APFC stands for aims, procedure, findings and conclusion.
Who investigated social identity theory?
Tajfel and Turner (1979)
Which study can be used to support social cognitive theory?
Odden and Rochat (2004)
What is the definition of acculturative stress/culture shock?
The feeling of distress or disorientation experienced by someone when immersed in an unfamiliar set of norms or values.
Which study can be used for the effect of stereotypes?
Spencer (1999) or Shih (1999) [can also use Lewis (1990)- see cognitive approach flashcards for Lewis]
Shih et al (1999) APFC:
Aim: to investigate stereotype susceptibility
P: 46 undergraduate Asian-American women at Harvard university were given a 12-question maths test after having been primed either with questions relating to heritage, gender, or something irrelevant. After the 20-minute test the researchers scored the participants’ tests.
F: Ethnicity condition- 54% correct answers, control condition- 49% correct answers, gender condition- 43% correct answers
C: stereotype susceptibility (or ‘threat‘) caused women in the gender condition to underperform
Shih et al (1999) critical thinking
Small sample size
Researchers did not subsequently ask participants whether they were aware of the stereotypes, although replications have added this condition to results being included
Not generalisable to other ethnic (or otherwise minority) groups other than Asians in the USA
Conducted on psychology students