Overall, to investigate dreaming by observing the relationship between eye movement during sleep and dream recall.
To see if eye movement correlated with dream content
To see if dream recall differs between REM and nREM sleep
To see if dreamers could accurately estimate the amount of time they were in REM sleep.
Stages 1 + 2 = Asleep
Light sleep, theta waves
Stages 3 + 4 = Deeper Sleep
Delta waves, difficult to wake someone.
9 adults
7 male, 2 female
5 studied in detail. The remain 4’s results were used to confirm those of the main 5.
Limited generalizability
P’s performed very well!
High accuracy
Dream narrative (self report) word count matched the duration of time that the P was in REM sleep.
For example, P’s woken after 5 minutes of REM sleep had a shorter dream narrative.
P’s woken after 15 minutes of REM sleep had a longer dream narrative