Acute Exam 4

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Iggy Chapter 60, 63, 53, 54, 51, 52, 55 (pp. 204-1209)

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Manifestations of renal insufficiency
* decreased urine output
* fluid retention
* edema in the lower extremities
* shortness of breath
* fatigue
* proteinuria
* disturbances in fluid and electrolyte balance
* disturbances in acid-base balance
* buildup of nitrogen based waste in the urine
* loss of kidney hormone function
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Regulatory functions of the kidney
Glomerular filtration- first process in urine formation, filters blood and pulls water, electrolytes, and small particles

* kidneys self regulate their blood pressure and blood flow so this is constant
* increased or decreased depending on blood pressure and blood flow

Tubular reabsorption- second process in urine formation, most water, electrolytes, and small particles are returned to the blood

* kidneys vary the volume or concentration of urine to help regulate fluid and electrolyte balance regardless of fluid intake

Tubular secretion- third process or urine formation, allows substances to move from the blood into the urine

* potassium and hydrogen ions are moved from the blood to the urine to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and acid-base balance
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Hormonal functions of the kidney
Renin- assists in blood pressure control

* released when there is a decrease in blood flow, blood volume, or blood pressure through the renal arterioles, or there is too little sodium in kidney blood
* causes the production of angiotensin II which increases systemic blood pressure
* when blood flow to the kidney is reduced, it prevents fluid loss and maintains circulating blood volume

Prostaglandins- help regulate glomerular filtration, kidney vascular resistance, and renin production

* increase sodium and water excretion

Erythropoietin- produced and released in response to decreased oxygen in the kidney’s blood supply

* triggers RBC production in the bone marrow

Vitamin D- converted to active form in the kidneys

* activated vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium and regulate calcium balance
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CT scans purpose
* to measure kidney size
* to evaluate contour to assess for injury, masses, or obstruction in kidneys or the urinary tract
* assess renal blood flow
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Concerns with using contrast dye with CT scans
* when contrast is used, ensure that there is sufficient oral or IV intake to dilute and excrete the contrast media
* it is potentially kidney damaging (nephrotoxic)
* highest risk for older adults, dehydration, pre-existing CKD, diabetes, heart failure, current hypotension
* those taking metformin should be temporarily discontinued before receiving contrast
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Bladder scans
* noninvasive method of estimating bladder volume
* used to screen for postvoid residual volumes
* determine the need for intermittent catheterization
* before scanning select male or female icon
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Laboratory tests and kidney function
* serum creatinine- no other condition besides kidney disease increases this, creatinine is excreted solely by the kidneys
* blood urea nitrogen (BUN)- kidneys filter this so if it is high it may indicate kidney disease
* glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
* color of urine
* odor of urine
* specific gravity
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Peritoneal dialysis
* allows exchange of wastes, fluid, and electrolytes to occur in the peritoneal cavity
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Complications of peritoneal dialysis
* peritonitis (connection site contamination)
* pain
* exit site and tunnel infections
* fibrin clot formation
* dialysate leakage
* bleeding
* bowel perforation
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* removes excess fluids and waste products and restores fluid and electrolyte and acid-base balance
* involves passing the patient’s blood through an artificial semipermeable membrane to perform the kidney’s filtering and excretion function
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Complications of hemodialysis
* hypotension
* dialysis disequilibrium syndrome
* cardiac events
* reaction to dialyzers
* access complications (thrombosis, stenosis, infection)
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* an acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix that occurs most often among young adults
* condition where the appendix becomes inflamed and filled with pus
* occurs when the lumen (opening) of the appendix is obstructed which leads to infection as bacteria invades the walls of the appendix
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Appendicitis cause
* initial obstruction is usually a result of very hard pieces of feces
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Appendicitis symptoms
*  rebound tenderness in the lower right abdominal quadrant
* nausea
* vomiting
* poor appetite
* fever
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Appendicitis treatment
* appendectomy
* antibiotics
* if untreated can lead to infection (peritonitis) and systemic complications
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Ulcerative colitis
* widespread chronic inflammation of the rectum and rectosigmoid colon but can extend to the entire colon
* periodic remissions and exacerbations
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Ulcerative colitis symptoms
* bloody and mucusy stool
* tenesmus
* lower abdominal and colicky pain relieved with defecation
* malaise
* anorexia
* anemia
* dehydration
* fever
* weight loss
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Ulcerative Colitis treatments
* drug therapy- aminosalicylates, glucocorticoids, antidiarrheal drugs, immunomodulators
* may be kept NPO to ensure bowel rest
* nutrition therapy
* surgical management for complications of UC
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Crohn’s disease
* a chronic disease that presents inflammation in the digestive tract that causes thickened bowel walls
* can affect any part of the GI tract mouth to anus but usually affects the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine
* recurrent with remissions and exacerbations
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Crohn’s Disease symptoms
* diarrhea
* abdominal pain
* low grade fever
* weight loss
* anemia
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Treatments for Crohn’s disease
* anti-inflammatory medications-NSAIDs
* steroids
* immunosuppressive drugs
* vitamins
* antibiotics
* Surgery- bowel resections
* self care- dietary fiber
* enemas
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Colorectal cancer
* cancer of the large intestine
* highly curable, especially if diagnosed early
* major risk factors- older than 50, genetic predisposition, family history of cancer
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Screening for colorectal cancer
* starts at 45
* colonoscopy every 10 years
* people who have a personal or family history will have screening beginning earlier and more frequently
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* small growths covered with mucosa and attached to the surface of the intestine
* most are benign
* significant because some have the potential to become malignant
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Treatment for colorectal cancer
* radiation
* chemotherapy
* colon resection
* colectomy
* colostomy
* abdominoperineal resection
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* life threatening acute infalmmation and infection of the visceral/parietal peritoneum and endothelial lining of the abdominal cavity
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Peritonitis cause
* contamination of the peritoneal cavity by bacteria or chemicals
* perforation- appendicitis, diverticulitis, peptic ulcer disease
* external penetrating wound
* gangrenous gallbladder or bowel segment
* bowel obstruction
* ascending infection through the genital tract
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Peritonitis symptoms
* rigid, board-like abdomen
* abdominal pain
* distended abdomen
* nausea, anorexia, vomiting
* diminishing bowel sounds
* inability to pass flatus or feces
* rebound tenderness in the abdomen
* high fever
* tachycardia
* dehydration from high fever
* decreased urine output
* hiccups
* possible compromise in respiratory status
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Peritonitis treatment
* broad spectrum antibiotics
* abdominal surgery may be needed to identify and repair the cause
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Enteral feedings
* tube feeding
* via NET, NG tube, or NDT
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Why are enteral feedings prescribed
If a patient cannot achieve adequate nutrition via oral intake

* those who can eat but cannot maintain adequate nutrition by oral intake of food alone (older adults or patients receiving cancer treatment)
* those with permanent neuromuscular impairment who cannot swallow (brain attack, severe head trauma, advanced MS)
* those who do not have permanent neuromuscular impairment but cannot eat because of their condition
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Concerns with enteral feedings
* refeeding syndrome
* tube misplacement and dislodgment
* abdominal distension and nausea/vomiting- caused by overfeeding
* fluid and electrolyte imbalances
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* this form of nutrition is introduced into the veins
* administered with an infusion pump
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Care of central line with TPN
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Diabetes and kidney failure
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AV fistula
* an internal anastomosis of an artery to a vein
* do not take blood pressure on this arm
* takes 2-3 months to form
* is used for hemodialysis
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AV graft
* looped plastic tubing tunneled beneath the skin, connecting, an artery and a vein
* do not take blood pressure on this arm
* takes 1-3 weeks to be ready
* used for hemodialysis
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IJ catheter
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Chronic kidney disease
* progressive, irreversible disorder, lasting more than 3 months
* when kidney function and waste elimination are too poor to sustain life, CKD becomes end-stage kidney disease (ESKD)
* different stages based on GFR
* affects all body systems
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CKD fluid restriction
* patient is at risk for fluid overload
* ability to produce diluted urine is reduced
* urine output decreases
* extracellular volume can occur because the body loses the ability to secrete sodium
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CKD sodium restriction
* in the later stages, kidney excretion of sodium is reduced as urine production decreases
* it only takes a small increase in dietary sodium to get hypernatremia because they do not have the ability to excrete it from their body
* sodium can seem falsely low because water is also being retained (dilution)
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* to identify abnormalities of the bladder wall and urethral and ureteral occlusions
* to treat small obstructions of lesions via fulguration, lithotripsy, or removal with a stone basket
* an endoscopy scope is inserted through the urethra into the bladder, urethra, and lower portions of the ureters
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Concerns post-procedure for cystoscopy
* monitor for airway patency and breathing, changes in vital signs, changes in urine output, excessive bleeding, and infection
* observe for the complications of bladder puncture (severe pain, nausea, and vomiting)
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Acute Kidney injury
* when kidney function decline is sudden and results in failure to maintain waste elimination, fluid and electrolyte balance, and acid-base balance
* occurs over a few hours or days
* can be a temporary condition that resolves or can progress to CKD
* affects many body systems, but not all
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AKI causes
* reduced perfusion to the kidneys (blood or fluid loss, heart attack, sepsis, severe dehydration)
* damage to kidney tissue (glomerulonephritis, lupus, blood clot in nearby veins and arteries)
* obstruction of urine outflow (bladder cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, kidney stones)
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Indicators of Acute Kidney Injury
* increase of serum creatinine within 48 hours
* urine volume of less than 0.5/ml/hr for 6 hours
* decreased GFR (is not a good indicator because it can me impacted by many factors)
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Indicators of Chronic Renal Failure
* symptoms from every body system
* extreme changes in…
* creatinine
* sodium
* potassium
* calcium
* phosphorous
* bicarbonate
* hemoglobin
* hematocrit
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* widespread fibrotic (scarred) bands of connective tissue that change the liver’s anatomy and physiology
* in early disease the liver is enlarged and firm
* in later disease the liver shrinks and becomes harder
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Complications of Cirrhosis
* Portal hypertension- persistent increase in pressure within the portal vein that happens due to obstruction or increased resistance of blood flow
* Ascites- collection of free fluid within the peritoneal cavity caused by increased hydrostatic pressure from portal hypertension
* Esophageal varices- when fragile, thin walled esophageal veins become distended and torturous from increased pressure
* Biliary obstruction
* Hepatic encephalopathy- complex cognitive syndrome that results from liver failure and cirrhosis
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Causes of Cirrhosis
* chronic alcoholism
* chronic viral hepatitis
* bile duct disease
* hepatitis C
* hepatitis B
* hepatitis D
* nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
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Signs and symptoms of Cirrhosis

* fatigue
* significant change in weight
* GI symptoms (anorexia, vomiting)
* pain in the abdominal area and liver tenderness


* GI bleeding
* jaundice
* ascites
* spontaneous bruising
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Hepatitis A cause
* RNA virus that can be killed by bleach
* spread via fecal-oral route by fecal contamination
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Hepatitis B cause
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* unprotected sex
* sharing needles
* blood transfusions
* direct contact with infected blood
* birth
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Hepatitis C cause
* RNA virus

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* transmission is blood to blood
* illicit IV drug needle sharing
* blood, blood products, or organ transplant before 1992
* hemodialysis
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Hepatitis D cause
* defective RNA virus
* occurs only with hepatitis B
* transmitted primarily by parenteral routes, mostly IV drug users or unprotected sex
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Hepatitis E cause
* waterborne infection
* caused by fecal contamination of food and water
* not common in the US
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Fatty liver disease
* associated with aging, obesity, diabetes type II, and metabolic syndrome
* can progress to liver cancer, cirrhosis, or failure
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* inflammation of the gallbladder
* can be acute or chronic
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Cholecystitis symptoms
* episodic or vague upper abdominal pain or discomfort that can radiate to the right shoulder
* pain triggered by a high-fat or high-volume meal
* anorexia
* nausea and/or vomiting
* dyspepsia
* eructation
* flatulence
* feeling of abdominal fullness
* rebound tenderness
* fever
* jaundice, clay colored stools, dark urine
* steatorrhea
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Causes of Cholecystitis
* calculous- chemical irritation and inflammation from gallstones that obstruct the cystic duct, gallbladder neck, or common bile duct
* acalculous- associated with biliary stasis caused by any condition that affects the regular filling or emptying of the gallbladder
* chronic- repeated episodes of cystic duct obstruction cause chronic inflammation
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Treatment of Cholecystitis
* treating the pain
* extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy- breaks up large stones
* percutaneous transhepatic biliary catheter- opens blocked duct so bile can flow
* cholecystectomy- surgical removal of the gallbladder
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Causes of Pancreatitis
* premature activation of excessive pancreatic enzymes that destroy ductal tissue and pancreatic cells, resulting in autodigestion and fibrosis of the pancreas
* trauma
* pancreatic obstruction (tumor, cysts, absecesses)
* metabolic problems (hyperlipidemia, hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia)
* alcoholism
* toxicities of drugs
* cigarette smoking and tobacco use
* CF
* gallstones
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Treatment of Pancreatitis
* hydration with IV fluids
* pain control
* drug therapy
* withhold food and fluids (NPO)
* surgical management is not usually indicated
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Complications of Pancreatitis
* pancreatic infections
* hemorrhage
* acute kidney failure
* paralytic ileus
* hypovolemic shock
* pleural effusion
* acute respiratory distress syndrome
* atelectasis
* pneumonia
* multiorgan system failure
* Type II diabetes
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Intestinal Obstructions
* mechanical obstruction
* nonmechanical obstruction
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Different Types of hernias
* indirect inguinal hernia
* direct inguinal hernia
* femoral hernia
* umbilical hernia
* incisional or ventral hernia

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Treatment for different types of hernias
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Different types of IBS
IBS D- diarrhea

IBS C- constipation

IBS A- alternating diarrhea and constipation

IBS M- mix of diarrhea and constipation
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Treatment for different types of IBS
IBS D- antidiarrheal agents

IBS C- bulk forming laxatives