This is a set with ALL images from unit 2. Image 30 is out of place, idk how to fix it, sorry. Since unit 2 has 36 images in it I have split it up into 2 sections and you can find those two sets on my page. For easy memorization of the image's ID's I have split each work into 3 flashcards that have their time period, material, and location.
#12 White Temple and its zigguart - Time Period
3500-3000 BCE
#12 White Temple and its zigguart - Material
Mud Brick
#12 White Temple and its zigguart - Location
Uruk (modern Warka, Iraq)
#13 Palette of King Narmer - Time Period
3000-2920 BCE
#13 Palette of King Narmer - Material
#13 Palette of King Narmer - Location
Egypt, Predynastic
#14: Votive Statues - Time Period
2700 BCE
#14: Votive Statues - Material
Gypsum Inlaid w/ shell and black limestone
#14 Votive Statues - Location
Tell Asmar, Iraq
#15 Seated Scribe - Time Period
2620-2500 BCE
#15 Seated Scribe - Material
Painted limestone
#15 Seated Scribe - Location
Saqqara Egypt, Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty
#16 Standard of Ur - Time Period
2600-2400 BCE
#17 Great Pyramids and Great Sphix - Location
Giza, Egypt, Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty
#16 Standard of Ur - Material
Wooden inlaid with lapis
#16 Standard of Ur - Location
Royal Tombs at Ur, Iraq
#18 King Menkaura and Queen - Material
#17 Great Pyramids and Great Sphix - Time Period
2550-2490 BCE
#18 King Menkaura and Queen - Location
Egypt, Old Kingdom, Fourth Dynasty
#17 Great Pyramids and Great Sphix - Material
Cut Limestone
#19 Stele of Hammurabi - Time Period
1792-1750 BCE
#19 Stele of Hammurabi - Material
Basalt relief
#19 Stele of Hammurabi - Location
Babylon, Susia Iran
#20 Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall - Time Period
Temple: 1550 BCE & Hall: 1250 BCE
#18 King Menkaura and Queen - Time Period
2490–2472 BCE
#20 Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall - Material
Cut sandstone and mud brick
#20 Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall - Location
Karnak, Egypt, New Kingdom 18th and 19th Dynasties
#21 Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut - Time Period
1473-1458 BCE
#21 Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut - Material
Painted limestone
#21 Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut - Location
Near Luxor, Egypt. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty
#22 Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and three daughters - Time Period
1353-1335 BCE
#22 Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and three daughters - Material
#22 Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and three daughters - Location
Egypt, New Kingdom (Amarna), 18th Dynasty
#23 King Tut’s Tomb, Innermost coffin - Time Period
1323 BCE
#23 King Tut’s Tomb, Innermost coffin - Material
Gold with inlay of enamel and semi precious stones
#23 King Tut’s Tomb, Innermost coffin - Location
Egypt, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty
#24 Last Judgment of Hunefer, from his tomb (page from Book of the Dead) - Time Period
1275 BCE
#24 Last Judgment of Hunefer, from his tomb (page from Book of the Dead) - Material
Painted papyrus scroll
#24 Last Judgment of Hunefer, from his tomb (page from Book of the Dead) - Location
Egypt, New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty
#25 Lamassu from the Citadel of Sargon II - Time Period
720-705 BCE
#25 Lamassu from the Citadel of Sargon II - Material
Alabaster Sculpture/relief
#25 Lamassu from the Citadel of Sargon II - Location
Neo Assyrian. Iraq
#30 Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes - Time Period
520-465 BCE
#30 Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes - Material
#30 Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes - Location
Persepolis, Iran. Persian
Image 26: Athenian agora - Time period
600 BCE - 150 CE
Image 26: Athenian agora - Material
Image 26: Athenian agora - Location
Archaic-Hellenistic Greek
Image 27: Anavysos Kouros - Time period
530 BCE
Image 27: Anavysos Kouros - Material
Marbles with remnants of paint
Image 27: Anavysos Kouros - Location
Archaic Greek
Image 28: Peplos Kore from the Acropolis - Time period
530 BCE
Image 28: Peplos Kore from the Acropolis - Material
Marble w/ painted details
Image 28: Peplos Kore from the Acropolis - Location
Archaic Greek
Image 29: Sarcophagus of the Spouses - Time period
520 BCE
Image 29: Sarcophagus of the Spouses - Material
Image 29: Sarcophagus of the Spouses - Location
Image 31: Temple of Minerva - Time period
510-500 BCE
Image 31: Temple of Minerva - Material
Temple: wood, mud brick/tufa & Terracotta sculpture
Image 31: Temple of Minerva - Location
Veii, near Rome, Italy; Artist: Master sculptor Vulca
Image 32: Tomb of the Triclinium - Time period
480-470 BCE
Image 32: Tomb of the Triclinium - Material
Tufa and fresco
Image 32: Tomb of the Triclinium - Location
Traquinia, Italy. Estruscan
Image 33: Niobides Krater - Time period
460-450 BCE
Image 33: Niobides Krater - Material
Clay, red figure technique
Image 33: Niobides Krater - Location
Classical Greece; Artist: Anonymous, known as the Niobid Painter
Image 34: Doryphoros (spear bearer) - Time period
450-440 BCE
Image 34: Doryphoros (spear bearer) - Material
Image 34: Doryphoros (spear bearer) - Location
Image 35: Acropolis - Time period
447-410 BCE
Image 35: Acropolis - Material
Image 35: Acropolis - Location
Athens, Greece
Image 36: Grave stele of Hegeso - Time period
410 BCE
Image 36: Grave stele of Hegeso - Material
Marble and paint
Image 36: Grave stele of Hegeso - Location
Classical Greek, attributed to Kallimachos
Image 37: Winged Victory of Samothrace - Time period
190 BCE
Image 37: Winged Victory of Samothrace - Material
Image 37: Winged Victory of Samothrace - Location
Hellenistic Greek
Image 38: Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon - Time period
175 BCE
Image 38: Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon - Material
Marble (architecture and sculpture)
Image 38: Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon - Location
Asia Minor, Hellenistic Greek
Image 39: House of the Vettii - Time period
2nd century (200) BCE
Image 39: House of the Vettii - Material
Cut stone and fresco
Image 39: House of the Vettii - Location
Pompeii, Italy. Imperial Roman
Image 40: Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun - Time period
100 BCE
Image 40: Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun - Material
Image 40: Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun - Location
Pompeii. Republic Roman
Image 41: Seated Boxer - Time period
100 BCE
Image 41: Seated Boxer - Material
Image 41: Seated Boxer - Location
Hellenistic Greek
Image 42: Head of a Roman patrician - Time period
75-50 BCE
Image 42: Head of a Roman patrician - Material
Image 42: Head of a Roman patrician - Location
Republic Roman
Image 43: Augustus of Primia Porta - Time period
Early first century (100) CE
Image 43: Augustus of Primia Porta - Material
Image 43: Augustus of Primia Porta - Location
Imperial Roman
Image 44: Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) - Time period
70-80 CE
Image 44: Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) - Material
stone and concrete
Image 44: Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater) - Location
Rome, Italy. Imperial Roman
Image 45: Forum of Trajan - Time period
Forum and markets: 106-112 CE; column completed 113 CE