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What percent of homes in the 1960s were built in the 1950s? What percent of those new homes were in the suburbs?
25% 83%
What invention made in 1948 sparked a revolution in electronics, especially in computers by printing circuits on silicon wafers?
the transistor
What technology company was called the prototype of the "high-tech corporation?" What was the age that brought more technology and innovations called?
International Business Machines (IBM) "information age"
What government institution caused the robust growth of the passenger airline business? What Seattle-based company was the first to bring out the first large passenger jet in 1957? What was the jet called? What long-range strategic bomber design was this jet based on?
Strategic Air Command (SAC) Boeing Company Boeing "707" the B-52
What was the first year in which "white-collar" (office-based occupations) workers outnumbered "blue-collar" (manual labor) workers?
What belief would women return back to as they left war plants following the end of WW2 where they would be stay-at-home mothers?
"Cult of Domesticity"
According to your wife, what television programs depicted the idyllic suburban families of the time, reinforcing gender roles and stereotypes? How many children would there be in an "idyllic suburban family"?
"Ozzie and Harriet" and "Leave it to Beaver" two
What was the name given to the occupations that came to be dominated by females? What type of work would they do the most?
"pink-collar ghetto" Clerical and Service Work
Who was the feminist author of a book published in 1963 giving focus and fuel to women's feelings about the stifling boredom of suburban housewifery? What was this book called?
Betty Friedan "The Feminine Mystique"
What company is credited with the invention of the plastic credit card?
Diner's Club
What was the first "fast-food" style hamburger stand? Where would it first open?
McDonald's San Bernardino, California
What is the Happiest Place on Earth that opened its doors in 1955? Where?
Disneyland Anaheim, California
How many TV stations were broadcasting in 1946? How many a decade later in 1956? According to the book, "why is television called a medium"?
6 442 "Because it's never rare or well-done"
Which three religious orators capitalized on the new medium of television to spread their views? What were their respective religions?
Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Fulton J. Sheen
Baptist, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic
What two baseball teams undertook monumental relocations? Where did they leave from and go to, respectively?
The New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers New York Giants to SF Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers (Flatbush) to LA Dodgers
Who was the chief revolutionary of pop music in the 1950s? Where was he born? What new genre did this artist help create and considered to be "crossover" music?
Elvis Presley Tupelo, Mississippi rock 'n' roll
What Liverpool teens were inspired by the music of Elvis to create their own rock band? What was the name of their band?
John Lennon and Paul McCartney Beatles
Which woman movie star helped popularize new standards of sensuous sexuality? What magazine's first issue did she grace the cover of?
Marilyn Monroe "Playboy"
What Harvard sociologist wrote a novel that portrayed the postwar generation as a pack of conformists? what was the novel called? Which other two authors also portrayed the same ideas in their novels? What were the novels called, respectively?
David Riesman "The Lonely Crowd" (1950) William H. Whyte Jr. and Sloan Wilson "The Organization Man"
"The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit" (1955)
Whose series of books deplored the spectacle of private opulence? What book did the series begin with?
John Kenneth Galbraith "The Affluent Society"
Who were the two major party candidates in the 1952 election? What were their occupations, respectively?
Adlai E. Stevenson (Democrat) and Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) Illinois Governor
Who was Eisenhower's famous red-hunter Vice President? What was Eisenhower's nickname?
Richard Nixon "Ike"
What was the campaign slogan on the buttons that were popular among Eisenhower's supporters? What did Nixon call Stevenson? Where did he sardonically claim that Stevenson had received his Ph.D. from?
"I Like Ike"
"Adlai the appeaser"
"Dean Acheson's College of Cowardly Communist Containment"
What speech by Nixon, named after his dog, saved his spot on the presidential ticket by defending himself against false charges? What dog breed was it? What did one critic remark that the president would be sold like through television?
The Checkers Speech Cocker Spaniel toothpaste
What did Eisenhower pledge that would have a surge of voters vote for him? What was Eisenhower's greatest asset, according to his diary?
to go to Korea personally to end the war His enjoyment of "the affection and respect of our citizenry"
What laws made in 1870s would still mandate racial segregation in public facilities making blacks deal with bizarre social arrangements?
Jim Crow Laws
How many black war veterans were murdered in the summer of 1946 for claiming rights they had when fighting overseas? What black fourteen-year-old was lynched by a Mississippi mob for allegedly leering at a white woman?
6 Emmett Till
What did the Negro have to choose between, according to a black clergyman?
"his hide and his soul"
What African American entertainers toured widely in Europe and Latin America, educating audiences about the horrors of Jim Crow?
Paul Robeson and Josephine Baker
What Swedish scholar published a landmark book exposing the contradiction of the "American Creed" and racism towards blacks? What was the book called?
Gunnar Myrdal "An American Dilemma"
Who cracked baseball's color barrier by becoming the first ever African American to play in the MLB in 1947? What team did he play for?
Jackie Robinson Brooklyn Dodgers
What court case ruled that separate professional schools for blacks failed to meet the test of equality? What pro-black group pushed the case to the Supreme Court?
Sweatt v. Painter (1950) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
What racist act was repealed in 1943? What was banned by the Supreme Court in 1948?
Chinese Exclusion Act racially restrictive housing covenants
What black woman was arrested for sitting in the "whites only section" and refused to give it up on a bus, sparking the Montgomery bus boycott occurring for a year? What Methodist minister claimed that the bus boycotts restored "a sense of dignity" to black people?' Which young pastor at the time did the Montgomery bus boycott catapult to prominence? How old were they at the time?
Rosa Parks Montgomery, Alabama Joseph E. Lowery Martin Luther King Jr. 27
Where was Martin Luther King, Jr. a pastor? Whose prominent Indian's policies did he dedicate himself to?
Montgomery's Dexter Avenue Baptist Church Mohandas Ghandi
What report was commissioned by Truman in 1946 in response to the lynching of black war veterans?
"To Secure These Rights"
Which government body assumed political leadership in the Civil Rights struggle in the 1950s after the election of Eisenhower?
Supreme Court
What Californian Chief Justice was a former Republican governor and ruled in favor of the Civil Rights Movement? What did signs along the highway declare?
Earl Warren "Impeach Earl Warren"
What court case ruled segregation in public schools to be unconstitutional? What Supreme Court case ruling was overturned by this case? What did the justices insist desegregation must go ahead with?
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) "all deliberate speed"
What was signed by hundreds of southern politicians in resistance to desegregation?
"Declaration of Constitutional Principles" (1956)
What would prejudice not succumb to, according to Eisenhower?
Who was the governor of Arkansas that mobilized the National Guard to prevent the integration of Little Rock's Central High School? How many black students were prevented from enrolling, but would eventually get in through the help of the Eisenhower administration? Who was a notable fifteen year old black girl that was part of this group of students that became famous through disturbing photos of whites insulting her?
Orval Faubus 9 Elizabeth Eckford
What did Eisenhower call the Civil Rights Act of 1957? What institution was created by this act to investigate violations of civil rights?
"the mildest civil rights bill possible" Civil Rights Commision
What was organized by MLK in 1957 to mobilize the vast power of black churches on behalf of black rights?
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
What movement was begun by four college freshmen protesting segregation in a Woolworth's lunch counter? (participants went from 4, 19, 85 over course of 3 days. 1000 by end of week) Where did this movement originate?
the "sit-in" movement Greensboro, North Carolina
What committee did southern students form in April of 1960 to give more focus to integration efforts? How was this committee pronounced?
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) "snick"
To what philosophy did Eisenhower pledge his 1953 campaign? What political philosophy did he advise to follow when dealing with people? What political philosophy did he advise to follow when dealing with economy?
"dynamic conservatism" liberalism conservatism
What did some critics call Eisenhower's presidency? What would he guard the Republic from?
"the bland leading the bland" "creeping socialism"
What government institution, established by FDR, did Eisenhower try to curb by encouraging private companies to compete with it?
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
In what operation did the US government deport as many as 1 million illegal immigrants from Mexico?
Operation Wetback
What Native-American policies did Eisenhower attempt to cancel? What act's policies did he want to revert to? When was Eisenhower's termination policy abandoned?
The "Indian New Deal" Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 1961
What act created new roads all across America mainly for defense, but also created countless of construction jobs? How much money was put into this plan? How many miles of road would be built?
The Federal Highway Act of 1956 $27 billion 42,000 miles
What did the 1952 Republican platform call for? What did it condemn "containment" of communism as?
a "new look" in foreign policy "negative, futile, and immoral"
Who was Eisenhower's Secretary of State that would promise to "roll back" the red tides' gains?
John Foster Dulles
What was Dulles' idea to decrease Soviet influence by relegating the army and navy to build up the Strategic Air Command's air fleet of superbombers? What would nuclear weapons inflict on enemy countries in case of hostilities, according to this policy?
a "policy of boldness" "massive retaliation"
Who became the USSR's new premier after Stalin? What program of mutual inspection he reject of Eisenhower's?
Nikita Khrushchev "open skies"
What event exposed the strategic limitations of the "massive retaliation" doctrine as the U.S. would not help?
The Hungarian uprising
Which leader in Vietnam became increasingly communist? Which US president did he first try to appeal to for support of self-determination in Southeast Asia, particularly Indochina? What was communist Vietnam army known as? At what important battle did trap a key French garrison and become victorious?
Ho Chi Minh Woodrow Wilson The Viet Minh The Battle of Dien Bien Phu
At what parallel was Vietnam split? At which conference was this decision made? Who became the South Vietnamese president during this conference? Where was the South Vietnamese capital?
17th parallel Geneva Conference Ngo Dinh Diem Saigon
What dictator did the CIA help to install in Iran as they began to resist gigantic Western companies? Who was the Egyptian president? What crisis did they instigate by trying to build an immense dam on the upper Nile for irrigation and power? Which cabinet officer was responsible for financial help but withdrew because they flirted with the idea of communist camps?
Mohammed Reza Pahlevi Gamal Abdel Nasser Suez crisis Secretary of State Dulles
What group did many Middle Eastern countries as well as Venezuela create in order to manage their oil exports? What countries originally created this organization?
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Venezuela, and Iran
Who was the last president before Eisenhower to enter the White House without winning either house of Congress?
Zachary Taylor (1848)
What American union did congressional investigations especially expose of gangsterism, fraud, and brass-knuckle tactics? Who was this union's leader? What two labor institution merged themselves in 1955 and expel this union in 1957?
Teamsters James R. "Jimmy" Hofa American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
What act was aimed at moderating corruption by having labor leaders account for financial shenanigans and bullying? What previous act did this expand on?
Landrum-Griffin Act (1959) Taft-Hartley Act
What was the name of the Soviet 184 pound "baby moon" that was launched into space? How many pounds was the second "baby moon" launched a month later? What was the first animal to go to space aboard this "baby moon"? What were Americans fearful of after this success?
Sputnik 1120 pounds a dog (aboard Sputnik II) Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
What swept the nation after the Soviets' successful space ventures? What was established by Eisenhower as a result?
"rocket fever" National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
What was one notable failure in American attempts to send an object into orbit? How many pounds was the grapefruit sized satellite sent into space a year later?
The Vanguard missile 2.5 pounds
What act was inspired by the Sputnik scare and passed in 1958 to promote research and teaching in science, engineering, and foreign languages?
National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
Where is the presidential retreat that Eisenhower and Khrushchev met when Khrushchev went to America for the first time? What spy plane flying in the heart of Russia was shot down? Where was the follow-up "summit conference" scheduled for May 1960 supposed to occur before the spy plane was shot down?
Camp David (Located in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains) U-2 Spy Plane Paris
Where would a CIA-directed coup oust a leftist government in 1954?
Who led a communist revolution and came to power in Cuba? What dictator did he oust? What did Washington release Cuba from by cutting off heavy American exports of Cuban sugar?
Fidel Castro Fulgencio Batista "imperialistic slavery"
At what debate with Khrushchev did Richard Nixon extol the virtues of American consumerism over Soviet planning?
the kitchen debate
Who was nominated for president on the Democratic party? Who was the first Roman Catholic to be nominated before him? What Texan was runner up for the Democratic party?
John F. Kennedy (senator from MA) Al Smith (1928) Lyndon Baines Johnson
What did one Baptist minister in North Carolina say regarding Kennedy's nomination?
"I fear Catholicism more than I fear communism."
Who was the Republican candidate for president in 1960?
Richard Nixon
What likely tipped the scales during the 1960 election? How many debates would JFK and Nixon have?
Television Four
Who is JFK's wife?
Jacqueline Kennedy
How old was JFK when elected president, marking him as the youngest person to date to be elected?
Who did JFK solicitously telephone during the 1960 presidential campaign?
Coretta King (MLK's wife)
What did Democrats claim that Eisenhower's presidency was?
"eight years of goofing and golfing"
What did Eisenhower leave office warning the dangers of?
a "military-industrial complex"
What two states were the last two to join the United States in 1959?
Alaska and Hawaii
What city became the art capital of the world after World War II?
New York City
What artist pioneered abstract expressionism? What paintings also created by said artist expressed painter's individuality and made the viewer a participant in defining the painting's meaning? What other artist strove to create these paintings?
Jackson Pollock "action paintings" Willem de Kooning
Who was one of the famous "color field" artists enveloping canvases with bold, shimmering swaths of color?
Mark Rothko
Who was one of the famous "Pop" artists, known for their depictions of mundane consumer items? Who was the other that parodied old-fashioned comic strips?
Andy Warhol Roy Lichtenstein
What new architectural style was used in many of the nation's urban centers? What are two buildings in this style?
"International Style" The United Nations headquarters (1952) and the Seagram Building (1957) (both in NYC)
Which architect was famous for producing strikingly original designs? What museum did he design?
Frank Lloyd Wright Guggenheim Museum (1959) (in NY)
What two authors wrote about soldierly life using realism in World War II? What were the names of their works?
Norman Mailer ("The Naked and the Dead") and James Jones ("From Here to Eternity")
What Chinese architect designed buildings on many college campuses? What other two notable buildings did they design?
I. M. Pei East Wing of the National Gallery of Art (1978) and John F Kennedy Library (1979)
Who was famous for creating simple yet beautiful buildings using plain geometric forms and basic materials? What institute did they design?
Louis Kahn Salk Institute in San Jolla, CA
What two authors wrote about WW2 in fantastic and psychedelic prose? What were the names of their works?
Joseph Heller ("Catch-22") and Kurt Vonnegut ("Slaughterhouse Five")
What psychological concept did the broader culture of literature especially become engaged with?
Freudian Concept (psychological concept by Sigmund Freud)
What was the name given to the group of writers sought self-expression through non-conformism? Who was a famous member of this group? (in makers of america, prob not on quiz)
"Beat" writers Jack Kerouac
What author focused on the feats and failings of ordinary, small-town America in sensual detail through series and novels? What was his series called and what was the first book in this series? What book did he address suburban, middle class infidelity?
John Updike "Rabbit" series, first book "Rabbit, Run" (1960) "Couples" (1968)