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Defense Mechanism
Freud first elaborated this idea in 1926 in his daughter Anna
Defense Mechanism
It is an Psychological strategies that are unconsciously used to protect a person from unacceptable thoughts or feelings
Defense Mechanism
It involves a distortion of reality in some way to cope with a situation.
Repression, Regression, Reaction Formation, Projection, Displacement, Introjection, Fixation, Sublimation
What are the Types of Mechanism?
Whenever the ego is threatened by undesirable ID impulses, it protects itself by repressing those impulses; that is, it is forces threatening feelings into the unconscious.
Reaction Formation
One of the ways in which a repressed impulse may become conscious is through adopting a disguise that is directly opposite its original form.
People redirect their unacceptable urges onto variety of people or objects that posses less threat
Psychological concept that described persistent attachments to people or things from childhood into adulthood.
A defense mechanism in which a person abandons age-appropriate coping strategies in favor of earlier, more childlike patterns of behavior. This regression is a form of retreat, bringing back a time when the person feels safe and taken care of.
Individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person
defense mechanism whereby people incorporate positive qualities of another person into their own ego
A mature type of defense mechanism wherein socially unacceptable impulses or idealization are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behaviors.
Oral Stage
The mouth (activities like sucking, biting, and breastfeeding)
Anal Stage
Erogenous Zone: The anus, with a focus on toilet training.
Phallic Stage
The Oedipus or Electra complex, where a child experiences unconscious attraction toward the opposite-sex parent and rivalry with the same-sex parent.
Latency Stage
Erogenous Zone: Inactive sexual impulses
Genital Stage
Primary Conflict: Establishing meaningful and healthy romantic relationships