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the process of making a judgment about the cause or causes of an event
automatic thought
self-related internal dialogue that often interferes with behavior
behavioral signature
the pattern of situation-behavior links the person has established over time and experiences in some specific domain
cognitive assessment
procedures used to assess cognitive processes, mental structures, and contents of consciousness
cognitive restructuring or reframing
the process of taking a different and more positive view of your experience
cognitive therapies
procedures aimed at reducing cognitive distortion and the distress that results from them
cognitive triad
negative patterns of thinking about the self, the world, and the future
an approach to understanding cognition based on the metaphor or interconnected neurons
something assumed to be true until you learn otherwise
dual-process models
models assuming two different modes of cognition-one effortful, one automatic
episodic memory
memory organized according to sequence of events
a specific example of a category member
fuzzy set
a category defined by a set of attributes that aren’t absolutely necessary for membership
implicit knowledge
associations between things in memory that aren’t directly accessible
mirror neurons
neurons that are active both when perceiving an action and when doing the action
an area of memory that stores some element of information
personal construct
a personal mental representation used to interpret events
possible self
an image of yourself in the future (expected, desired, feared, etc.)
activating an element in memory by using the info contained in it, leaving it partially activated
procedural knowledge
knowledge about doing, about engaging in specific behaviors and mental manipulations
the representation of a category in terms of the best member of the category
an organization of knowledge in memory
a memory structure used to represent a highly stereotyped category of events
the degree to which your self-schema is differentiated and compartmentalized
the schematic representation of the self
semantic memory
memory organized according to meaning
social cognition
cognitive processes that focus on socially meaningful stimuli
occurring too fast to be consciously recognized