drive over the limit
Reasonable, proper
Fundamental Speed Law
You must never travel so fast that it is not safe.
Right of way is ____ , not _____
Given, taken
Lane change while moving
Look, signal, look, move!
Hit + run- more serious order
$200 fine 2 year jail, $1000 fine 2 year jail, $5000 2 ½ year jail
Each year in the United States, alcohol causes nearly ___% of all highway deaths
OUI penalties
1st offense: $500 to $5000 fine, one year license suspension
2nd offense: $600 to $10000 fine, two year license suspension
___% of drivers admit to trying to run aggressors off the road
The interaction or cooperation of 2 or more substances to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Distracted Driving penalties (1,2,3 offenses)
$250 and program
$500, program, and insurance surcharge
SMOG stands for…
Signal - mirrors - over left shoulder - go when safe