nutrients, too large, cells
The food that we eat contains lots of __________, but most of them are ___ _____ to be taken in by our _____.
by digesting those nutrients (making them smaller) so they can be used
How do we take in the nutrients from our food?
ingestion, secretion, mix and propel, digestion, absorption, defecation
What are the six basic functions of the digestive system?
taking food into mouth
What is ingestion?
cells that line digestive tract secrete chemicals that aid in the breakdown of nutrients
What occurs in secretion?
muscle contraction helps to mix and move the food through the tract
What occurs in mix and propel?
a mechanical and chemical process
What is digestion?
when the products of digestion are brought into the cells that line the GI tract
What is absorption?
anything that’s not absorbed leave the body as feces via the anus
What occurs during defecation?
cells and bacteria
What does anything that’s not absorbed include?
a tube formed from four layers of tissue
What is the digestive system essentially?
inner lining, cells that secrete enzymes, chemicals for digestion, blood and lympathic vessels, lympathic nodules that hold immune system cells
What is the mucosa? What does it contain and what does each thing do? (4 things)
after mucosa, connective tissue, blood and lymphatic vessels
What does submucosa come after? What is it mostly?
muscle tissues, involuntary, help to propel and break up food
What does muscularis layer contain? Is it voluntary or involuntary? What does it do?
the outermost layer
What is serosa?
Is any part of the digestive system under voluntary control?
chemical and stretch receptors, throughout the digestive system, outside influence such as fear, stress, anger
What do the muscles and cells of the GI tract respond to? Where are these located? What else can they respond to?
a large serous membrane, covers many of the digestive organs
What is the peritoneum? What does it do?
many folds that bind the organs to each other, contain blood and lympathic vessels
What does the peritoneum have? What do they contain?
greater omentum, drapes over the small and large intestines like a fatty apron
What is the largest fold of the peritoneum? What does it do and what is that similar to?
many fat cells and lymph nodes
What does the greater omentum contain?
immune cells, help to combat infection
What do the lymph nodes in the greater omentum hold? What do these do?