7-50km thick
rocks, minerals, covered by water
surface isn't smooth
thin and brittle
2800km thick
500°C - 3000°C
molten rock, solid, plastic
bottom is solid
rocks move slowly due to convection currents
source of volcanoes and earthquakes
consists of outer and inner core
(unknown thicknesses?)
2900-5100km thick
metals (liquid) - iron, some nickel; not rock
5100-6370km thick
solid iron
pacific plate
north-american plate
eurasian plate
african plate
antarctic plate
indo-australian plate
south-american plate
nazca plate
move through convection currents - core heats up mantle (move matter up) but crust cools it (move matter back down)
as rock push horizontally against plates, friction between plates and rock cause plates to move
put forth by Alfred Wegener
all continents once connected together in a supercontinent - Pangaea
for key observations to support
southern half of Pangaea supercontinent along with northern half - Laurasia
final formation occurred ~ 500 mil years ago
joined now Africa, India, Madagascar, Australia and Antarctica
multicellular organisms had evolved - primitive
genetic similarities indicating shared ancestry exist in flora today
fossil evidence - same species of extinct plants and animals found in rocks of same age but on continents that are now widely separated -> organisms lived side by side, lands moved apart after they were dead and fossilised, organisms would not have been able to travel across oceans
e.g. mesosaurus - swimming reptile but could only swim in freshwater, cynognathus and lystrosaurus - land reptiles that were unable to swim
coral reefs and coal-forming swamps found in tropical and subtropical environments -> ancient coal seams and coral reefs found in locations where is too cold today -> were alive in warm climate zones, fossils and coal later drifted to new locations of continents
matching mountains - mountain ranges with same rock types, structure and ages now opposite sides of Atlantic Ocean -> formed as single mountain range that was separated as continent drifted
glacial striations - grooves and rock deposits left by ancient glaciers found on different continents very close to equator today, indicate that glaciers either formed in middle of ocean and/or covered most of earth, glaciers only form on land and nearer poles -> glaciers were centred over southern land mass close to south pole and continents moved to their present positions